The Belief Arena

in #thinkdeep7 years ago (edited)

Belief Arena

Everyone Has A Structure

Imagine if we all had these structures we formed from a young age. They could be constructed of any material, be it cardboard, wood, steel, whatever we decided them to be. Simple, complex, big or small, the only consistency is that each person's structure is their own. Also, the general purpose or objective behind these structures is their integrity.

Most people don't think too hard about their structure. They find a few materials in life that they like to work with. Most of the design is the same as their parents or guardian. Past the age of 16, most but not all stop working on refining theirs and then they put them away somewhere never to again be tinkered with.

But then there are those of us who can't settle for sub par integrity. We don't just like to take our structures everywhere. We like to find other people's structures to bang them against to see which has the most integrity. In fact, we like to take them to an arena to battle with them like gladiators. To us, every good fight is a win-win. To the victor goes appreciation and respect, and to the defeated goes the enlightened revelation that their structure could be better and stronger.

Now, what I mean metaphorically by these structures and how they actually comport with reality is that these structures are people's personal philosophies and beliefs. Think about it. You get your lower foundation from planks of logic or reason, or maybe you prefer softer material to make it light weight and easy to handle. Corners reinforced by what you see as free will. Center of mass determined by your sense of purpose. Whatever you believe about life, it's in there. The one facet of your thinking that isn't in the structure is your confidence in your structure.

Your Overconfidence Is Your Weakness (Insecurity)

If you aren't comfortable trashing your structure in the arena, that's understandable. Even if you stopped improving it at a young age, you still had to put a lot of work into it and it's your own creation. You might not have time in your life to fix it back up again if it's broken and that can be scary. Being unwilling to change your mind is your right, even if I wouldn't think it ideal.

But when your pride has you boasting to yourself in public about how correct you think you are, I take issue with you being "offended" that someone dinged your structure with theirs. If you don't want your beliefs to be challenged, don't put your beliefs out to be challenged. It's really that simple. Being confident or offended means nothing to those of us trying to find greater integrity. If you want to just believe what you believe and not talk to anyone about it, do just that.

Don't go door to door and ask people to join your movement and then walk away when someone wants to bang the structure you're trying to hand off to them around to see how well it holds up. Don't walk around with a sign saying "This is the most integral structure ever!" and then refuse to consider changing it when people manage to cut it with the diamond fillings on theirs. Sure, find people who want to enjoy appreciating the same structure you have (even if the similarity only matches the general shape and not the material) and get high in a special gathering where you pride yourselves on how perfect your unquestionable structure is, but don't go taking that activity outside or on a public space like radio and tell people that they are assholes if they point out that your unquestionable structure lacks integrity to it's core.

It's like a kite you shouldn't take outside and fly if you don't want to risk breaking it. Don't blame the messenger. Its your insecurity and poor mental stability that has you getting defensive over putting your "indestructible" belief to the test. I mean that part about poor mental stability. A healthy mind would have a conversation that's willing to put a belief into question without getting offended. OR at the least be willing enough to admit that it's weakly supported, thus reasoning that it's understandable why others would think it's ridiculous.

You are a human being with your own thoughts and intentions. The beliefs you hold however, are not people. They don't deserve the same respect that you do. If someone belittles you personally and says things to the extent of dehumanizing you or accusing you of being lesser than them, that's one thing. That's not cool. That is unhealthy. Consider if there would have been a nicer way they could have said something and point that out to them if they want to converse with you. But try to also realize that someone who is saying "Fuck Jesus!" or "Fuck Allah!" or "Fuck Scientology!" or "Fuck Vishnu!" isn't usually intending "Fuck you for believing those things!" in the same breath.

Look at the many supposed indestructible beliefs that are out there. As my hero and present day philosopher, Peter Boghossian has pointed out, "Someone has got to be making stuff up!" Can you empathize, whether correct about your belief or not, that people would have good reason to be upset at the many liars across the board? You say you're not one but you aren't willing to put your belief to the test and talk about it? How does that cognitive dissonance manage to sit so well with you? However that is, people like myself who enjoy the arena can't accept such an obvious behavioral contradiction. If you're confident, you should bring your beliefs into the battlefield to get wrecked. If you're mentally healthy, you should be happy when someone breaks yours because then you KNOW you can do better.

And yes, if you are wondering, I am implying that most of human society is mentally unhealthy in this way.

My friend, @abishai, was nice enough to point out a good quote by Teddy Roosevelt that my metaphor reminded him of:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

If you're not willing to talk it out, then you don't have any place boasting about what you believe. Even caroling your merry way through the streets to share the high you're on with others is a behavior worthy of criticism. If you can't have a relevant and honest conversation about why others should be convinced of what you believe but you can go on singing catchy ad tunes for it, all that amounts to is being no more intellectually honest than a pigeon shitting on a chessboard, knocking down the pieces, and declaring victory. That's not a valid argument, that's mania. You're not making sense to people, you're just high and self-obsessed.

blockchain words

If you think I'm wrong about any of the points I've made, please, I'm sincerely asking you to enlighten me in the comments below.

Come join us on Discord!

