Thirsty® Update - Official Business Road Map for 2017

in #thirsty8 years ago (edited)

As promised, herein this article is our official road map for 2017. Included is a copy of our business model for those interested.


Before seeing our road map, there are a few things you should know, because we have drastically changed our business model (see below).

We initially wanted to create a music label that could deliver software solutions as well as production services. In order to do this, we have split both our software development and music production into two subsidiaries. What this means is that Thirsty Records is now a part of something much bigger; Thirsty Entertainment.

Regardless of this change, Thirsty Records will continue to provide services here on Steemit.

Thirsty Entertainment

Thirsty Entertainment is a registered Australian Business. Thirsty® is a trademarked identification of the Thirsty Entertainment Business. Our subsidiaries include Thirsty Records and will soon include our music streaming company, Thirsty Music.

With this in mind, the below road map and business model belong to Thirsty Entertainment. This means that any mention of media production or distribution is in part, but not entirely, referring to the services that Thirsty Records will provide.

As you can see, one of our main focuses will be our crowdfunding goal in February. We have planned to raise a modest $300,000 towards funding our business. We are a self funded start up and in order to move forward with our goals this is a necessity. We believe that with our business model and the crowdfunding rewards we plan to give early investors*, this goal is easily achievable.

Behind the scenes we will be continuing to work with our IT department to deliver the world's first monetized music streaming platform. Monetized music streaming platforms have been conceived already, however they have not found a solution for storing music on the Blockchain. Our development team has found a solution to this problem and we plan to deliver it shortly. Our music streaming platform will use the Steem Blockchain.

*For investors, we plan to reward large donations during our crowdfunding phase with the issuance of convertible debt. Convertible debt issued during our crowdfunding phase will be traded for company shares through a buy back scheme once we become publicly listed. We believe this is a good incentive for long term investors. Small donations will be rewarded with Thirsty branded merchandise. We will release more information on our crowdfunding phase within the next week. If you know people who may be interested in our platform, please share this post.

Our road map does not include day-to-day functions or the minor goals we are to achieve behind the scenes. We have focused solely on the bigger milestones ahead.

Thank you for reading our official announcement. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to post them below in the comment section, or email us at: [email protected]

Website (currently under construction):

Thirsty Entertainment is a registered and trademarked Australian Business. The content and images shared herein are copyright by Thirsty (ABN: 37440459113)


Cool to read about your product, thanks for sharing! Hey, have you been keeping track of PEERPLAY yet? You may very well be highly interested in it too... Namaste :)

Hey @eric-boucher. Yes, we have seen the peer plays business model. It's nice to see more platforms using Graphene technology. I have personally registered for the crowdsale. Thirsty's streaming platform however will not be releasing its own token, and will instead be a new top layer for the Steem blockchain.

All for one and one for all!!! Thanks a bunch for sharing, namaste :)

Exciting to see a music start up begin here on STEEM.

re-steemed this. Will be good things coming from the Thirsty collective in the future me thinks!

Hey @klye. We think so too. Start ups like our self that utilize Block chain technologies are set to change industry standards. There's currently a problem with media distribution and the monopoly that companies have over their content creators, and we'd like to change that.

Thank you for your input

I'm more than excited to start getting the technical side of things hashed out and begin to utilize the metadata on chain to store info.

Is this the long awaited steemit roadmap? Looked like it was at first! Not bad tho

:D Thanks for the input. We planned to release our road map when we heard Steemit Inc was releasing their own. We thought it'd be a good idea to create some synchronicity. none the less, we created a dead line and stuck to it. We hope by doing so it shows how competent we are at delivering on promises.

Yep it is lol cause I totally understood. It is fun to do something like that even genius the way I see it. Overall, this post and the thirsty project improves the conviction of steemians on steemit, so it is a roadmap all the same!

Cool can't wait to see the journey!

Thank you Kay. We're very enthusiastic about what we have planned. We truly believe that our platform will add value to the Steem Blockchain by creating a high standard for top layer applications that use the steem_api.

I feel like that month away from Steemit has left me really behind - i need to top myself up with the Steemit knowledge!

Will be following you along the way <3

Is it possible you use a different name instead of "thirsty" for the music stream initiative? I think the name is not so catchy, and the logo either....

Hey @liondani,

We have not yet released the name for our streaming application. We will be doing so when we deliver our product. The logo you see at the bottom of this post is for our company, the wine press logo is for our music label subsidiary, and neither logo will be used on our streaming application.

I'm curious, do you have any suggestions?

I gave it a little thought and couldn't come up with much.

That's not too bad...hmm, I dunno, I don't think it's imperative that it has the word "steem" in it, or rhyme with it, but it's a good place to start.

The logo isn't as important, IMO, but my gut tells me sleek and simple is the way to go.