I Was 5 Years Old When I Wrote My Very First Short Story... Why It's All About "That Passion Thing" [Probably The Most Personal Blog Post I've Ever Written]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #theeverydayproject7 years ago (edited)
You can't fake passion. - Barbara Corcoran

I'd rather say: it doesn't even make sense trying, Barbara.

We can't force an interest on ourselves. It has to and will find us.

There is actually no passion to be found playing small. When we focus on what excites us, what could stop us then?

Today I hit a legendary milestone on steemit: 3,000 followers and 71 reputation. It's time to be grateful, pensive and adventurous!

@surfermarly skating on a day with no waves (can you read the text on my shirt?)

The passion theory

I was 5 years old when I wrote my first short story.

It was 6 pages long and about a little girl that visited the corner shop in order to buy some groceries. The few vocabularies I knew to spell at that point of time were accompanied by colourful drawings.

Now - more than 30 years later - when I'm at my mom's house and dig out these old, dusty stacks of paper, I realize that this storytelling passion has been sleeping inside myself for ages.

After finishing school it fell a bit behind, since I found more pleasure in playing basketball than in filling papers.

However, it was always there.

As a teenager I had a great letterfriendship with my today's best friend. Back then (when emails were still not part of our lives) it was the only chance to keep us constantly updated since we didn't live in the same country. Today we know each other for 27 years and still laugh about these letters.

Then a couple of years later when I started to have boyfriends, they've always found some notes with lovely messages sticking around. It's a cute symbol of appreciation a spoken word may not achieve.

Writing has always been one of the most natural ways to express myself. Now steemit has reanimated that passion.

To me writing feels like a natural flow

Do what you love. You can't be best at something that you force on yourself.

Probably these 3,000 followers find pleasure in reading my stuff, because they recognize that everything I publish comes from the heart.

Now you guys can answer me back in case I'm wrong :-)

At least to me it feels like that. It feels right. I wouldn't ever be able to give 150% on steemit if this wasn't exactly what I wanted.

After more than one year on steemit, creating a blog post still excites me in a special way.

Most of the time the ideas for my stories come to my mind in situations that have nothing to do with this platform. That happens because my inner antennas are always on alert. Whenever something calls my attention in an exceptional way, it's a potential idea for my blog.

Everything I publish on steemit is related with myself in a certain way. Every story includes a little piece of me.

Maybe that makes my stories so credible - or as Friedrich Nietzsche said once:

All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses.

That skateboard was paid with the first money I earned on steemit

That's why 'we can't fake passion' as Barbara Corcoran mentioned in the beginning of this article.

You would uncover me :-)

The only risk I assume is the eventual loss of inspiration. What if one day I don't know what to write about?

Yet, chances are little.

During the past decades my life has been even more adventurous than I wanted it to be. Probably it's part of my personality that I unintentionally seek the challenge, the hard, the tough and the sometimes painful. Those who fly high may fall deep. But even if I wanted to change something about it, I couldn't.

It's part of my DNA, as well as writing is.

Here's my promise to you and (especially to myself): I'll be passionately keeping my life as interesting and adventurous as any future story might require it to be.

Remember: the most important reader of your stories is you.

Whenever you find pleasure in reading your own stuff, there will be surely some more people that might enjoy it in the very same way.

You should be your most critical observer and judge - and not that little number below your writing called payout :-)

Thanks for reading, for your time and your loyalty, steemians!
You are incredible!
Marly -

Thanks for your valuable time!
This blog was launched at the end of July 2016
aiming to provide stories for open-minded
people who enjoy living on the edge of their lives,
stepping out of comfort zones, going on adventure,
doing extreme sports and embracing the new.
Welcome to the too-much-energy-blog!

PS: Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Original content. Quote found on geckoandfly.com.


Well creative minds are always the ones with the highest highs and the lowest lows. As long as you can live through the lows with the highs in mind, you're ok! And in your case, I am pretty sure of that!
I must say, the place you are living would make me more creative than boring Belgium, and your mind of course has something to do with that! Have fun over there, and most of all keep on steeming!

Well creative minds are always the ones with the highest highs and the lowest lows. As long as you can live through the lows with the highs in mind, you're ok!

Absolutely. These lows are part of the game. I think I've find my way of how to get through it. From my point of view the most important part is to consciously live them and not just try to forget them.

I guess every spot on earth have their own charisma. But yeah, my island is definitely OK :-)
Have a great day, @pele23! It's always a great pleasure chatting with you.

Indeed, If you live through them they make the next drop a little less hard. I can relate to that.
That's Lanzarote right? A friend of mine goes to practice there a couple of times a year for his Ironman triathlons! He says it's the thoughest place to cycle in the whole world!

Yes, it's Lanzarote! A lot of people come here to train for their running events, and streets are full of cyclists. I always adore these fighters when I pass with my car. They must be very strong!!

I feel EXACTLY the same lady!
Writing has been my underdog love for as long as I can remember and through Steemit, it has sprung back into life!
Also the whole part of writing from the heart. I totally feel you.
I can ONLY write from the heart.
If it's not from the heart, it blocks off and just kills it somehow!
And you know what?
I think I am my own number one fan! 😂
I have such a good time reading my posts back and I grin from ear to ear when I watch my YouTube vids!
I make myself laugh hysterically with the way I am on camera, which is completely myself!

