The Schteinn Report -- EXCLUSIVE -- An Interview With Famed Director About New Movie: Boats and The Beach -- Movie Draft Written By Steemit Writer @tangmo ~ Original Everything Else, Except What Isn't Mine ~

in #theschteinnreport8 years ago (edited)

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~Fifth Edition~

The Schteinn Report -- A Real News Report For The Real People Of The Real World Of Steemit

For All The News That Ought To Be News

"Tired of Fake News and Alternative Facts? - No Worries, We'll Make It Up To You"

Welcome, to the Fifth Edition of 'The Schteinn Report'

Brought To You By: Variable Productions Limited

This one is: Both 'On and Off The Vine'

-A Steemit EXCLUSIVE Interview, by d.d.schteinn

Rating: ᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥᴥ - 10/10 !

(Happy heads @ the theater)

Recommendation: You Really Should Go And See This Movie, Once It Is Released!

The Boat And The Beach --The Movie

Blue Boat On Ban Krood Beach

(Boat to be used in new movie)

Photo: Taken From @tangmo 's (POST) -- Used With Permission.


The following is an exclusive interview, granted exclusively to The Schteinn Report, with movie director Marios de Plaama. The interview was recorded on May 21, 2017, and discusses his new movie Boats And The Beach, due out some time in the near future, or whenever it can be completed.

Can you feel it?! The BUZZ is absolutely electric on the Talk shows, the Tabloids, as well as here in Steemitville. Why such a hubbub? Because this movie was inspired and partially written by none other than our very own, infamous Steemitian and post-er extraordinaire from Thailand, @tangmo. Please peruse on, and enjoy.

Transcript of Completed Interview With Director Marios de Plaama

DDS - Mr. de Plaama, welcome to The Schteinn Report, thanks for sitting down with me today. May I call you Marios?

MDP - You're very welcome, thanks for having me. No, you probably shouldn't.

DDS - Oh,, so let's start out by talking a bit about you and your career. That alright with you?

MDP - Sure, love to talk about myself. [small chuckle]

DDS - So, Marios de Plaama. That's an interesting name, I'm thinking, Spain, maybe? Is that where you hail from?

MDP - Does sound like it, doesn't it. No, actually, I'm from Ipswich.

DDS - New York?

MDP - South Dakota. [Taps mic on lapel] Is this thing working?

DDS - I think so. We can check.

MDP - I can do it. Larry! Larry's my sound man. Take him everywhere I go. He can check it out. Larry, go over to the soundboard and give this thing a 1-2-3.

Larry, the sound man, speaking into monitor microphone - Test, test, 1-2-3, check, check. Test. Check. Seems to be working, Mr. de Plaama.

MDP - Great. Go have a seat, Larry.

DDS - OK, we're back. So great, you're from Ipswich, South Dakota. Was your family originally from Spain?

MDP - No...Detroit.

DDS - Detroit. Hmm. Is de Plaama your given name?

MDP - No, actually it's Hodgedoodle. Delman Hodgedoodle. I changed it. To sound, you know, more directorial.

DDS - Makes sense. So, this movie thing, it's not all that new to you, is it? What were some of your earlier works, and what were they about?

MDP - Well, let's see. My first was Lizard People From The Center Of The Moon, then Mars Fights Back. My early stuff just wasn't appreciated for it's artistic content. Those two didn't exactly set the world on fire at the box office, know what I mean? I followed those with It Came From Under A Big Flat Rock, and Hot Rod Beach-The Gila Monsters Emerge. Both of those did pretty well on the VCR rental circuit.

DDS - I think I've seen the big flat rock movie, though they changed the title a bit (Reference), but not the others. Sounds to me like a major theme emerges here, things coming out of from under the ground. Is that something you feel passionate about?

MDP - No. No, never really thought about it before.

DDS - Oh, well, moving on. What's this next movie about?

MDP - Boats. Boats and Beaches. Entire movie filmed on Ban Krood Beach, in Thailand.

DDS - Sounds interesting, and a break from your past work. No creatures or things coming from beneath the sand or anything like that?

MDP - [A sideways mouth thing, head shake, and a smirk of disdain. No response]

DDS - [Pause] Where did this idea for the new movie come from?

