TOP 15: Entertainment in Turkey

in #things6 years ago

 TOP 15: Entertainment in Turkey: rafting, diving, Hammam and more 

 Entertainment in Turkey, in contrast to excursions to attractions are more diverse in terms of impressions. For those who love extreme sports, suitable paragliding and diving, for romantic couples-meeting the dawn on top of the mountain Tahtali, for families with children – dinopark and dolphinariums, for fun girlfriends – Hammam and gastronomic tours. In this article we will tell you about each of these entertainments in Turkey, as well as how much they cost. For those who are interested in where to buy such tours and excursions in Turkey in General, we recommend reading the material: Where to buy tours in Turkey. 

 Entertainment in Turkey: what to choose? 

 Rafting in Turkey 

Rafting is carried out mainly on rivers in Dalaman (driven here from Fethiye, Marmaris and Bodrum) and the Köprüçay (here fused those who are on holiday in Kemer, side, Antalya, Alanya and Belek). Dalaman difficult – there thresholds 3-4 category, Kepru easy, 1-2 (spring 3). Other rivers are more dangerous (eshen, kyzylyrmak, Manavgat), but they also have quiet areas for commercial rafting.

A bus brings you to the rafting base from the hotel. There you go through a small briefing and get life jackets and oars (sometimes even helmets). Those who have shoes unsuitable for rafting, rent (or buy) rubber Slippers. The rafting itself is fun and a little extreme for those who want (they are unexpectedly, but in safe deep places the instructors themselves throw off into the water). A couple of times the rafts approach the shore, so that everyone can warm up (because the rivers are mountainous and the water is cold), relax and eat (lunch is included in the tour price).

Of the additional entertainment in Turkey on rafting-swimming, jumping into the water from the rocks in proven places, water battles on oars with neighboring rafts (jokingly, of course) and inspection of some simple attractions along the way. At the end of the tour you will be offered photos and videos made by operators who shot the rafting from the shore. This may be interesting, as it is unlikely to take pictures on their own. Be sure to haggle!

The cost of rafting in Turkey: from 20-30 $.

Rafting on the Köprüçay river (Koprulu canyon).


In Turkey, diving is not particularly pretentious. There is no, as in the Red sea in Egypt, a flock of colorful fish, and flooded antiquities, planes and ships are available only to professional divers, as they are at a decent depth. However, if you want to get the first experience and experience the feeling of diving as such, try "Turkish" diving. Popular places for diving in Turkey is Fethiye, Kas, Marmaris, island of galangal, Dalyan and Istanbul. Please note that Kemer is not the best option (there are too many tourists and there is no possibility of quality service).

Choosing a company, find out whether it has a license of the Turkish underwater Federation, and Your "diving teacher"-a certificate of instructor or instructor's assistant, because diving — more dangerous entertainment than fishing or sailing. We also recommend you to check your health condition in advance, as it is Your responsibility, and diving has some restrictions. A couple of days before the dive you can not drink alcohol-keep this in mind!

As a rule, the program of the day includes 2 dives (3-5 meters and 7-10 meters), between which tourists dine to replenish their strength. Of underwater entertainment in Turkey – photo session, feeding with the bread of small fishes, sometimes the investigation of the small caves. For those who want more, there are special diving courses-after them You can dive with an instructor to a depth of 18 m.

The rating of the diving centers of Turkey, compiled on the basis of responses of tourists

The cost of diving in Turkey: from 40-50 $.

Photographing sea turtles during diving.

Balloon flight in Cappadocia

Such entertainment in Turkey is organized only in Cappadocia (Goreme). Their feature-the ability to fly over the valleys with a unique terrain, several times to meet the dawn, and then get a personal flight certificate and drink a glass of champagne. The trip to Cappadocia will take at least a couple of days, as the flights start early in the morning. You can get to Goreme by yourself, book a transfer or buy a 2-3-day excursion to Cappadocia. Read more about it here: balloon Flight in Cappadocia.

The cost of a balloon flight in Cappadocia: from $ 95.

Balloons in Cappadocia near Goreme.

Paragliding in Turkey in tandem with an instructor

The most popular place in Turkey for paragliding is Babadag mountain (Oludeniz village, near Fethiye). Fly also in Kemer and Porridge. Details of the different companies are provided below. When signing a contract, make sure that it includes insurance covering the risks and that Your instructor has the necessary qualifications.

On the day of the flight, the transfer will take you to the mountain, where you will pass a literally minute instruction (because nothing depends on you), then you will run up and soar 20-40 minutes above the sea, valleys and beaches, and then land. Those to whom "usual" flight a little, swing on a paraglider from side to side or offer to operate independently, holding slings. All this instructor shoots on video, and also makes photos, which are then offered to buy (feel free to bargain to reduce the price).

