Time's running out- 14 tips to manage your time better. Part 1

in #time-management7 years ago (edited)

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Do you know the only thing everybody in this world have in common, no matter how much money, fame or luxury they have? Time, yeah, the same twenty four hours in a day and although this might not come as a surprise to you, it's worth remembering every once in a while that behind every success, there is a human being doing his or her best day after day. People are capable of changing the rules of the game at any point and the thing that makes all the difference is how they choose to spend their time. For today's post, I'm going to share with you tips to manage your time better. Since most of our waking hours are spent working towards our goals and achievements, having a good understanding of this resource allows you to master it and accomplish more in less time and not only this, but it would improve other aspects of your life as well. Before digging into this post, here's a quick disclaimer; management of time really doesn't exist, what I mean by this, is that time simply passes, you can't stop it, change it or make it bend depending on your wishes, what you actually have to do when "managing your time" is to actually manage yourself and the way you approach everything you do, that being said, let's get to it. Here are tips to manage your time better.

  • Set goals and rewards


Setting your goals us crucial for planning your day, by setting your goals you can create proper targets and you won't fall off schedule, before deciding your objectives, you have to look deeply inside and ask yourself if you want to achieve those things. Knowing your ambitions can help you out your productivity, help you to see the bigger picture and help you do as many things as possible in your twenty four hours. Also, after every goal you achieve you can reward yourself, these rewards can go from sweets to food to short periods of time which you do nothing just relax or watch a short video.

  • Prioritize your task

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Sometimes you can't do everything or you don't have enough time to do everything, that's why it's important to set your priorities right. An effective way to do this is to manage your priorities by dividing them into the following categories;

  • Important and urgent

  • Tasks that need to be done right away

  • Important but not urgent

  • Tasks that appear important, you can decide when to do them, but not before the first category

  • Urgent but not important

  • Tasks that need to be done as soon as possible but when completed don't have any lasting value
    Not important and not urgent; these tasks are usually leisure activities or things you don't really need to do, you only want to do.
    Doing this will give you a better view on your tasks and which ones need to be dealt with first.

  • Learn to delegate


So, your goal is to do more in less time right? Because you can't expand time or get more hours in a day, you can achieve this by either getting more efficient on how you use the time you already have or delegate. Delegating means letting someone else take the lead on your responsibility and trusting the outcome is the desired one. Depending on the type of responsibilities you're dealing with, you can delegate small tasks like hiring someone to schedule your time during the day or pick up your suit from the dry cleaners, or you can go even bigger and delegate work related tasks. This requires a bit of a setup on your side and investing time in finding the right person you can trust, in long term, it's worth it.

  • Start with small tweaks in your schedule

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You don't need to change everything in your life at once in order to fit a specific time management scheme in there and if you're just beginning to work on this matter, it's also not advisable since you'd most likely give up easily. Something small like waking up ten minutes earlier every morning and cut down twenty minutes of the social media mindless scrolling, this would give you a whole thirty minutes to read more of the things you're interested in OR practice a skill you've been putting off for so long. Maybe it doesn't sound like much, but thirty minutes per day means two hours and ten minutes every week in which you're working on getting better.

  • Set clear deadlines

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How much time do you have to finish your assignments? When do you need to complete your tasks? If you don't know these things, it'll be hard for her to keep track of your time. It's easier to be on time and do everything when it should be done if you set clear deadlines for each and every chore. If you choose your time limit on each task, it'll be easier for you to complete it and keep track of them and also on your time. You can mark your deadline on your list of assignments in your organiser or on your calendar. A calendar can be really useful and important if you're trying to manage your time better, whether you use a classic paper one or an app, a calendar can help you know what you have to do and when.

  • Plan your meals ahead

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Eating takes up a lot of your time and deciding what to eat, even more time. Up to one hour a day can be shaved off by scheduling your meals in advance. If you like home cooked food, allocate, two to three hours every Sunday evening to cook or prepare your meals in advance, even writing them down helps. If you're into takeouts make sure you write a list of the restaurant you're going to order from in advance and try choosing what to eat in advance as well.

  • Say NO to multitasking

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The multitasking concept refers to a person dealing with more than one task at the same time. Despite what you may think, multitasking is not that efficient and it doesn't save your time, on the contrary multitasking will make you complete task in low quality and will actually slow you down, you also might miss out on some important details. When you multitask, your attention is divided between two or more tasks which makes your brain switch fast between them instead of focusing on just one to complete it as fast and as well as you can, it take you a few minutes to switch between assignment and start to concentrate again moreover multitasking can take away your ability to think creatively because it takes up a lot of your temporary brain storage, so be careful when you do it.

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

You can mark your deadline on your list of assignments in your organiser or on your calender.
It should be calendar instead of calender.

Change effected, thanks

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