Disclaimer to UpVote and Follow Swappers: I will not upvote or follow just because you did the same for me. What I will do is take a look at your work if you are respectful in your request for me to do so. If I like it, I'll up vote it. If I like you, I'll follow you. I only ask for the same in return. If I could, I would reject the upvotes and follows from swappers because those are insincere. Please read my work and get to know something about me that you like before you upvote or follow. The reason for this is that trading upvotes and follows without any respect for content is hacky. If you don't appreciate content, this is not a good space for you to be working in. You shouldn't be working in ANY entertainment space if you don't respect the content. Go back to scalping tickets on ebay or something. Just spare me your penny for a lie.
Credit: Image was found on Pixabay


A quote from Nietzsche struck me forcefully many years ago:
How much truth can a spirit bear,
how much truth can a spirit dare?
That is the measure of all values. And in the metaphor of the gladiator, he must surely spend most of his time sparring with his own shadows.

My recent article alludes to this. Our culture has become fundamentally spineless; it instructs people to bear nothing that is too burdensome, so that even their slavery can be accomplished by stealth.

I don't see too many cultures left where a discourse with the abyss is more important than the latest online game.

I have said before, it takes energy to doubt - believing is easy - and so it may not be part of the program for everyone to use their energy inwards. I am not yet convinced either way on this last point. We may be the outliers, sometimes vital but often left to play the glass bead game amongst ourselves.

Well said!

stands up and claps

My man...this is some eloquently scripted, deeply conceived of, well delivered truth. I made a post like this recently, but only pertaining to certain elements of society as it is today, and not in fact society as a whole.

I also love the quote from has power to move.

Respect to you brother :)

I also just gave you my vote on the MAP14. I think you've earned mine.

And I just read your disclaimer. I fell prey to the trap of vote and follow swappers early on in my Steemit career. Now I've begun a slow but definite process of eliminating the swappers and keeping the good ones, as I've followed both.

And if you find the time, do have a look at my posts too. I believe you and I could have some interesting discussions on some of them. And I'll have a look at yours too. Judging from this example, they seem like they're good content.

Also gonna check out @SteemDeepThink. I believe I could find some kindred spirits there.

Keep these posts coming, good luck, and cheers =)

Thank you so much for the compliment! Yes, you seem like the kind of people we are looking for in deepthink. I spend plenty of time on our discord server too, where we have gotten a few discussions and civil debates going. I'll check out your work and stay connected.

You know, when I first came up with this metaphor was a couple of years ago. It came out as a bit of a schizophrenic jumble in an email to a podcaster that I wanted to challenge in the nicest way possible. She's smart but really defensive about her beliefs, so I tried to use this idea as a way to help point out her double standard. I couldn't figure out what the podcaster actually thought about it, since her partner just read my email and asked what she thought about it and all she said was, "whatever," and left it at that.

I was proud enough of the idea to hold on to the metaphor, but I didn't feel ready to type it out again until now, as I have just come into contact with another person making the same unreasonable argument and not giving a damn if they could be wrong. It's good to know from your feedback that these pearls were not ultimately wasted on swine.

An idea and metaphor you should be proud is well thought out.

And don't worry...for every three swines that crawl out of the pen, there is a prize stallion making its way into the derby. Your pearls will always find recognition amongst the latter group, and be far better appreciated by them too.

And as someone who spends a great deal of time in the philosophical and debate arena, I completely understand what you mean. This inability to look past one's own beliefs, to question their innermost workings and be willing to tear them down and build them anew if they cannot sustain the weight of your claims and pride in holds us back as a species. Your 'structure analogy' sums up this concept, especially after you stretched it out and elaborated on what you were talking about further.

I've spent the last four years persistently working to break the mold and smash apart this inhibitive tendency, and open up people's minds however I can (ethically, of course). And it is something I will not stop doing until I reach my grave. As it happens, it has gotten me into a great deal of trouble with my friends' parents at times (being Indian, backward thinking is second nature to them and their kids). I say to follow rules you don't always understand and never question them because it is considered blasphemy or breaking of 'tradition', and then you instill those same values in the kids. Gandhi once said that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. How in the hell are making ourselves blind without that conflict? Where is your most human sense of curiosity? Where is that need to know 'why?' Empirically, people who have asked that question are the ones who have discovered the most about our world, or have paved the way for greater discoveries in those fields.

And yeah, 'whatever'...speaks volumes about what exactly that podcaster felt about your attempt to open her eyes. She still got them dark-ass blinds on XD.

And I actually showed up on the Discord channel about an hour ago...was trying to find the DeepThink application form. Stumbled upon it a few minutes after in another post, and filled out the form in the Google Survey thing. Hopefully I'm accepted. I've been trying to create thought provoking posts as much as possible, add value to the community, with the occasional let-loose one to let off some steam. Or 'steem' :P

Anyway, cheers, and great post! Keep it up!

Thanks again for your kind words.

It sounds to me like you'll be a shoe-in for deepthink.

Considering this struggle we rational gladiators face, I think you might get something out of Street Epistemology. It's inspirational to say the least. I have my post of it that I submitted for the Best of 6 comp plus you can just look up Anthony Magnabosco on youtube. It's an incredibly effective method that I have only deviated from to experiment with my own stylized alternative.

You are very welcome :)

And thanks :D

Would love to get in.

And I'll check out the post and the guy on Youtube when I get a free moment after this weekend. Good lookin' out man :P

Also, where should I look for a notification if my application is accepted? Since I submitted it a day or two ago, I'm not sure how long it might take before my application surfaces at the top amongst the others.

Humanity is not easy... But with a wish to learn from others during life is a great way to improve the structure, and also rebuild a few times. Humility for others knowledge and also for my own is really important in my life. I learn, which means, I live.

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