Lara Trump SHOCK- Americans Are Ignorant

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--Lara Trump, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, goes on Fox News and provides a dumb take on why the President pulled out of Syria and abandoned Kurdish forces

Does American's ignorance excuse its treatment of the Kurds?

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Then you get those clueless people who lack those skills to do political analysis.

I know, I just got done watching one. You should be awarded the "when it comes to the middle east I am the most clueless person award".

Instead of doing an in depth analysis like I have before for you that you have continually ignored, lets see if we can come down to a level of speaking in simpleton terms you may better get a grip on.

Most Americans do know who the Kurds are from the Bush Administration when he protected them with his no fly over orders. That's how we've become to know that Kurds work as allies that help us in different regions of the middle east.

So what's the big difference in protecting them that time versus this time?

Turkey is also an allie who host our military base, begrudgingly at that, it's a my enemy is my friend type of relationships and we pay dearly to be his friend just by location, that's it. Otherwise there isn't any great love of Turkey or their policies. Saddam Hussein on the other hand wasn't viewed in the same concept, he was an enemy of the enemy, in other words it was mutual and they was nothing constructive to view it any other way, we were going to advance forward to destroy an enemy. (Though I don't view it as he should have been our focus back then, but that's another debate) Given it's no secret that Turkey and the Kurds hate each other it pretty hard to ignore when you get put on notice. They were tired of the Kurds running over their border doing incursions then running to hide behind the US backs that they are coming in regardless, that pretty much leaves your hands tied. The decision Trump made was the right one with what little notice he was given. Move our troops out of harms way then try and resolve the issue. The chances that diplomacy was going to work in such a short notice when it has never worked for decades it telling of itself.

The media, and yourself, by pushing this narrative that we left behind allies to be slaughter is nothing short of admitting you feel it would have been perfectly fine for the families of those soldiers stuck in the cross fire to come home in a casket for protecting people who were instigating the other side. You should be ashamed of yourself for pushing such a notion. We know it wouldn't have been someone you loved and that makes it much more easier for you to decide those men deserved to needlessly die in vain over a historical feud of hatred. That's just not a good enough reason. Nor is it reason enough to give up an air base and access into the middle east, nor a reason to all out start another full fledged war.

Of course she will defend her father-in-law in front of the media. But in my opinion in the future many parties do not want to work there with US for fear that the case with Kurds left by the US will be repeated. I think maybe US should protect its allies like the Kurds.

If the U.S. military deliberately blowing up its own base in Syria seems like an insane corollary of Trump’s absurdly ill-conceived and I’ll-timed troop withdrawal, that’s because it is.

Sen. Romney on US troop withdrawal from northern Syria:

"Turkey let us know what they were going to do. This is not a surprise. Everybody told the administration what would happen ... The reality is what's happening in Syria is a result of our decision."

Trump's claim to base:

Rebuild military & end 'endless' wars. Reality:Orders abrupt troop withdrawal -abandoning Kurdish allies causing death to Kurds advancing ISIS terror.

Touts lies to MAGA base 'troops on the way home 'but infact redeployed to Iraq in a pay to play for Saudi's

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When it comes to the Kurds I guess she gets a free Analysis pass afterall because it's everyone time to analyze the dicey situation in the middle east, that was sarcastic by all means.
In my opinion really she's was shallow about the whole situation and well Many are out there like her, i don't think she's lying I only think she doesn't know if there was a deadline or not.

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