To the voice of Geralt would like a The Witcher 4 about Ciri
Doug Cockle, who also lends his iconic voice to Victor Vran, talks about what he thinks he can do by plotting CD Projekt Red.
The name of the actor Doug Cockle may not tell you too much, but if we tell you that it is the voice of Geralt de Rivia in The Witcher saga , I'm sure you start to tie things up quickly and his rough and emblematic voice comes to mind. Well, the American actor has spoken with the Australian magazine GameReactor about what he thinks CD Projekt Red might be up to for a hypothetical The Witcher 4 .
"If you ask me about The Witcher 4, I can only say that I have no idea, although I think it will end up," Cockle acknowledged in an interview in which he makes clear his wishes for Geralt and his universe in the hands of the Polish study that is now working on the stimulating Cyberpunk 2077 . "It's my own opinion, and CD Projekt Red knows what they're doing."
"If I were on CD Projekt Red I would make a The Witcher 4, I'm sure, but I would focus on Ciri In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt we saw how Ciri talks about visiting other worlds , including Cyberpunk 2077, and I think it would be great a video game pivoting around his trips to other worlds to follow the series ".
This, we must remember, are only the words of Doug Cockle, since it is worth remembering that the CD Projekt Red itself discards for now a The Witcher 4 although, it is also true, that each time with less emphasis.