3 Golden Nuggets a day - on Sustainable Space Exploration

in #three-nuggets7 years ago

Image attribution: cbinsights' study into space travel

Going through all these ideas on mining asteroids reminds me of the story of Columbus, a man who was not an explorer to start with, but ended up in history as the best known explorer and the one who discovered America. In his story he also negotiated a 10% revenue from trading in new discovered territories with Spain.
I find that as long as entrepreneurs are creative enough in making exploration sustainable our race will be able to reach goals we might have not even dreamed of not so long ago.

  • Classic Read


My one golden nugget:
making space relevant to earth needs to be sustainable

  • How To's:


My one golden nugget:
build in space using the resources of space. Building solar farms in space can produce energy for our planet. Use Earth for residential access only!

  • Biography:


My one golden nugget:
asteroids are full of valuable resources. In order to collect them efficiently we need to start with profitable materials like platinum

Reading Lists

There are books that I reread regularly, but at the moment I read new books in trying to identify the best books to reread while trying to push my learning boundries. So far I got to organise my future reading in 6 lists, main readings for each time of the day:

and 3 lists of books that look interesting but haven't got enough information for them:

For people who just wanted to know how to choose what to read by Tai Lopez' talked of principles.

Do you have a book or resource that would like to see what nuggets I can get out from for you ?


good post thanks

The whole thing about space is fake. Just the money loundering mind-rape we've been through. And I don't care if I sound like a fool, I've done my research. And I'm not rude.

It's just my humble opinion. You should do a research yourself.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, however it is best if you rely on a tangible in order to sustain your choice of agreeing/not agreeing with something. From what you say I can't even tell what you disagree with.
You disagree with the fact that there is something else outside our planet at all or just that businesses pertaining to gather funds in order to explore extraterrestrial space are not using the resources to do so ? I would like to get my hands of a research that confirms the latter in this case.

From what I've seen - whole thing about us living on a sphere (a globe) revolving around the sun seems ridicilous.
I think that the earth is an endless plane.

you're such a great troll

It is your perception that makes me a troll.
From my perception there is nothing at all.
We're all the same under layers of fame,
Players of some infinite game.

Have an amazing day full of insights of the existence itself!
Remember - words are spells!

you only think it's a fact there is something else outside of a planet, which you also assume is a fact that you live on a planet. These assumptions sound silly to people who use critical thinking when researching the truth!
There are no planets, no space exploration, no dinosaur bones, no evolved monkeys or other kinds, no gravity... There's only lies that you fell for that you back up with assumptions of truth, though you've never seen or proven any of these things exist.

oh.. like corporations, state, religion ?

There is so much incredible news coming out lately. It's hard to keep up! Thanks for sharing.

I remember when I was a kid and believed in space fairy tales. Time for you rest of you to wake up.FB_IMG_1505576719144.jpg

Thank you for that. I didn't know that people before!

Other day watched life Space X launch on youtube...that was amazing...can't wait when ordinary people can go and explore space...hopefully will happen in our lifetimes :)

Space exploration is fake. It's all a show SpaceX puts on to confuse and entertain people. They take your tax money and give you cartoons in exchange. There's no magic missile that can be shot up high enough to where it just floats around above Earth. To the freethinker, these are just silly space fairy tales that have no possibility in our reality.

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