Rating of companies engaged in paragliding in Turkey, based on the reviews of tourists

Company                                                     Place

Sky Sports                                                Oludeniz

 Re Action                                                 Oludeniz

Fly Infinity                                               Oludeniz

Gravitу                                                       Oludeniz

Еscape 2 Оlimpos                                   Kemer 

Bougainville Travel                               Porridges'

The cost of paragliding in Turkey: from $ 80.

Jeep safari

Jeep Safari is a trip by jeep (sometimes with an open top) on the mountains, forests and gorges, with stops in beautiful places, lunch and swimming in mountain rivers, lakes or on unusual beaches. From entertainment in Turkey to jeep Safari-battle with water pistols, fun contests and staging, as well as a visit to the Turkish villages or unpretentious attractions (caves, waterfalls, mosques, various ruins and antiquities).

Extreme tour adds that the road sometimes passes on the edge of the cliff, and drivers while driving excrete steep turns. If you have the desire to drive yourself, You can be allowed to drive (of course, if you know how to drive). Remember only that the roads in Turkey are mountainous, and driving on a serpentine requires certain skills. After the tour, photo and video operators will show the footage and offer to buy what they liked.

The cost of jeep Safari in Turkey: from 20-30 $.

Jeep Safari from Kemer in the Taurus mountains.

Quad bike Safari in Turkey

Walk on kvadrotsiklah takes about 3-4 hours with transfers. First, You are brought to a special place where you are instructed (they can even show everything on the video, and not just explain on your fingers), and then each performs several laps on the circuit (and if suddenly your equipment seems questionable to the organizers, you will have to be content with the role of a passenger with a Next, everyone is offered free helmets, sometimes knee pads and protective equipment for the back and elbows (as the stones from under the wheels can deliver a lot of problems) and sell sets with bandana and goggles from dust (You can also use your own).

Trails for Safari are different: in the woods, on the sand and pebble places, through the Turkish villages and even on the mountain gorges, where you have to cross streams and small rivers. During the tour there are 2-3 stops: for example, near some beach where you can swim, washing off some of the road dust, or in the village, where the locals will offer you Souvenirs, fresh fruit, fried fish or barbecue. Sometimes the program includes lunch or dinner in such places. After the tour, you will be shown a photo and video footage, which can be purchased for an additional fee.

The cost of Quad bike Safari: from 20-30 $.

Quad bike Safari in the vicinity of Antalya.

Tour "Fishing in Turkey»

Such excursions in Turkey are of two types: sea, when you fish in the open sea, and river, when you are taken to a mountain river or lake.

Sea fishing takes place with a speedboat, where everyone is given a simple fishing rod with several hooks or spinning. Catch in the sea you can barabulka, sea bass, mackerel, mullet (excursion boats are often equipped with powerful sonars and organizers make sure that the bite was!) And you can not catch anything-this also happens, although infrequently. The advantage of such entertainment in Turkey is that the people on the boat a little: from 4 to 8 people. The cons of sea fishing – in motion (although you can suggest the seasickness medication), possibly small fish, and the danger of being pricked by some poisonous sea creature.

River fishing takes place somewhere on a trout farm, for example, in the Ulupinar (Ulupinar), near Kemer, or on a farm in the green Canyon in the waters of manavgata (side area), or near the medieval Caravanserai "Alarahan" in the mountain river Alara. There you will also be given fishing tackle and simple feeding (most often bread, sometimes worms), so experienced anglers advise feeding to take their own (for example, corn). The advantages of such fishing are additional attractions (different in different areas) – swimming in a specially designed pool or in the lake, boat rides, mini-pool with fish for peeling heels, mud baths with blue clay and massage, equipped with tables for backgammon, checkers and chess for children – mini zoo and children's slides... the disadvantages include a large number of tourists in the season (so large that it is not always enough fishing rods and picnic tables) and the lack of shady places to shelter from the sun. The excursions are completed with picnics-fried fish (sometimes the one that you caught), lamb or lamb meat, salads, fruit, alcohol are served on the tables…

The cost of the tour "Fishing in Turkey": from 20-30 $.

Sea fishing in Oludeniz.

Boat trip in Turkey

Boat trips in Turkey last 3-8 hours. They are different. Group and individual. Day, which begin in the morning and end at sunset, and night – with foam parties and fire shows. "Adults" – with a visit to the attractions, which can be reached only by sea, and" children " - with pirate animation, treasure hunt and fun competitions. In addition to such walks, there are 2-3-day cruises, when you swim to some fortress or ancient ruins.

