RE: The Robots Are Coming: Real Laws For Synthetic Citizens?
I've always believed that AI is the future of humanity. But this future would only be feasible when machines finally merge with the organic humans - and that would mark the dawn of singularity.
Also, with advances in the field of AI and robotics, and with the proposed incorporation of consciousness into machines, we could be greated with the Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) sooner then we think.
Talking about synthetic citizenship; with the trail that has been blazed by Saudi Arabia when they made Sophia the robot a citizen, we could begin to see robotic rights here and there.
I see a future where both the organic humans, augmented humans, and machines would co-exist freely without recourse to their biological or biomechanical properties.
But my only concern is in the legal aspect of it. When robots contravene the law; for example; who would be jailed? Is it the manufacturers of the robot or the robot itself?
Nice piece buddy
Strangely progressive for one of the most oppressive regimes on earth! I must look into that...
The robot itself, in much the same way we don't jail the parents of a child when they commit a crime. Unless of course the parents, or in this case the manufacturers, created it with the specific intention to commit a crime.