The Magic Story #3 Day 34


It's me again...
The Magic Frog

Read my story

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Once upon a time...

A famous thief had stolen the crown jewel of the kingdom of Magnolia. Enraged, the king ordered his army to find and apprehend the thief but without success. Out of option, the king announced that whoever catch the thief and return the crown jewel...
(by @yuki-nee)

...will be honored as the kingdom's hero! Not only that, but that person will also be given a large amount of gold and a territory. The news thunder throughout the kingdom, and even mercenaries from another land came to try their luck. Among them..
(by @riovanes)

...the traveling bard Thomas. When the news of the rewards reached Thomas, the bard quickly traveled towards Magnolia. But unlike the adventurers and mercenaries, Thomas didn't came for the reward, instead he went to Magnolia to witness the event.
(by @chadrona)

Inside an Inn, Thomas was chatting with a barmaid when suddenly, a grim looking person entered. The person in question looked around and went to a table with four people, he then draw his sword! Everyone looked nervously at him. Suddenly, he...
(by @chrislyr)

...points to Thomas and said, "I want you to be part of my party. Everyone knows a good group needs a bard. When we succeed, we shall share the spoils!" He introduced himself as Osman, a paladin of The Order.
(by @enforcer48)

One by one the group introduced themselves. Athena is a priestess from the holy kingdom of Fronterra. Luke is a knight from Greevis. Stein the thief hails from Meetis. Then there's Saori from the mysterious east continent. She calls herself a "ninja"
(by @chrislyr)

"By the way do you know about the Rats?" Osman suddenly asked. " I've heard of them. They're a secretive group that sells information," answered Thomas. "Indeed. Stein here us acquainted with a few of them," said Osman while pointing at Stein.
(by @vegaron)

"We'll go there right now, wanna come with us?" Asked Osman. Thomas agreed without hesitation, he too is curious about the so called "rats". Stein then took them to a house. He then knocked the door using certain rhythms. Before long the door opened.
(by @yuki-nee)

...and a bear-like middle age man appeared. "You're earlier than expected," the man said. "We got a new member and I'm taking him on a tour," answered Stein, smirking. " you think we're a travel agency?" The man said annoyed. Stein, simply...
(by @riovanes)

Stein simply, nods at the bear-like man to the man's annoyance and led the group inside. There, a person in gray cloak led them to a secret there where they walk for god now how long. After the long hike, they finally saw a light, passing the tunnel
(by @chadrona)

To the party's surprise, they arrived at a black market; specifically, it was ran by the drows. Thomas knew in his mind that this is was not normal as the marketers were far from their homeland.
(by @enforcer48)

"How curios!" Thomas said? "What's curios?" Athena asked. "These drows, none of them are of pure blood," Thomas answered. "Impressive! You actually noticed," said Stein impressed. "I've been to Halmara before," said Thomas. "Really?" Everyone gasped.
(by @riovanes)

Surprised with what Thomas said, his groupmate wanted to ask more question but was warned by Stein that this not the proper place to do so. After this brief interlude, they finally met the information seller—a time-weary and aged half-blood drow.
(by @chrislyr)

After being introduced as Smnir, the aged half-drow took the group to a private booth where they could talk business without worrying of being eavesdropped. Inside, the old drow took out a sealed scroll, telling them that the information they...
(by @vegaron)

...they wanted is in that scroll. "Be warned though, the place written in the scroll is extremely dangerous, and if you're not careful none might escape alive," said Smnir. Hearing what the drow said, everyones expression turn solemn. Days later...
(by @chrislyr)

..., they had finished preparations and gathered supplies for their upcoming treacherous trip. Osman seemed unworried and was, in fact, cheery. Athena was meditating in her usual way. Luke gave his weapons a final shine. Saori and Stein sat quietly.
(by @enforcer48)

At dawn, Matthew and gang left the inn they are staying and rode a horse cart at the port. Their destination is an island in the Rebeuk sea. According to the information from old Smnir, their target might be located there. So without hesitation...
(by @vegaron)

...the gang rode a ship heading to Reubek. "Reubek is a big island with several tens of thousand residents. How do you think we should do to effectively find the thief?" Osman asked. "We have six members, let's split nto three groups?" Stein suggest.
(by @yuki-nee)

Stein's suggestion was sound so no one complaint. But instead of three teams with two people in it, the grouping ends up with two teams with three members. Osman, Luke, and Stein is one group. Thomas, Athena and Saori is another. For some reason...
(by @chadrona)

