Ramblings Of A Mad Man - Time.

in #time7 years ago

The Ramblings of a Mad Man - Time.png

Hey lets talk about time! Well what could I possibly talk about when it comes to time, I have constraints, constraints and boundaries due to lack of knowledge, but I'm happy I'm aware of these shortcomings and attempting to learn more. I need to learn more about time and its potential because lets be honest if time was a sellable commodity those who'd sell it would be extremely financially wealthy, but then there are those who use their time wisely and spend it well already, I admire and want to adhere overwhelmingly more to the latter.

I question my understanding of time greatly, especially in recent weeks, and I'm not oblivious to the time I've been wasting lately, this can be perceived in many ways. I can and do feel guilty at times when I'm wasting my time working a job which I'm not passionate about, but then I realise I'm sacrificing my time to earn money to do something I feel very passionate about in the sense of travelling, but I cant accept that as a repetitive nature of what my life will conform to. For example 6-months doing something I'm uninterested and not passionate about to then doing 6 months of something polar opposite, as much as my head may be in the clouds in believing that it's possible that I can shape my life and the lifestyle that I go by into my perfect adaptation of my vision, but then I'm truly the only one that can do that. Right? I need to be a full participant in my life.

The frustrating fact for me to wrap my head around is that everyone has the same 24-hours, but yet people are able to do so much with it, they're time rich. I admire people that are able to achieve so much within the measly 24-hours we have each day which is normally filled up with a lot of nonsense, from pointless conversations to doing tasks you just don't care for. However this is also a great lesson right? A lesson in patience, tolerance and acceptance, still though I would much prefer to understand these factors when I'm doing activities I enjoy and ones that add and build me up as a person in a more productive sense. It's time to try and start to control my 24-hours, to achieve more than I am right now, I look so often at how I spend my time and just shake me head, it's sad. I don't have forever, no one does.


I got to go see Professor Brian Cox the other week with my brother, it was honestly one of the best performances I've seen in a long time live, and it came at such a great time as it helped reaffirm knowledge that both my brother and I have digested over the previous months watching his mesmerising and quite frankly mind blowing programmes. Brian Cox has helped me to understand humans, nature, the universe and even time better. Time is beautiful in how it can tell us about the past, present and future, how it is infinite, but also how it's mind boggling in the fact that saying that I'm writing this at this moment, that that moment has passed, it's momentarily there, WHAT THE HELL!? Time is the essence of life, and it's amazing how their was once a time without clocks and where nature was relied on with particular calculations to understand the time of day, but yet we still don't truly understand time, The Mayans, Newton, Einstein, and it's still unknown.

So time wasn't around till space which was caused by the Big Bang (that's if you believe it - I certainly do!), and since the Big Bang we've had time which is infinite in only one direction, that is due to the continuous and rapid expansion of our universe as we know it. This is determined by light travelling to us and over the years more becomes apparent as it travels through light years (that's what I understand), we can fortunately study a thing called Cosmic Background Radiation (CRB) - the oldest light in our universe! However I still wonder due to me naivety to the whole topic as to what there was before the Big Bang and I remember Brian Cox mentioning that in an episode and my mind was a piece of mush at this new thought. Was time present before the Big Bang and during the Hot Big Bang, was their a universe before ours which pummelled into itself?


(Image Credit: http://www.myastrologybook.com/Big-Bang-cosmic-microwave-background.htm)

It's mental how time is perceived, how it is relative to a circumstance, how it can now be slowed down afterwards with filming equipment where you're able to see even more details as these seconds are dramatically slower in our perception. But then is time slower for some animals such as flies who see everything in slo-mo, 7 times slower than us, but it's not just flies who are limited to it as other animals also have a relative time perception due to the size from squirrels to cows, due to their mass time feels like it's moving at a different rate. To be fair I'm still boggled about time, I still know nothing about time, I still have so much reading to do, I wonder if time is infinite, is there an end to it, will the potential Big Rip occur (pretty awesome and equally terrifying phrase) and time be no more??

I don't think I'll ever fully grasp time to its full extent, well if I was to I guess I'd have to be pretty amazing in physics which I'm certainly not, that's why I don't think I'll delve into Planck Time. I'll continue learning at my own pace, trying to absorb as much as possible, even though it leads me to having to re-watch a lot of the education programmes I feast upon with my brother, ultimately it can only progress my understanding of why on earth I'm here, what's around me, how can I be open and mindful to my individual tick-tock and ultimately how can I use it to my best advantage through my understanding.

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I hear you @hopefulvagabond, those times when I was working the job I'm not really passionate about, to be able to afford the time to travel and live the life I want for the moment.

Those sacrifices we make...there's no shortcut, perhaps all are just

A lesson in patience, tolerance and acceptance

Yeah it's tough to stay positive in situations where you're going against the ideal current of your own...

What advice of your own would you give people aiming for wanting to break free from the norms and follow their passions? (I read your article about becoming a Travelpreneur the other day) so it's nice to hear from those that have done it themselves

@hopefulvagabond Yes, that post would help, I listed there the sources, websites and skills you can look into.

I had already participated in this normal pattern of the society - finish school, get a career, work for years. Until I couldn't take anymore so I just quit and traveled. It was hard because I wasn't doing any of what I have posted in "becoming a travelprenur", at the beginning. Everything just started to come together as opportunities came along the way.

I guess my advice is that when the "time is right", when you're already prepared to take the journey (savings, sold your stuff, etc), then just have the courage to leave and travel somewhere (sounds easier said than done). Now that you have all the resources online, you can prepare maybe before you leave (to somehow alleviate the anxiety of not having the security of a job anymore).

First thing I did was signed up for - https://www.workaway.info/. There you can find volunteering opportunities. Decide where you want to go, what you want to do and look here for the volunteering opportunity that interests you. Message them. Volunteering is good as it gives you more ideas about your next step, letting you take your time in a place, minimize expenses (accommodation is usually free, food too!) and you'll meet amazing people from all over the world, doing the same.

This post might be able to help you too, :)


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