Cleanliness is Godliness

in #thoughts19 hours ago

Morning I was talking with my sister and we were discussing about one of our aunt who always have some or the other problem in life, rather I can say complaint. When we visit her home, I do not like the energy of her home, it kind of gives me goosebumps and my gut gives me those erky sensations. Her home is messy beyond words, and that's where I feel the whole energy gets messed up. All around there are things lying, nothing is ever in place, the clothes are found more outside of the wardrobe then in the wardrobe. And my aunt is always in a grumpy mood.

Nowadays I do not like to share anything good that's happening in my life with her, because somewhere I feel that rather then being happy for me, she feels jealous and in that bargain she may not be giving me and my sister very good energy vibes. There are no financial issues she has, and at the same time on and off she has some financial crunch. it's just her habit of complaining and being messy. Moreover I think, cleanliness does not come only when you have money, it's about habits one has. When I see such homes I can immediately reflect on that person's personality.


How much disciplined we are in our life shows in our habits. Many people give a very good show of their appearance but their homes are shabby, this is what always makes me a little annoyed. I believe the first step to prosperity is cleanliness. If we keep our space clear it means we are keeping our energy pathways clear to abundance in our life, the more the clutter in our space and life the more blockages we create to abundance in life. The house does not have to be fancy, it can be very simple but for sure it has to be clean.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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