MDP - Got it from a blog site, called Steemit.

DDS - Steemit. Wow, that's one of my affiliates. Who knew. How did this come about?

MDP - Well, it all started from a post I read on that site. By an author named @tangmo. She did a post about a beach in Thailand called Ban Krood Beach. The post was titled: Boats and The Beach -- Ban Krood Beach, Thailand (POST)
I've taken that post, and a few of her earlier works, and with my writer, Larry LaSilver, have fleshed out a new movie. It's going to be aptly titled Boats And The Beach.

DDS - Wow, Beaches and Boats. Can you give us a bit of a run down, a teaser if you will, about the movie. I realize you don't want to give too much of it away this early. Might ruin the surprise.

MDP - No, don't want that. Let's see, what's it about. Well, it has boats, and beaches.

DDS- Sounds fascinating.

MDP - Oh, it is. All starts out on this Ban Krood Beach. In Thailand. Ever been there? Beautiful. Heady stuff. Gonna be a classic. Picture this....there's a blue boat, out in the surf. I can see it all now...[holds hands up in front of face like we see Spielberg do on the set, making that square with his thumb and index fingers, looking through the square like it's a viewfinder]. We're on the beach. This @tangmo, she's in the boat, rowing. Did I tell you, she's going to be the main character in the movie?

DDS - No, you didn't mention that.

MDB - Oh yeah, she's the heroine. There she is, sitting in the center seat, rowing. Huge straw sunhat, rowing out toward the sunset. Picture it...deep, red sunset of Thailand, rain storm waning on the horizon in the background, sandy beaches of Thailand in the foreground. Dogs, cavorting all along the beach, a few other beachcombers, not many. There she is, @tangmo in the boat, surrounded by stacks of those electric coolers, the kind you see at football tailgate parties in the fall, lots of them. Maybe 17, 18 of the things, stacked up, like children's blocks, piled high, one on the other, all around her in the boat.

DDS - Electric coolers, interesting.

MDP - [Doesn't skip a beat] Coolers, and maybe some other water jugs too. Possibly an extra set of oars, I'm not sure.

DDS - A generator, maybe? Otherwise, how do these coolers work out in a boat on the ocean?

MDP - Generator! [Scoffs] Electric cord. Huge one! Hundred feet or more. Like those one's you get at Walmart for $17.95. Run out to the boat, strung across the water on a bunch of inner-tubes. Seventy five, eighty of them, stretched to the shore like a little train on the water. Held together with ribbon-cord.

The electric cord snaking from tube to tube, each tube has it's own little homemade wooden-stick pier structures, kind of like old-time railroad trestles. Always liked those things. The cord, stretches all the way back to the beach. To one of those cabana hut things. Electric cord is plugged in to the receptacle on a post at the cabana.

[At this point, Mr. de Plaama got very worked up. He finally took a breath, then continued on, getting louder and louder and more excited by the moment, winging his hands about in animated gestures as he talked].

MDP - Seventeen, eighteen coolers, stacked all around in the blue boat. Thing looks like a wooden cargo ship, with those containers spread all over the decks, the kind you see crossing the ocean. Full of shoes, and other things. Those things fall off in the stormy seas now and then. But in this movie, the coolers stay in the blue boat.

The beach, the ocean, the rowboat, and electric coolers. Seventeen, eighteen of them, filled to the brim with food. Mainly desserts. Oodles and oodles of grand desserts. Made from coconuts, coconuts and fruit. Local tropical fruit. Like watermelon and mango's. And corn. Food for the long journey @tangmo is taking in the blue boat. All filled with delicious foods. It's going to be a long, adventurous trip on the high seas.

DDS - [I try to interrupt, to ask about the coconuts, and how long this adventure could be, with the cord still connected to the cabana, all to no avail.]

MDP- A big trip. Really big trip on the ocean. Fun trip. But it gets interrupted. Imagine this....the sun, dips down to the horizon in the East. Then, a sound, an odd, eerie sound. Coming up from the trees on shore, to camera right.

