
I have to reply here due to nesting :) Ahh, okay, I'm trying to follow, but interest on what exactly? I wasn't making money on posts at the time, maybe a little on one or two. The only way I was bringing money in was through curation, so the interest was on the curation? Or just any money being brought in period? And I can't see what's in my rewards past the last five days, but my husband was keeping track for awhile and he noticed a huge drop.

The interest was just for any SP in your wallet. So the more SP you had the more interest you made. You still make interest but the amount is tiny now. I think it went from 90% of the pool all the way down to 5% (not sure but that steemitblog post I linked should say it)

Okay, kind of amounts to the same thing lol. Unless you don't care about sp and your focused on steem dollars. But to invest yourself in this platform sp is really the more important of the two overall...., especially since having more sp will increase your steem income over time anyway. Guess I wouldn't have voted for those changes haha!

The focus has really shifted from having long term large stake holders to having more content creators and speculators. Content is king, and although it took me a while to come around to the dramatic changes to the economics, I do think we're headed in the right direction now. STEEM is to be the cryptocurrency we bootstrap to the masses. SP is a use that gives steem use value. Steem Dollars are more of a smart contract to trade with steem. It's incredibly valuable in my eyes to bringing non-crypto people into the crypto world, as a liquid currency can be scary to people who are new to it.

"Smart Contracts cannot fix Dumb People"
"The theory of jointly deciding to fund efforts will face the reality of individual self interest, politics, and economics. There will be rapid defecting (splitting) as people realize there is little to be gained "

The biggest problem I see then, is can we get this running smoothly, can we bring up the value of steem before a new site comes along with the same premise but using bit coin instead? That could crush us because if there's any crypto that the masses are coming around to it's bit coin-it's not only been around the longest but it's proven its value. In just a short period of time I have really come to love steemit, I would hate for it to go the way of myspace. I feel a bit of urgency right now, that's why I am dropping in on these posts despite my difficulty comprehending anything technical or math based. If I can wrap my brain around it then I can break it down in layman's terms even further than it's being broken down, or put it in a way that others like me will understand. We need people to care, a lot of people to care, to push this forward and face the inevitable obstacles. People can't be naive about this, right now there's a site being developed called, and it is a similar platform, and it is based on bitcoin. And there are others, though that one is the closest to launch.


there's a site being developed called, and it is a similar platform, and it is based on bitcoin

If I'm not mistaken, this is just another tipping platform - a model that as been tried and failed a hundred times now. I have no idea if bitcoin could implement something more similar to steemit, but even if they could here's why I think they will still fail.

Unless they have a complete change of development team, because of those who are petrified of making any changes to the blockchain

  • the fees for exchange of bitcoin are high while exchanging steem and many other cryptos is free
  • the backlogs are another issue, the bitcoin blockchain cannot sustain but refuses to change because their value is being held up by maximalists who don't believe in change
  • people will continue to move away from bitcoin out of dissatisfaction and the fact that there are thousands of alternatives right now, only one needs to become stable enough to compete! SBD gives us that potential because when people leave a stable currency they will seek out another stable one to rest on.
  • and that will be a temporary rest while they work out where to go, but SBD will introduce them to STEEM and at least we then have their attention.

Also I'm personally uncomfortable holding bitcoin at the moment because of the MMM ponzi scheme going on in Nigeria and on the bitcoin blockchain at the moment. That has the potential to dramatically collapse the bitcoin rise...

That's just my personal speculation though

Oh I'm not saying another platform based on bitcoin would definitely take over, not by any means or I wouldn't be here working so hard. But it could because people in general would trust it,not those who are highly educated in crypto maybe, but I'm talking about the masses. And it especially could if steem is weak when it launches. Just look at the sign in page for steemit, it's awful. In a post I compared it to a white building with a steel door. Now when you open the door there's lots of cool things inside, tons of color and music and culture. But while judging a book by its cover might be advised against it unfortunately happens all the time and people just aren't opening the door. God, I've been working on my brother for weeks now, granted he just had a new baby, but that wouldn't have stopped him from making a facebook account. steemit is daunting to people. Another friend of mine was curious and I explained it as easily as possible, totally talking it up. She's not here. I've pitched it on fb and nothing. Seriously, I got a whole bunch of likes and not a single comment or question. I don't think all of the introductory videos on youtube about it are helping either, the one I watched before getting on here made my head hurt it was so complicated. I pushed forward anyway, but look around, there is a certain caliber of people here for the most part---which admittedly I like. A lot. In fact a large part of me would hate to see that change. But if it doesn't, than a will come along and eclipse it. Just for having better marketing and a friendly sign up page.
We only stand a chance if we stand together. If people are willing to work to keep it going. Have you been to the introduceyourself page lately? You know that older woman who commented on your post today? Well I saw her introductory post and there was only one person who greeted her and they were a total dick, attacking her ideas of social reform and basically her as a person. It's a miracle she didn't get turned off! I clicked on several more and it was lucky if there was one or two people saying a generic Welcome and that's it. The craziest part of this, I A: am not a crusader, B: am not technically/mathmatically minded and C: hate the idea of downvoting people. I also hate politics and would much rather be working on my stories right now than thinking about any of this. But...I want this place to succeed. I really do. And that I would be willing to work for it hopefully means that others who aren't generally the working for it type will feel the same. Convincing them is a task I'll take on, but I need to know what it is we're going to do first LOL Just talking the issues and problems to death, speculating on viability etc. is worthless, action is needed.

