in #tiktok4 years ago

Hi guys !, how about how I treat you the week, now I bring you my humble opinion about the Tik Tok controversy.
We start ....
Our beloved and trustworthy Hacker Anonymous, generated a great stir suggesting that on the social network
Tik Tok, saying that it is a Spy network, now we think cold, we ask ourselves the following:

  1. The Covid-19 was generated in China
  2. Total quarantine to avoid contagion worldwide
  3. Tik Tok, world trends as the most downloaded and most active social network during our social isolation.
    tik tok.jpg
    QUESTION: China spies on us during quarantine ??????

That's what Anonymous is trying to tell us, that tiktok is Chinese SPYWARE, THEN !!! Facebook, Instagram would be American SPYWARE .... Uhmmmm! something strange no! It is wrong to be spied on by China, but if it is okay to be spied on with Facebook, Instagram, because it is known that Facebook, Instagram are SPYWARE, in case you did not know ...

Well guys, it's just my opinion, leave me your comments and write me what you think of this ...
See you.....

¡Hola chicos!, que tal, como los trato la semana, ahora les traigo mi humilde opinión sobre la controversia de Tik Tok .
Nuestro querido y confiable Hacker Anonymous, generó un gran revuelo insinuando que sobre la red social
Tik Tok , diciendo que es una red Espía, ahora pensamos en frío, nos preguntamos los siguiente:

  1. El Covid-19 se generó en China
  2. Cuarentena total para evitar el contagio a nivel mundial
  3. Tik Tok, tendencias mundia como red social más descargada y con mayor actividad durante nuestro aislamiento social.

tik tok.jpg

PREGUNTA: China nos espía durante la cuarentena??????

Eso nos trata de decir Anonymous, que tiktok es SPYWARE Chino, ENTONCES!!! Facebook, Instagram serian SPYWARE americano....Uhmmmm! algo raro no! esta mal dejarse espiar por china, pero si esta bien dejarse espiar con Facebook, Instagram, por que es sabido que Facebook, Instagram son SPYWARE, por si no lo sabías...

Bueno chicos, es solo mi opinion, dejame tus comentarios y escribeme que opinas de esto...
Nos vemos.....

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