The beach dogs are yowling now. The odd noise grows. It's a low-pitched, loopy, space-age sound. Like those one's you hear on 1950's television shows in Black and White. Our heroine stands up in the boat, shading her eyes from the sun behind her. Soon, a small, odd craft emerges up from the sand in the trees to camera left.

It's some sort of space craft, an oddly-shaped, hovering saucer, like two dinner plates, taped together with duct tape at the edges. Whirring about above the tropical trees. It all looks great. I've imagined it. And we have an excellent prop man. Top notch. All the special effects done by my prop man, Larry. Great prop man. Of course you can't see him, in the movie. He's off in the bushes with a fishing pole and string. Out of sight, off to camera right.

[Mr. de Plaama doesn't even break stride] This is where it gets good. Our heroine, still standing in the boat, looks back to the beach, and wonder's aloud: "What manner of space-based craft is this, on my favorite Thai beach in yonder trees"?

Then, it all happens, a flash of bright light, the dogs bark, a scream from behind the cabana, oh, a horrible, bloodcurdling scream, and then, from the saucer, out pours...


MDP - Sorry about that, must have been my foot...darn thing... [Loud POP sound]

DDS - [recorded at a later date] At about this time, everything went dead. All the lights to the studio went off, and all of our sound and recording equipment went out as well. Deader than a toad on the road. Evidently, in all his excitement and wild hand and foot gesticulations, Mr. de Plaama wrapped our main electric cord to the panel feed around his foot, and pulled the cord from the wall.

Not the plug, but the entire cord! The #8 rubber insulated wire pulled free from the plug in the wall receptacle. Fat rubber plug just sat there in the wall, hole in the end where the cord USED to be, spewing blue and white sparks all across the shiny studio floor.

Looked like one of those stand-up tubes the kids light out in the street on the Fourth of July. Kazinnng and kaaapiiiinnnnggg, the 220 volt stuff was shooting in all directions. Scared the heebeejeebee's out of everybody.

Luckily our technician, with help from Larry, Mr. de Plaama's sound, camera, and prop man, was able to get it all under control. They found the breaker box and turned off the building power, then extinguished the three or four very small fires that had sprung up around the studio.

Unfortunately, all Larry could find was an extinguisher with an A-B rating, and since some of these fires were electric, the results were a bit disastrous. With a bit of luck we hope to have the studio up and running for interviews once more in mid to late summer.

Mr. de Plaama did ask me later, after all the firetrucks were gone, to apologize for any inconvenience to our audience, and to say that the movie will be out in the fall or winter, or at the latest in spring, or the next summer. Basically, whenever they can actually get it completed. Evidently funding is a bit tight, and Larry might have to have back surgery in the fall. Something to do with a bad disc and overwork.

In the meantime, to keep from getting antsy, I recommend you check out and follow @tangmo 's posts, to keep up on things that might be included in the movie. I'm sure, like this author, you just can't wait until they get it completed.

My thanks to Mr. de Plaama, Larry, and of course, the author and star of the movie, @tangmo, for allowing us to interview them for this sound cast. Well, we hope to interview @tangmo at a later time and place, since we didn't have the budget to fly to Thailand this past week, so we'll have to wait and see about that.

"Old Fashioned Movie Making -- The Way Movies Are Supposed To Be Made" -dds

Thanks for stopping in, to get a balcony-side view of a movie in review, and some REAL NEWS of the world.

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A Huge Shout Out, with a reporter's official megaphone goes to @ocrdu for designing and creating this wonderful credential (above) for The Schteinn Report. Not only is it gorgeous and well developed, but I now have access and entry into places I'm probably not supposed to be. ( I really appreciate @ocrdu creating this card for me, as I've been waiting for MONTHS for my 'Official Reporters Card' from The Newcastle Online Reporting School Of Pretty Good Journalism -Apollo Beach, FL. They have not been returning my calls, it seems they have moved to a new address.)

NOTE: This whole idea was inspired by a short comment thread between myself and @tangmo, about and during the still-active life of her post Boats and the Beach.

