The Pink Rabbit: FreeWrite Contest
The pink rabbit ran through her mind all night long.
Hippity Hop Here. Hop hop there. Hop hop everywhere.
She slept but it wasn’t restful. She felt guilty at herself over her inability to lose sleep. She never lost her ability to eat either.
Some people couldn’t eat when they were angry. She was not one of those people.
But what had that silly rabbit meant? Why was it hopping in her dreams, jumping on her brain, nibbling on her ear canals, and wiggling his nose so that her nose would wiggle too.
There was something odd about the
pink rabbit - perhaps it was the coffee she drank before she went to sleep. Perhaps it was the guilt. The guilt that should have robbed of her sleep but fed her a silly pink rabbit instead.
This is my entry for the 5 Minute Freewrite Writing Contest hosted by @janine-ariane.
Thank you for stopping by :)
Thank you very much for your entree! And good luck :-)
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the contest ❤️