Bring back the Greenback! A proposal to fund the wall, reduce military deficit, improve our overseas image, and restart the economy with one simple act.

in #thewall7 years ago (edited)

Dear President Trump,

You don't need congressional approval to fund the wall. A large fraction of the American people are with you. I urge you to consider my humble proposal. Bring back the Greenback, this time not to fund war but to fund national security. It could be called the "Security Dollar". It wouldn't need congressional approval as long as it is not declared "Legal Tender". People would have the choice to accept it at face value, or not, depending on their support for the project, but as so many people are behind you on this I'm sure it would find no shortage of markets.

I'm sure you're aware that our massive overseas military spending is both unsustainable, in light of our national debt, and a huge drain on our economy. We can't keep sending tax dollars overseas and expect an economic recovery at home. Therefore, I propose that we offer all overseas military personnel the option of an assignment back home building the wall if they would accept the new "Security Dollars" as pay. This would help reduce our military deficits and provide a ready workforce for the project that is still in the military's employ if, God forbid, they should be needed for an active war. Many in our military, perhaps even most, would not want to risk the security of their pay in the mighty Federal Reserve Dollar, but I have confidence that a fair number of overseas patriots, seeing the nobility of the cause, would find the risk acceptable and would gladly participate knowing that our patriots at home would support them by accepting the Security Dollar.

Should such a proposal be realized I myself and millions of others would give the project our full support by finding ways to provide goods and services in exchange for Security Dollars. Some might argue that lack of Legal Tender status would be a weakness for the Security Dollar but I say that its voluntary nature, no coercion required, would be its strength and that a voluntary movement of the people on behalf of our Security is just what is needed to Make America Great Again!


Humbly Yours,

A Concerned Patriot

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