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire


That is quite the interview! It's amazing how writers and directors find artistic inspiration everywhere. But mostly where they would enjoy being -- like on a beach, in a boat! ; )

Thanks for the compliment and comments back. It does seem life provides an endless stream of wonders to write and post about. Makes for a large pool of ideas. And if I could be on the beach, well, that's even better ( :

Congratulations dear friend @ddschteinn for this innate talent that you own, I admire your naturalness when writing, thank you very much for this homage to my dear friend @ tangmo, excellent work dear friend, thank you very much for sharing
have an excellent week

Thank you so much for your very kind words. It's nice to have you appreciate my work, or play, whichever the case may be. And I agree, @tangmo has been with me from the start, as have you, and I greatly appreciate the support. You both are a special part of Steemit and to me. Full Steem Ahead.

@ddschteinn Thanks a lot for your kind words! I much appreciate it! ;)

@jlufer Thank you very much for your kind words! I much appreciate it! ;)

First of all, I must say many thanks for your kind interest on my post and the picture from my sister. When I knew that you are going to create a movie and write something to promote it, I was very much excited and look forward to reading your story since then....because I know that you are a very creative person with good humor and a very great and well-known reporter in Steemit.

When I first saw your big title, this made me feel very glad and my heart seemed to be much BIGGER than that title. Oh! You put my name in the title....

And much to my surprise, I'm the heroine or act as the main character in the movie! This makes me more than happy! I enjoyed reading your story from the beginning and think what’s going on and what's next...till the end... You are very much successful on making readers curious to know throughout the whole story!

Apart from me, you have done something very great for Thailand, too. People would learn more about Thailand through your story; delicious foods, fruits or scenery! I much appreciate it!

Again, I don't know how to say to you....except for "sincere thanks" for all you have done for me through the great story you created..... I'm very happy to have a friend like you in Steemit..... Thank you very much, my special friend! ;D

p.s. When shall we expect the full movie?..... ;)

I like that the movie has some of your favorite foods in it! :D

@haphazard-hstead Thanks so much! I'm really glad to know that .... ;))

Now I need to get a big-time movie camera, fly to Thailand, rent the boat, make a saucer out of plates and duct tape, and get started. Wow, my next year is going to be busy ( :
What a post that would be on Steemit. I'm so glad you enjoyed the little thing I put together. Makes me feel good that you so enjoyed it. And of course you are the star, who else could we put in the blue boat? You were the inspiration.

It has been fun getting to know you on this site, and to interact from across the globe. That is a large wonder of Steemit. Thanks so much for being a friend, and for your continuous support since I've been on here, it means a lot to me. Well, I better go to bed now, it's only early over in Thailand right now. Have a most wondrous day.

Yeah! It might be a big preparation before you can get start. Yes, I will be really glad if you fly to Thailand... WOW! I'm much excited about your next movie and can't wait even a minute!!

Thanks so much for creating such enjoyable and nice story with I am as the star...I can clearly imagine myself sitting in the blue boat through your wonderful story! :)

I highly appreciate for your nice compliment! Our good relationship means a lot to me, too! You always make me feel happy and have a lot of fun! Thanks a lot!

Have a sweet dream, my special friend! ;)

Thank you, and to you as well, except you might have to wait 12 hours. (for dreaming). We will wait for the sequel, but as slow as I am, the boat will probably not still be on the beach ( :
It was a very large pleasure to make this post for and about you, my friend. And I hope you have a wonderful, day, or night, and thanks again for your kind thoughts.

Yeah! I've just waken up! And really happy to get your nice message.... I much appreciate it! Many thanks for all your kindness.

Regarding the boat....perhaps, you will find a new one on that same beach...and the color maybe red, yellow, or.... and then your new movie will be created endlessly! You are welcome to Thailand at anytime. ;)

Have a wonderful night!

p.s. it's 06.39 a.m. in Thailand now. Yes, we have to wait sometimes for 12 hours, but whenever we are here and we can talk, that makes me feel full of joy. Many thanks! ;D

Just to see if I understand from the title, its pretty much all original, except what isn't....ok I'm good with that lol.
Well I'm not expert but; the $17.85 #8 extension cord from theres your problem lol!

Yes, that way I'm not libel for anything.
And I'm pretty sure any $17.85 cord should NOT be hanging in a waterbody, particularly when the other end is in your boat with your feet in 6" of leakyboat water.

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