Motivation Matrix in the Steemspace!
Hi all,
I'm Sam. This is my first post on Steemit.
Right now, my mission is to motivate people(other than growing my portfolio). Be it work-life balance, or helping people develop emotional quotient, or simple proverbs for trading mentality. I'm all about providing people with value.
Today I'm going to bring you five quotes for you to ponder on. They are from a movie that was MUCH ahead of it's time, The Matrix. Some of you might find these quotes to have multiple relevances, to different situations. And all those relevances are fine, as long as they help you along on your journey!
Without further ado, here goes the list:

Time and again, people have been led astray, beause they did not question their beliefs. And we are even more endangered in today's age of unparalleled connectivity. We tend to confuse instant connectivity with authenticity. Every news that reaches the masses has been filtered at some level. Even more, many news are custom made to serve specific motives of speciic people.Keep track, and be observant!

Well well well, I can say something for sure! All of you reading this article, here on Steemit,tend to keep your distance from ignorance. For those who ask, how can I infer? I'll ask them back, where are your friends from FB and Twitter? Why are'nt they on this platform here, on their own accord? Are they even aware that a new movement is upon us? Or do they expect the banks to start playing fair from the next year, so you can get a 3% hike on a 6% savings account interest? Sadly enough, they are focusing on trivial things right now, when they could be levelling their own selves up!

Confidence is key, in any playground of Life. People believe those who believe in themselves. And frankly speaking, you yourself are nothing short of a miracle. Probably on of the highest forms of life in the Universe. So, don't think you are. Frigging Know you are!

Literally, there is no spoon! If you think deeply, you'll realise that many loosely defined terms exert tremendous control over our lives. One of them is career.Many people will have many different opinions about the definition of a career. Ultimately, you would'nt have given two spits about this term called career, had there not been a need to run in the rat race and earn money. Ultimately, we are all a race of animals, we are human beings. There is no race to win. There is no spoon!
At the very end of my first post, I would like all of you to revert back to the first picture. The Oracle is right, she knows! You guys have made a decision, which is why you are already here. You have decided to end the ignorance, and begin your own journey through cryptocurrency. Try to figure out what is it that you want to contribute here that builds up the community!