Everything in the world is done by hope.
- Martin Luther
The strong mind is always hopeful, and always has hope.
Thomas Carlyle
Hoping of joy is joy itself.
- William Shakespeare
the life is hope, who lost the hope is losing life.
- Plato
The biggest murderer of hope.
- Raji Shepherd
Hope is the guide of life and the road to freedom.
- Mustafa Kamel
Those who have health have hope, and those who have hope have everything.
Thomas Carlyle
My hopes are not always fulfilled, but I always hope.
- Ovid
The tendency to hope and happiness is real wealth, but the tendency to fear and sorrow is real poverty.
- David Hume
The land is voluntary for men who have hope and can challenge the future.
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Hope itself is a kind of happiness; it may be the happiest happiness this world can give.
- Samuel Johnson
Many important things in this world are realized for those who have insisted on trying despite the lack of hope.
- Dalimage