The Marketplace Flyer - Volume 2
Welcome to The Marketplace Flyer

Your weekly guide to events and happenings in The Marketplace.
How to find and use left hand side rooms:
▶ THE MARKETPLACE If you see a triangle that means the room is collapsed, just click and it will open, and allow you to see the contained rooms, as below:
# marketplace-discussion
# buy-and-sell
# volunteer
# verify-your-transactions-for-digicrystals
# Weekly flyer
All of the above rooms have pinned messages, so please read them from time to time, as this is an evolving process, and changes will take place. The Marketplace Member Rooms work in the same manner as above, there are 171 rooms offering services.
1As of Monday 5-14-2018
All offers and transactions are between the individuals involved in the transaction, and IFC, Discord, and Steemit, will not be held liable for anything going awry.

The Marketplace Spotlight
Our first room Spotlight gets shined on:
# eaglespirits-medicinecard-energywork-shop
Introduction: Greetings,

Your choices are from four decks: 1. Shaman Oracle, 2. Chakra Energy Work, 3. Spirit Animal, or 4. Regular Tarot. You can choose a 1 card or 3 card draw. What you will receive is a full reading with positive encouragement and extra energy sent your way since I am a Reiki Master Teacher (that comes with the territory.)
I will need your first name and general location of where you are physically. The reading is fairly detailed, and I love your feedback, so please be open to guidance and energy work, this helps the work to go smoothly. I have many ventures but I'm especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the Spirit World. If that's you, please say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit.

@eaglespirit has had several individuals take her up on her reading offers, and all have been very satisfied with what she offered and provided. One of the satisfied customers was our very own @charisma777. Now we all know that she is a Judge in the contest, so when she approves of something I think we can all rest assured that she honestly did approve of it. One small quote from her, "I sent her the 1 SBD then sent another 2.5 because it was well worth that to me! She spent a hour [d]oing the reading so i figured 9$ would be worth her time!!! Most definitely in tune spirit!!" You can see her review in its entirety right here.
@eaglespirit's blog is very active. If you are into spiritual readings, Native teachings, and natural medicine you may want to give her a follow! Here is a weekly post she posts every Monday!
Are you looking for that something special but don't know what store to look in, or are unsure if one of the store fronts can help you out or not? Like with the Storefront owners, I extend the offer to you to advertise for services needed. Drop a line or two in the Weekly Flyer room, and I will try to get intouch with you to get your request formatted into the weekly Flyer. (First example shown below).The Want/Need Ads
@apolymask is looking for a developer that would be able to design applications to assist in the development of the IFC. If you are a developer, or if you know a developer, @apolymask would like to get in touch with them to discuss the building of applications for the IFC competition/challenge, and for assisting in the development of "The Marketplace" . He can be reached through the IFC discord chatroom.Here is a direct link to his storefront in the IFC Discord Chat Room:

Breaking Last Minute News
Just under the wire for the The Marketplace Flyer:
There are two side quest rounds happening this week in the @ifc! You can enter them below:
Hangman Steemit Style
The Wally Test No. 2

IFC Open Rounds
Round 34 Time Travel
Round 35 Catch Up Round - - Creative Minds
All rounds open til post pay-out, and there can be a little bit of flexibility in the acceptance of slightly, (note the word slightly) late entries. I would not bank on a post being two or three days late as being accepted, but it never hurts to plead your case. @apolymask and all the participants and Judges are pretty good guys and gals.

The content of this post was written by @bashadow, any complaints should be directed toward him, and not @IFC, or @aploymask.
All offers and transactions are between the individuals involved in the transaction, and IFC, Discord, and Steemit, will not be held liable for anything going awry.
Woo Hoo!! Thank you for this feature. Awesome post and this venture looks amazing for everyone. I'm so happy to have met you all; so very supportive to everyone and kind. That is a hard mix to come across and I cannot say how happy I am to be a part of this group. Love to all.
You are welcome! Your store seems to be very popular! We hope you see even more customers!! Awesome work @eaglespirit! Keep the energy flowing! :)
with the help of all of you, it is getting out there ... we are attracting more people to ifc too, which is great! ;) this is an awesome group and i truly love it. thank you for your congrats and beautiful words. it touches my heart. keepin it on keepin it on :)
@eaglespirit, you really put a giant smile on my face reading this comment! Well deserved feature!! :)
awww i am kinda emotional today and got a little teary reading your reply. thank you so much. :)
Awesome! I especially love the shop promotion. I feel like @eaglespirit's shop has sort of already taken flight from joining the marketplace! Hope more and more shops follow! I'm also waiting on the next letter for the hangman as I'm totally stumped!
than you Krypt!! :) what is the hangman??
Check out @charisma777’ side quest!!
i found it i found it! soooo hard 😢
Keep up the great work, @IFC! I personally had a reading done by your own @eaglespirit yesterday. I was astounded by the things she said. I encourage everyone to join in on the fun and see wht this great group has to offer! -@smylie2005
Hmmm... I'm thinking of opening up shop in a day or two maybe. How to open one again? :D Do I just make a post?
Send a message to @apolymask in discord! He will open one for you! Then you can promote it with a post!
Ah ok thanks!