...the girls decided to team up with Thomas together, much to the chagrin of the guys. Seeing the expression of his male groupmates, Thomas could only smile wryly. Feeling gloomy, Osman and his group could only accept the facts and leave. Then...
(by @vegaron)

...without saying anything left for town where they uses their advantages to get as much information as they could. The reasoning behind the team up finally shows itself. With Thomas good looks and skill, couple with the girls charm, their team...
(by @riovanes)

...had an easy time communicating with people. Unfortunately, Osman and the two guys weren't so lucky, the fact that they all wore solemn faces made it so that they scared everyone they're asking. Worse still, a strange rumor about three scary...
(by @riovanes) lurking in the shadows, and victimizing people are abound. Even Thomas and the girls heard of this making them worried because Osman and the others are gathering information there—clueless of the fact that they are the same person! Worried...
(by @chrislyr)

...they decided to head there and see how things are going for them. Renting a carriage, they managed to reach the place in a few hours. Asking around they found the guys' location, only to see them drinking at a tavern!
(by @chadrona)

Confused, Thomas approached the men and inquired their actions. Osman, ever cheery, told him to relax and sat him down next to him. "I have good news, my friend!" Soon, everyone gathered at the table. Osman then changed into a more serious demeanor.
(by @enforcer48)

"While asking around we managed to find some very important clue that might shed some lights to the location of the thief," Osman declared proudly. "Really?!" Asked Thomas and the girls. Osman and the guys nods, happy to see the other's reaction.
(by @chrislyr)

Suddenly, Osman took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and unfold it so that everyone could see its content. Thomas and the girls gasped after seeing what is written on the parchment. "It's actually them?" Athena exclaimed in shock. Osman nods
(by @yuki-nee)

"To think that they have such courage, these lunatics!" Athena exclaimed. Who would have thought that the ones responsible for the disappearance of the crown jewels was the church itself! "Indeed... this is can be called treason!" Osman agreed.
(by @yuki-nee)

"Let´s report them to the King immediatly!, said Osman, but Stein replied: "By the time we reach the king, these jewels will be gone forever. We should go after them now!". And in his mind, Stein though 'and i might miss the opportunity to grab them'
(by @phgnomo)

"How about settling our little rat problem before anything else?" Said Saori mysteriously. "Yeah, they've been following us for a while now, and it's getting annoying," agreed Athena. "I think I know a good place to do so," Thomas said with a smile.
(by @riovanes)

No one said anything after that. The party just ate and drink. After paying their tab, they left the cavern and hurried toward a certain direction. The people spying on them panicked and followed. They then found themselves at the port!
(by @riovanes)

The spies looked at each other. There years of experience was telling them that they're in trouble. But as they are about to flee, they suddenly heard a beautiful melody—leaving them stunned and absent-minded. "Charm magic!" The spies screamed.
(by @chrislyr)

"N-no way! Isn't this a high level bard magic?!" A spy screamed in terror. But before anyone can answer him, their bodies started to move on theor own! And, very soon they found themselves inside a.warehouse, where sux people are waiting patiently.
(by @chrislyr)

Thomas ordered the spies to kneel then Osman and the other guys tie the spies with a rope. Leaving Osman and Stein behind to interrogate the spies, Thomas and the rest decided to wait outside. There, Thomas was bombarded with questions. Leaving him..
(by @vegaron)

To be continued!

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...speechless. Left with no choice, Thomas told them that he learned the magic from his teacher but refuses to answer anything else, to tue dismay of the three. After a long awkward silence, Osman and Stein finally came out of the warehouse with...

...not knowing what to do. Seeing the trouble expression on his face the trio knows that it's something he cannot speak of. Sighing, they could only swallow their questions knowing that they would not be answered. Half an hour later...

...perplexed. Therefore, he tried to change the topic—to the disappointment of the others. But knowing that Thomas did not want to talk about it, Athena and the rest did not pursue the subject. An hour late, Osman and Stein are finally out.

Feeling troubled, Thomas only smile as reply. Seeing this Athena pouted as he really wanted to know his secrets, even the usually taciturn Saori was no different. But before things could go awkward, the door of the warehouse opened.

...helpless. Thomas could only try to faint ignorance to the annoyance of the girls. Fortunately, they gave up after confirming that Thomas will not say anything. Soon after that, Osman and Stein finally came out with tired and weary look.

... quiet. Both came out of the wharehouse after a while, and while Osman looked angry, Stein had a wide smile on his face and said "We have what we need. Let´s go...". Osman stayed silent while his eyes full of anger followed Stein as he moved.

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