RE: Dream Diaries. The one with the wasps.
So sorry you were jolted by this dream. Now, I'm no dream interpreter, but I enjoy speculating on what these dreams mean. I do it with my partner @stacyquast all the time. For me the wasps signify hate or resentment, and given the situation you are currently experiencing, this seems to make sense. The one perpetrator you describe as making your life hell would seem to fit the bill here, either the person or the situation you are both co-creating (there's a victim/perpetrator dance going on there). Clearly, you want to protect the one's you love the most. It's interesting that the moment your Dad showed up, the wasps vanished. There's a level of respect you have for your Dad, even though he may not be on-point all the time. You have a strong sense of self and can handle most conflict- just ask the wasp that was crushed between your fingers! You seem like a cool MF, and I'm sorry you are dealing with this mess.
Hey, thank you for this comment, I am still looking into the specifics. The Black wasp specifically does point towards the Sexual harassment I experienced which would mean that the black wasp is the root to the problem due to the fact that he lead up to the other wasps.
I remembered the blanket was white with sunflower patterns on it too once I napped with out dreaming for a while. Another roommate that lived with us had that same blanket and had been instigating the problems I was experiencing.
The words my dad said I remembered as well, they were "The wasps and hornets seem attracted to your daughter's playpen." then he handed me the phone with Duck Hunt (a Nintendo game transfered to his phone) and when I touched it, I woke up having a panic attack. I sometimes remember more details over time.