TheDiaryGame 11/07/2020 New Born Butterfly
Hey guys! Today I had the fortune of seeing a beautiful butterfly being born! Last month I saw the coccoon hanging in my house entrance and I was hoping to see the butterfly. Well this came true, it was a perfect timing! And all because I was hungry and was going to buy some tamales.
Also I´ve never seen a butterflylike this before, I was amazed by its colors.
The pictures were taken with a Samsung Galaxy S7, enjoy!
At the end I stood next to the butterfly (like for an hour) and forgot my tamales!
Hola @jarveg95, que hermoso momento documentaste con tus fotos, imagino la emoción, esto no es nada común, encontrarse en casa con un capullo que pronto se transformará en una bella criatura, realmente me gustan las fotos que lograste tomar.
Olvidaste los tamales por una causa justa..!
Saludos desde Venezuela
Si, jajaja. saludos!