Each of these varied excursions necessarily includes swimming in the open sea (bring a mask for diving with a snorkel), sunbathing on the upper deck, animation, lunch and beautiful views overboard. About the animation say separately: you can promise that You will feed piranhas, through the glass bottom of the ship will see the flooded ancient cities and swim in the evening sea, where unusual living organisms glow. Remember that this is primarily a publicity stunt. But whether to believe the organizers (and relax with a smile) or not to believe (and spoil your mood) – you decide! The disadvantages of such entertainment in Turkey include a large number of people on a yacht and unreasonably high prices in the bar.

The cost of a boat trip in Turkey: from 20-30 $.

Boat trip in Alanya.

Tour " Turkish night»

The evening celebration, which usually starts at 19.00-20.00 and ends at 22.00-23.00. You can see the Turkish night for free in your own hotel (especially if the hotel is elite) or go on a tour to see this performance in some ancient castle or restaurant, stylized under it. And the field trip will not necessarily be better than the hotel-someone as lucky.

The festival is a concert program with dinner (guests sit at tables around the stage and eat), and the artists at this time dance, sing, show various scenes, such as the bride's matchmaking or fragments of a Turkish wedding. Most interesting are the belly dance (and performed by women and by men), the dance of the dervishes and various game contests with the audience. Breakfast buffet on the Turkish night is free, but the drinks typically are billed separately.

The cost of the tour "Turkish night": from 20-30 $.

Dervish dance at the performance.

Hammam in Turkey

Hammam is a national Turkish bath, but here everything is different from what you used to see in the Russian steam room. First, men and women in the Hammam often wash in the common room. Although it would be correct to say that they are washed: there are special people – hammerwiki. And this is the second difference. Third, in the Turkish "bath" you can not come naked and behave vulgar, showing disrespect to everything that is around – it is impious. The fact is that before the visit to the Hammam was equal to the meeting with Allah, when cleaning the body, a person cleanses the soul. Fourth, the temperature in the Hammam does not rise above 50-60 degrees, and the humidity is close to 100 %, so there is comfortable even for those who can not tolerate the dry heat of the Russian steam room. And fifth, the Hammam is a totally different bathing rituals. Here is not steamed brooms and do a good exfoliation and soap massage, seaweed wraps and a variety of masks. Read more about the Turkish "bath" and how to find a good Hammam, read the article: Hamams in Turkey.

The cost of Hammam in Turkey: from 20-30 $.

Cable car to the top of mount Tahtali

This tour is convenient for those who live in Kemer or near it. In the morning, the bus takes you from the hotel and takes you to the lower station of the cable car by serpentine – here you can meet mountain goats and wild sheep. They are quite manual, and wishing I can stroke and feed them. Glass cockpit "ropeway" (glass-even the floor – for a full experience) can hold 80 people. Travel time to the top station-10 minutes. At the top of the tahtala you can take beautiful pictures (in Sunny weather – great panoramas, in cloudy – photo above the clouds), drink a Cup of coffee, look through binoculars from the observation deck of the coast.

And on the Ottomans you can see the dawn, but it is necessary to buy a tour with this option. For those who do not like a large crowd of people, we recommend not to go with a tour (the cost of which is about 50 euros), and to book a transfer to the "cable car" either early in the morning or in the evening – at the price it will certainly be somewhat more expensive. Those who like extreme sports can go down the mountain on a paraglider.

The cost of the tour "Cable car to the top of the mountain Tahtali": from 40-50 $.

View from mount Tahtali.

Gastronomic tours-delicious entertainment in Turkey

The best tasting tours in Turkey are held in Istanbul. In this city a huge number of travel agencies and even culinary institutions that offer Hiking with a visit to local cafes, hookah, markets. You will try the Turkish cheeses and olives of local production, buy spices or freshly roasted coffee, visit the restaurant where the meat is grilled on Your table, taste the "meze" and raki, and of course, try a variety of Oriental sweets. All this will be accompanied by stories about Turkish cuisine and the history of Istanbul.

You can book a gastronomic tour not only in a travel Agency, but also directly from a private guide who speaks fluent Russian. You can do this online. In addition, such guides are not only in Istanbul, but also, for example, in Alanya.

Gastronomic tours from private guides

The name of the tour                                                                    Place

Gourmet day                                                                                    Istanbul

Taste of dessert Istanbul                                                            Istanbul

Market day in Istanbul                                                              Istanbul

Pleasant evening in Turkish                                                   Istanbul

Taste enjoyment                                                                          Alania

Sweet eat-sweet talk                                                                 Alania

The cost of a gastronomic tour in Turkey: from 40-50 $.

Sale of nuts and dried fruits on the market in Istanbul.

Oceanarium in Antalya

Oceanarium in Antalya is a great entertainment for children in Turkey. It is considered the second largest Oceanarium in Europe (in fairness, it is worth noting that some do not seem so great, as the cost of admission does not include a visit to exclusive zones – they will have to pay separately).