Thank you for writing this!
I am completely in the same vibe!
BIG love to you missy!


Wow, thanks for your huge comment @ashleykalila! What a pleasure!

And you know what? I think I am my own number one fan! 😂

Ha, that's a great strategy which I'd sign right away.

Your blog has a new follower now :-)

I am honoured ✨🙏🏼❤️

This is what we like to read here on Steemit!

Are you going to write some short stories for us miss 71?

I guess everyone has something to locked away to write about, I need to get on that too.

Peace and congratulations!

Thank you, Asher!!!

Are you going to write some short stories for us miss 71?

Aren't my blot posts short stories in the end? :-)
Haha, Miss 71. Sounds as if I was competing in one of these beauty queen challenges - LOL

See you in (wow only a bit more than) 2 weeks! Tic Tac...

Ooops! It wasn't supposed to sound like that! 71 is more like a ticket for the meat counter... ok that analogy isn't helping my case!

This is a story about a story with sprinkles of positivity all over :D

2 weeks and a lil bit yes, have you finished your presentation?!

71 is more like a ticket for the meat counter... ok that analogy isn't helping my case!

Hahahaha I'm dying. It's not getting any better 😅😅😅

Yip the presentation is ready. Only the video needs to be done. On the 21st of october my charity project will take place - I will film that and include the images in the presentation. I bet you will like it :-) In the end I did cooperate with the Red Cross - it's been a 100% positive experience so far. I will tell you all the details in Lisbon then!

haha :D

Well if you had a good experience with them and they fit your needs then they are the best choice.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about here and at Steemfest, ace!

We are glad that you continue to love to write. I agree you must do what you are passionate about and that which you love. Congratulations on your 3,000 folowers!

Thank you so much, @team101!!! I'm happiest that you are one of these 3,000 :-) You're one of my most loyal supporters here and I really appreciate that.

Big hugs!!

You said

The only risk I assume is the eventual loss of inspiration. What if one day I don't know what to write about?

I somehow doubt that you will stop having something to write about —you are a very social and passionate young lady. From all the posts I've read you have shared things that excite you and that make you happy.

I used to have a pen pal too - from another country. We lost touch after about 15 years or so. Writing is almost therapeutic and writing to a pen pal is similar to a living diary.

Keep sharing your life @surfermarly. If not for an audience of many, for yourself.
I've read some of my older posts and I liked them. At first I was worried they weren't good enough for an audience, but I like them for me. So that's good enough, period. :)

Thanks for your wonderful words, @countrygirl!

There is a German life coach called Jens Corssen I like a lot. He said once:

First of all, it's about winning the "inner game". As long as you give what you are willing to give and happy with the result, everything is fine. Winning the "outer game" has no influence on your own fulfillment.

That's also a good strategy for steemit :-)

Have a wonderful day!

You have success because you are passionate, eloquent, genuine, entertaining and consistent. Congratulations
I have always struggled to get my scrambled thoughts on paper. I have no confidence in my writing and is one of the main reasons I like to share my photos.

Thanks for your lovely compliment, Stephen! You are one of my longest and greatest supporters here, and I'm really grateful.
That's another brilliant thing about steemit: you don't have to be an author to publish amazing stuff on this blockchain. Creativity has many faces :-)

Wishing you a happy Friday!

fantastic post, many congratulations on achieving your 3k followers and 71rep and i am glad that i am one of your follower, it's nice to hear that you write a short story when you are just five years old, it means you have a strong inner belief from a very early age and that's something extraordinary i guess not many peoples have that skill, it's also great that you do what you love to do and not impose anything on yourself, it's great way to achieve happiness, when we do things which we love to perform it makes us feel good and we also get good results by doing such things, have a very cheerful week ahead, stay confident and awesome, thanks for sharing

Thanks for your lovely words, @adnanrabbani! They're highly appreciated.

it's great way to achieve happiness

To me it's the only one :-)
Have a great time!

wow super post i like it

Thank you! :)

Hi @surfermarly!! I loved your post, I have always wanted to write as well, have taken some courses of creative writing, however is hard for me sometimes to focus and be creative. However I do have a goal of maybe one day publishing something, but not just ANY THING, it has to be something GREAT. Keep up the good work, and as you say, being adventurous, that's the main source of inspiration, adventures.

I'll be checking you out!!


Ama Bee

Thanks for your lovely comment, @amabee!
Good to see you again :-)
Creativity finds you. It's hard to schedule it. I started to write a book at the end of last year, and there are days I'm completely inspired and write 10 pages all at once, and then there are other days I don't even feel inspired to write one single word. We can't force to be on the top every time we wish.

See you around! :-)

it makes me feel so happy and sad at the same time. I also wrote some stories and poems when i was a child, but i've lost it all. Not a single piece of paper i can find today. it is painful. I would give anything to find those papers once again. I'm happy for you that you've still got the old stories that you had created as a child. Keep on writing and follow your heart. it doesn't matter if it causes some pain - as long as you are free. Keep flying as high as you can. I totally with what @pele23 said : "creative minds are always the ones with the highest highs and the lowest lows. As long as you can live through the lows with the highs in mind, you're ok!" Best of luck

Thank you @tamurah!
You are right, writing always needs to follow the heart. Don't be too sad about these lost stories, they are still in your own memory and will keep inspiring you in the future.

Have a great Friday!

that's right. thank you :)

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