Those are some really sweet tie dyes @dirtyhippie!
I really like the bold colours of the rainbow swirled
around in awesome geometry patterns 👍
Was thinking of a tiedyetuesday tag ;-) lol
Those are some really sweet tie dyes @dirtyhippie!
I really like the bold colours of the rainbow swirled
around in awesome geometry patterns 👍
Was thinking of a tiedyetuesday tag ;-) lol
Thank you! I'll have to try the tie dye tuesday tag next time I post some. Lol the blockchain has a serious tie dye deficiency.
#art #crafts #handmade and #colourful would
be good tags to perhaps, I'm no tag expert lol
In fact I don't like tags in clothing hehe
I don't see anything for tiedye like you said, there
sure needs to be more, the tiedyetuesday is
something I thought of a while back, been thinking
up names here and there like moosemonday lol.
Speaking of Mondays there is a cool guy who
does Mineral Mondays! @rt395 tho not every
Monday. Have a good one :-)
All good suggestions, thanks. I gave him a follow hopefully I'll catch next mineral Monday lol.