You make really great points!! The onboarding is a serious issue. I've also had friends who just haven't bought into the idea but are always asking me how I'm getting on with it. I think it is daunting. And I'm going to resteem that introduce yourself post now that you brought it to my attention!

Really what we need to do is talk to the people who have the power to change these things but need to know what the problems are first. It would be great to know for example what developer is behind the design of the front end of the site. @sneak is a part of the development team and often encourages people to get in contact with him about problems they are having. He might be a good person to approach and he's on

Could you link the youtube video that you watched so I could get an idea of the problem you had? I'm thinking about doing my own introduction video but I agree, they only add to the problem if they are not exceptionally user friendly.

The road map is due out tomorrow and will probably be posted on @steemitblog so keep an eye out for that and make sure to voice your concerns there the moment it is posted. That's the best way to give them feedback at the moment... (as far as I know)

We are definitely one of the most active crypto communities there is which is what gives me so much confidence. If we want this to hurry along we just have to be very clear about what we need to do to move forward - outlining potential issues and hopefully matching them with resolutions. I'm also trying to figure out how to navigate at the moment just so I can keep an eye on what's being worked on but I'm a total technophobe! I should read that post on the trending page in case it could help lol

Okay it's funny because now that I've been on steemit for a month this is all pretty basic stuff, but at the time there were segments that were not, which means a lot of other people will feel the same. Not to mention the title is How to get started fast on steemit and the video is 47 minutes long. 47 minutes far exceeds a large majority of people's attention span. This type of video is more for someone who already wants to join steemit and is interested in everything about it. What is needed is something catchy and simple. I think my elf meme would be more effective haha! Because you lose people at "blockchain" which will change, it will become commonplace, but it isn't yet.

Um, where did my message go? Jeeze. What I said was that this video is basic stuff to me now that I've been on steemit, but before I joined there were segments that were not. And getting started fast when the video is 47 minutes long? 40 minutes longer than the average person's attention span. This is a video for people who already want to join steemit and are interested in everything about it. We need simple and catchy. Not to mention the first sentence on the screen already lost people. At some point blockchain will be common vernacular, but that day hasn't come quite yet.

Oh and my husband sent me this link. It doesn't appear to be that sophisticated and I don't see it as competition, but it is up and running and people are using it. I'm going to check it out after I send this.

Oh god he used the words ponzi scheme hahaha

Yeah parts are really good, while other parts are scary. Could be better!

Hmmm... I noticed too that there is a message in my reply feed that's not showing, maybe try editing the comment and keep the video link away from the message...

That's okay, I basically covered it in the message below it.

I'm also looking forward to part two :) But I doubt anything can be accomplished without a community effort, though it'll be great if he has a clear cut path to do it. He could come up with one, I have no doubt.

Sorry, just trying to clarify. I took this out of the post you sent me to: "Author/curation rewards would be reduced in the short term though increased in the long term." And I wish I could find the post where there was a big discussion between several people who said they dropped from-this was the average amount during the discussion-1500 monthly in curation rewards to 300 monthly making it almost not worth their time to curate due to the hardfork- were they mistaken or was I misunderstanding the reason for it?Or is it as the hardfork post suggested, a short term reduction and people are just impatient? (You answered this, my reply is above, hope it's not getting confusing now)

1500 monthly in curation rewards to 300 monthly making it almost not worth their time to curate due to the hardfork-

different hardfork, i think. Curation rewards were reduced, months ago..... but beanz and smooth are correct, what you were seeing was SP "interest" in your balance... its very unlikely that you could even achieve 1% per week on 1000 SP even if you were an incredibly skillful curator.

Yes, I am clear on the entire scope of things now I believe. Well, as far as that's concerned. I think everyone is still waiting on your part two :) Happy New year.

coming in a minute ;-) happy new year

Oh good, this reminds me--I'm going to resteem it, I know beanz will too, and I had a question about that- should I do that right after you post it, or would it be better if I wait a few hours? It will turn up on the home page for my followers when I do, right? Sorry, day after New Year's Eve, brain is not working on optimum power right now. I was just wondering what would give it the most exposure.

I'm unsure to be honest. It could be speculative and depending on how things work out... But right now we are going through a transitional period I believe, where many power holders who were here for the interest are no longer incentivised to stay for that reason. So until those who hold power but don't want to be here have left there is a speculative chance of them gaming the system while they have the power...

That much I understand, I knew the money incentive had dropped significantly, I just thought it was curation rewards. I didn't know about the interest, I was too new at the time and numbers aren't my strong suit. Which is why I love how sigmajin breaks things down, starts way over my head then comes down to my level LOL. I think I already said this, possibly to you, but I discovered him a couple of weeks ago and attempted to flatter him into posting more :)
My husband speculated that Dan and Ned did this purposely to get rid of the corruption in the system. He's been watching them closely to make sure they're holding strong, and especially that they're not powering down a large amount themselves which would be bad. Sell out bad. But they're not, he believes they're a hundred percent in. Though that still might not be enough to keep it afloat if things don't change. If those gaming the system/here for the cash/not adding content or creativity to the platform do leave, that should take care of a pretty significant part of the problem I imagine.