The main attraction of the aquarium is a glass tunnel – the longest in the world, where sharks and rays swim above your head (though still small). Huge aquariums are decorated in different styles: somewhere "flooded" pirate ship, somewhere-a military aircraft during the Second world war, somewhere-the ruins of ancient cities, sculptures, amphorae and columns.

In the exclusive zone "Snow world" (it's really cold, so visitors are given special warm costumes, but without hats and shoes) you can ride a roller coaster, play snowballs, look into the house of Santa Claus or stay with the Eskimos in their icy homes Igloo. In the "Wild Park" zone (or, simply speaking, in the terrarium) you will see poisonous snakes and frogs, chameleons, spiders and crocodiles. And in the 3-D cinema you will get acquainted with the oceans and seas, having experienced a realistic dive into the depth. The Oceanarium in Antalya is not the only one in Turkey: a couple more are in Istanbul.

The cost of the Oceanarium in Antalya: from 20-30 $.

Oceanarium in Antalya.

Children's entertainment in Turkey: dolphinariums and water parks

There are many dolphinariums in Turkey: in Kemer, Antalya, Alanya, Belek, Marmaris, Bodrum, Istanbul you can watch shows of dolphins and other sea animals. They are especially interesting for children. In "Beauty" (Alania) You will meet dolphins, sea lions and lions, "Aqualand" (Antalya) will see how performs stunts Beluga, and "Three" (Belek), white whales (belugas) and walrus. But in the "Moon Park" (Kemer) only three artists: two dolphins and sea lion Filya.

If you want to not only watch the show, but also to ride from the water slides and swim in the pools, it is better to choose "Aqualand" or "Troy", as these dolphinariums are located in the water parks (though the price of the performance there is slightly higher than, for example, in Alanya).

Dolphinariums in Marmaris and Bodrum on the Aegean sea are located in the open air right on the coast, so that the animals there entertain the audience in natural conditions. After the presentation, you can buy a picture painted by dolphins, take a picture with them or swim (the prices are of course high, especially in the season). By the way, remember that you can visit the Dolphinarium not only with a tour, but also on your own – it will be cheaper!

The cost of the tour "Dolphinarium" in Turkey: from 20-30 $.

White whales in the Dolphinarium of "Troy" of the city of Belek.

Dinopark or discovery Park

Dinopark is located in the village of Goynuk (Kemer and Antalya). On a fairly large area "lives" about 30 dinosaurs. They are made in full size, move and make different sounds. In addition, the Park is free to take part" in the excavations "(in a large sandbox), jump on a trampoline, climb a climbing wall, swim in the pool (only bring your swimsuits), ride a dinosaur or" bungee " (adult and child), pass the obstacle course and visit the room of fear (16 years). "Free" - of course, not quite true, because these activities in Turkey in dinopark included in the price of the entrance ticket, and it is not so cheap (children from 7 years are already on an adult ticket). In addition, drawing with colored sand, boating or pony riding, visiting the planetarium, cinema and peeling with fish, as well as drawing on the water (in the technique of Ebru) are paid.

Discovery Park is located near side in the Manavgat area. Here, too, there are "living" dinosaurs that move and growl. But the large figures of the characters of the famous cartoons "Madagascar", "Ice age" and "Shrek" are silent and motionless. There is also a terrarium, an aquarium and a small zoo with lions, bears, wolves, crocodiles... but the animals, unfortunately, are not kept in very good conditions and look at them sadly. Pets (rabbits, goats, sheep) and all kinds of birds can be stroked and fed – next to the enclosures are baskets of carrots, apples and buckets of grain and hay. Of the free entertainment in Turkey in discovery Park - show seals and sea lion (at 12.00 and 18.30), riding a train, Aqua for children and a small film about dinosaurs. Of the paid-photo with animals (on your camera can not be photographed), swimming in a special suit in a small pool with slopes and "communication" with a seal (very interesting for children who can pet and hug him). As you understand, Dinopark and discovery Park are very similar, and in which of them to go – you decide!

The cost of the tour "Dinopark" in Turkey: from 20-30 $.

The cost of the tour "discovery Park" in Turkey: from 40-50 $.

Sculpture of a Tyrannosaurus Rex at dinopark in the village of Goynuk (Kemer and Antalya).

Entertainment in Turkey. Prices

From 20-30 $ - Turkish night, Hamam, jeep Safari, boat trip, fishing, Quad bike Safari, rafting, and even Oceanarium, dinopark, dolphinariums and water parks…

From $ 40-50-cable car to the top of tahtala, gastronomic tour, diving and discovery Park.

From $ 80-paragliding in tandem with the pilot.

From $ 140-balloon flight to Cappadocia.


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