Do you think all the time???
Your analytical mind is a very primal part of the brain.
It main function is to prevent you from being in a dangerous situation. It analyzes variables and comes to some conclusions.
In today’s society due to the use of conventional education. The vast majority of people on the planet use the analytical mind nearly all day long.
The truth is this aspect of the mind is supposed to be used briefly. Prolonged use of the analytical mind leads to anxiety, stress, fear, and ultimately poor performance throughout life.
The best analogy I have to describe the analytical mind is by calling it mental masterbation. It feels good while we are doing it, but the results are often amiss.
There are an infinite number of variables in each situation. No one can think of all of them…
If you could just calm your mind, you will gain access to unbounded consciousness. This is a fancy way of saying unlimited information.
We are designed to transmit and receive data.
The analytical mind for example can not pick up information such as heat, cold, sweet, and light.
The analytical mind processes data on the level of thought. And the level of thought is most closely related to language.
Language is a system of complex symbols that represent experiences and even logic such as numbers.
It’s an archaic form of understanding life. Ultimately flawed and incomplete. Like this
Your body is designed with the full knowledge and evolution of the entire cosmos.
Break free of the chains of logic and symbolism.
There are standard techniques which can be used to train your mind and body to stop looking at reality through the scope of symbols and logic.
It’s been there all through time. You just have to stop and appreciate it.

Excellent thought. Happy to share ... 🌸
Very great post sir
Prolonged use of the mind makes us confused and reduce our self-confidence.
Excess doing of anything is always bad. We need to think enough before doing anything, but excess thinking can bring us in trouble.
Our brain is always alive still while we are sleeping, so we are thinking all the time.
In life you have to have balance, and that balance can be achieved through meditation.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.