Biodiversity, the storehouse for life sustainability.

in #thegreens6 years ago

Biodiversity is the basics of human existence, as such its destruction at the rate at which we are utilizing it without striking a proper balance majority of its species be it plant or animals will soon get extinct. A case in point is that of the Raphia palm which is almost extinct.
Genus- Raphia
Family –Arecaceae

Human beings have hardly foreseen the impacts of their technological innovations that have been proudly developed as such, our biodiversity is rapidly been destroyed more than it is been restored. A case in point is the cutting down of Raphia sp. This plant has different species in different parts of the world like, South America, but with origin in Africa. They grow up to a height of about 6m with remarkable pinnate leaves, and are monocarpic in nature (Halle, F, 1977), (Tucker, A. Redford, A Scher J, 2010).

This crop always do well in soils which are clayey in nature, serves as a reservoir for water, home for varied species of both animals and plants. For ages it has been of use to several communities within the western highlands and the North West Region of Cameroon in varied ways.

  • When tapped(skilled operation), the liquor or wine(it is sap which contains sugar) is used for traditional ceremonies such as death celebrations, marriages. It is used to generate income when sold, serves as cultural sites that is, shrines.
  • The fronds used in stitching mats, for roofing of houses, making of brooms for house and office cleaning, etc.
  • Bamboos when cut are equally used in weaving cupboards, ceilings, making of chairs, roof tops in traditional hurts, baskets and this serves communities or families in generating income always.
    Today, these areas are been destroyed and reclaimed purposely for the construction of houses, which go along way to destabilize the ecosystem, contribute to the adverse effects of climate change. The earth is a planet of green plants, they are the mantle covering much of the earth’s land, so let us protect it.

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