Thomas Sowell - The Failure Of The Education System - { Reaction } - Thomas Sowell Reaction
So, we already discussed the failure of woke and progressive ideologies, but in this post and in the video that I reacted to with Thomas Sowell, on my second channel, Speak Freely; where he's discussing the failure of the public education system. The public education system has long been thought of an institution designed to create droid like worker bees. Learning how to play attention, sit still for hours at a time… Learning how to follow directions, repeating what you're told… Learning how to follow a schedule, getting up early... Learning how to compete with other, and learning how to be away from home for long periods of time. Creating the perfect working citizen, to keep the economy moving, thriving and making other ppl richer. Now the public education system has become full-blown indoctrination camps. It started in the universities; the place of higher learning that is supposed to teach people how to think, but they teach their students what to think. That's why most fresh out of Uni graduates all seem to be the same NPC replicas of each other; with the same values, perceptions, same rhetoric, same arguments, and the same cult like ideologies. Now the indoctrination and the propaganda is trickling down from universities all the way to preschool students; with their CRT curriculum, anti-racism, which is just racism disguised, and their obsession with teaching 6 yr olds about sexuality, sex, gender and gender expression. Their goal is to create the perfect far left radical activist; comrades that are pro-Marxist, pro-communist, post-socialist and anti-America. If you would like to hear what the brilliant Thomas Sowell has to say about our failed education system…and how were we got here; and of course, more of my commentary… Just click on the link to join the conversation… Thanks, 💕: