Julian Assange appears in court, “mumbles words” and “Cannot think anymore”

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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Recently Julian Assange appeared in court and had trouble speaking and according to his own testimony has trouble now even “thinking” and “understanding things”. This is just another example of how Julian Assange’s metal health is degrading due to prolonged psychological torture, which has been now ongoing for years. The most disturbing part of this, apart from what is happening to Julian Assange, is that this is all happening in the public eye without any real massive outrage by the public. I go into this as well as the new “bill” in New Zealand as outlined by Suzie3D which shows just how much New Zealand has changed i.e., you can now be sent to a ghost prison without any lawyer/charges etc., and if you even “tell someone” that this is happening to you, that person can be arrested. Links as mentioned can be found here:

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Looks like the psychological torture program is indeed working. The show trial will go on, the mainstream media will report its passing by cheering on the grossly corrupt and biased justice industry, or not even mentioning the story at all. The public in the UK will again do bugger all. And the war criminals exposed by Wikileaks will continue to be free.

Just makes me sick

yeah, sadly, if 2017-2019 has showed us anything - its that the world is owned and run by criminals, who only protect themselves :/ its a sad fact about this world. Its like Orwell said, its just a boot crushing people over and over again.

People will accept the most inhumane atrocities so long as the government they trust defines it at legal. It goes like this...

  1. Is my preferred candidate the elected head of state? Check!
  2. Is my preferred party represented as the majority in the legislature? Check!
  3. Are the appointed judges representing my preferred party? Check!
  4. Will I voice any dissent against any decisions made by the government? Nope!

The cool part it is also works in reverse if you are living under an oppressive government that restricts your rights and free speech if you belong to the opposition party.

  1. Is my preferred candidate the elected head of state? Nope!
  2. Is my preferred party represented as the majority in the legislature? Nope!
  3. Are the appointed judges representing my preferred party? Nope!
  4. Will I voice any dissent against any decisions made by the government? Not if I value my own life!

I really do hope Assange will be okay, but I suspect he has already been through far too much torture. It's not looking good. It's not a conspiracy theory when we already know the government wants him dead for treason.

Classic check list alright pretty much sums it all up. I don't think Assange will be alright sadly, in reply to your last part of the above - I think it will just get worse now. Its kind of past the line of any return - if he has trouble speaking, its really hard to come back from this to a normal world - which maybe the point of all this. To destroy his mind. But we can always hope I guess, and it is good to believe maybe it could change. Thanks for the comment!

Sanctioning someone at law because they are statistically likely to be a criminal is totalitarianism. It completely disregards that rights are inherent in people, who may choose to delegate their natural authority to an institution in common with others to facilitate governing themselves, and depends on those agreements undertaken by sovereign people, governments, being the source of rights - an obvious and complete misrepresentation of reality.

Thus, as individuals have no right to state that another is statistically likely to be a criminal and do them harm, or incite harm be done to them, neither do the governments they have instituted to do so on their behalves have any right to do so. It's just a lie, and a damned lie, facilitated by statistics. It's just raw power being used to abuse chattel by corrupt overlords to aggrandize themselves. Banksters are no better than warlords deploying troops to put peasants on their knees, and government toadies making these laws are precisely Wormtongue, undermining their own people.

Recently much outrage has been incited by claims that facts are racist.

It appears now that facts are crimes.


yeah, that is the new thing that is happening now, I should make a video about that really - that facts/evidence, don't matter any more - really its just down to "who says what" in this world. Its like a world from idocracy or something. Its really hard these days even pointing out corruption any more - since it is everywhere and in everything.

This makes me sick... watching the systematic torture and destruction of this man. As you said, this is even more disturbing as it's happening in a supposed democratic civil society.
I don't really have the words to express how despicable the targeting, smearing and torture of Assange is and the fact that the general public has bought into it, shrugged their shoulders and accepted these blatant violations of the law and human rights.

Yeah, I know what you mean alright. It is like a slow death, what we are seeing now. The worst part is like you said, the general public, is accepting what is happening - or plain don't care - or even think that he is a Russia agent - that smear, that was constructed to attach Wikileaks/Assange to the Russians agents or whatever, was classic propaganda and sadly it worked. Its just disgusting really watching all this go down :/

The man has been victimized both publicly and privately really and it's sickening. I definitely feel so sorry for him and he's being paraded like a war criminal from Court yard to prison vice versa. Isn't there a diplomatic way to handle Assange's Situation from all indication he needs help.

I don't think that there is a diplomatic solution at the moment. It does not seem like any county is lobbying for Assange to be bought back to his home county, or anything like that - he might be arrested there as well. Its like there is nowhere to go apart from a county that is not part of the 5 eyes etc., probably idk

It's a really appalling situation

Assange never hacked anyone. He reported on the leaked information. He is a reporter, a genuine reporter. Underground pipeline says that America will protect him. He will vanish for a time and then resurface.

It's absolutely disgusting and most sickening to know that a reporter... (ANY REPORTER or JOURNALIST) is jailed for doing his job. This is as NASTY and OBNOXIOUS as it can be and way... away...beyond believe. Shame, and SHAME ON YOU BRITAIN and Ecuadorian Embassy. His actions were all Journalist activities and not ever he hacked into US military computers. Leave him alone.

He was disoriented and this is criminal offence. Who is there to assure he has the ability to understand what he is doing now? He was incoherent at times and had a difficult time what his own name! This is a slow murder, someone please stop this. Shame on everyone that's involved in this and shame on those peers of him, those looking the other way and not him.

Attention my fellow Earth dwellers :
UK intel works with US intel staging nonsense for the masses. Proof Assange might be strategically placed as part of some sinister doctrine and that Wikileaks is a trap for catching insiders violating their security contracts now leaked in my profile. A real leak impossible to discredit.

Please Click HERE to follow the link.

Ruling or Opposition i.e. Right or Left, each individual must support Julian Assange. Free Assange ASAP. Plz unite. Respect, support from India. This is similar to the crucifiction of Jesus, he will die for the sins of the others, except the fact that he won't resurrect back to life. He will die forever, if we don't do anything well before time.

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