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RE: Today I Learned About Self Authoring
Yeah, JP has good info, mostly all accurate presentation info. I went through most of his 2014 and 2015 work on Maps of Meaning and Psychology. Good insights into many thing, overall great.
In this intro (or more in Part2?), he talks about this self authoring self inquiry work, where people evaluate themselves as part of the semesters works. And they learn more about themselves.
I just went to his sites... damn they changed in 6 months lol. Sleek.
Let me know how the program goes.
what a small world! I though it was the kind of arcane thing only a weirdo like me enjoy looking into. Glad to you man, we definitely need to hangout.
Hehe for sure.
I do work on psychological and philosophical issues as well, although I'm not academic. Posts from today and yesterday:
Choice and Decision-Making Require Emotion, but Shouldn't be Focused on Emotion
Know Thyself - The importance of understanding the functionality of consciousness, psyche, mind, self