Thoughtful Daily Post - James Russell & #excellentblogpost | Try Plain Jane
Hello, my friends
Quick video, and #thoughtfuldailypost since I never got yesterday's uploaded. I wanted to let you know about the cool new TAG being used by @jamerussell #excellentblogpost... Check one of them out!
I also wanted to share the website I got the CBD Hemp Rolls from... if it helps you, then that's something to be thoughtful for...thank you @prettynicevideo for the suggestion!

What are you thoughtful for today?

#thoughtfuldailypost #creatingpositivebridges #steemterminal #hhym #steem-aide #innerblocks #helpiecake #steembasicincome #palnet #neoxianag #marlians #naturalmedicine #tdp #steemusa #steemitasclub #mediaofficials

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Created by @derekrichardson

Created by special request from @brittandjosie, by @steemitboard. Never Forget

Hi @wesphilbin, a bonus $trendotoken from MAPX. Enjoy!
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Thank you @map10k for the support. To those that are downvoting my content, I would encourage you to provide positive, and creative content. Show the Blockchain what you are thoughtful for... not this jibberish with a downvote...
A small upvote and an extra tip!
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