Five Legendary Thugs in Indonesia which is incredible fine.
Thugs are a term that refers to people who often commit criminal acts, previously known thugs have existed since the Dutch colonial era, in other words colonialism is the most cruel thugs in our country.
But here we will discuss the names of the legendary and dreaded thugs in Indonesia, their greatness has been recognized by many people, even the government difficult to handle their behavior, here is the list of thugs.
1.Kusni Kasdut.
Kusni Kasdut included in the list of legendary Indonesian thugs, ulahnya often make the officers difficult to catch him.
The most phenomenal is the theft of 11 gems from the National Museum in Jakarta, in addition he is also famous for stealing many other luxury goods, he even did not hesitate to kill the victim who fought. He finally repented and embraced the Catholic religion before his death picked him up.
2.Sahara Oloan Pangabean
This one-man thug is not as common, he always looks like an ordinary normal person, but make no mistake, to meet him must pass through several layers of strict guards.
His businesses include debt collectors and gambling, but there are reports that he is a good-hearted person, often helping people in North Sumatra, from medical expenses, tuition fees, to venture capital. He breathed his last breath in April of 2009.
- John Refra Kei aka John Kei
Thugs from North Maluku is very phenomenal, but he more often run the action in Jakarta, the business he did was debt collector, not half-hearted in doing business he always asks for wages 10 to 80 percent of total revenue.
His name is very famous after the assassination of its competitors Basri Sangaji in 2004 ago, Jhon Kei also often involved in the action of murder.
- Hercules
A powerful man from Jakarta, he has lost his right hand and has been replaced with a fake hand, even he also lost his right eyeball after being hit by hot lead from his opponent. He had been admitted to the ICU for 16 strokes.
- Jhonny Indo
He is the only man who can escape from Nusakambangan prison, he was imprisoned in Nusakambangan after a robbery in one of the Bank.
He had escaped from Nusakambangan prison, but after escaping he had to go through the jungle, for not getting food for days he finally surrendered to the police.