The Diary Game, Thursday 13 August 2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in #thediarygame4 years ago


Every day I usually wake up early. and I always start my habit by getting up early. I woke up at 05.30 and went straight to the bathroom after taking a shower, and did not forget to take my ablution to carry out the morning prayers with my wife and my children.


the area of ​​Caffee nek syeh

Kupie, lhok euncien village, kec. baktiya barat Aceh Utara.

At 07 30 am, as usual, my activities at caffee nek syeh kupie to drink a cup of coffee in the village of lhok euncien and enjoy a cup of coffee, smell the scent of steaming hot coffee which gives a feeling of relieving sleepiness when with my friends M Tafa, Abdul Hadi, Muslem and Zahril while drinking a cup of coffee, sharing experiences during the Pandemic (Covid-19) which has not ended in Indonesia.

Today I am discussing with them about agriculture, fisheries and direct cash assistance (BLT), extended by the central government until the end of December 2020, the education of school children, work, and the current economy of rural residents, not long sharing with my friends in Grandma Syeh Kupie today, I have an activity to Lhok Euncien and Cot Murong Villages

List of prices for drinks and cakes at caffee nek syeh kuoie lhok euncien village kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara,
1 cup of coffee Rp. 5,000 (Five thousand rupiah)
1 cake Rp. 1,000 (One thousand rupiah)
Great drinking coffee typical of Aceh with 5 members at Caffee Grandma Syeh Kupie

This morning my shopping total was: Rp. 30,000- (Thirty thousand rupiah)


Location of construction of a multipurpose building has just been done 50%
Lhok Euncien Village, Kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara


The location of the multipurpose building construction is ready to be done 100%
Lhok Euncien Village, Kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara

At 9.00, in the morning, I went to Lhok Euncien Village to monitor the implementation of the Village Fund Multipurpose Building construction activity in 2020, which is done independently by working is cash-intensive in the village. The benefit of this multipurpose building construction activity is as a place for deliberation, the Prophet's birthday, religious activities and for the smooth running of other community activities.

So far, the community has not had a permanent meeting place in the village. The residents have appealed to the village government to build a multipurpose building because currently the building used for deliberation is old and no longer suitable for use.

The existence of village funds is very helpful for rural residents regarding empowerment development and for the economic growth of rural communities.

The use of village funds by the activity implementation team (TPK) is prioritized by the village government to finance cash-intensive labor in the village, which is an activity to empower poor families, unemployed in the context of reducing poverty among residents.
I, as a field monitoring team today, feel very happy that the workers in the field work together to develop villages


Location of the Takwinul muntazi Islamic boarding school, Matang bayu village, kec. Baktiya barat Aceh Utara

At 01.00 noon, I went to my son's place to deliver food at the TAKWINUL MUNTAZI Islamic Boarding School in Matang Bayu Village, a trip to the Islamic Boarding School on a two-wheeled motorcycle, about 30 minutes of travel, the mileage arrived at the Islamic boarding school where my son studied

Arriving at the Islamic boarding school, my son was waiting at the gate with his best friend, then I immediately came across to hand over the food I brought today and then I gave a little direction to my son about education, good morals in front of the teacher to maintain health, cleanliness and get along well together his friend after that I said goodbye to return home, there were activities to the village of Cot Murong



Location of distribution of direct cash assistance (BLT)
Village of Cot Murong Kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara

At 02.30 in the afternoon, Accompanying the Village Government to pay Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) to the poor. The amount of funds distributed to the community per month is (Enan one hundred thousand rupiah) this assistance for 3 months for recipient families, which is distributed by the Village Government for three months, today pays direct cash assistance (blt) in June 2020

Direct cash assistance, which will be distributed by the Village Government to maintain the purchasing power of the poor in rural areas affected by the pandemic (Covid-19).

The provisions for recipients of direct cash assistance, for the village for three months are issued by the Central Government and data collection is carried out by the village government so that the assistance is delivered on target.
Those who are entitled to receive direct cash assistance are as follows

Poor families who are not included in the Family Hope Program (PKH) recipients.

Poor families do not get shopping cards and work cards.

Direct Cash Assistance, for the poor affected by the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19), is taken from the Village Fund which is budgeted in the Village Budget of 25 percent of DD or approval from the central, regional and village governments.


Make reports at home
Paya Bateng Village, kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara

At 10:00 in the evening, I worked on the task that was asked by our superiors regarding the financial reports of the Saspras and non-Saspras village funds that had been completed, the provisions of the working area, Cot Murong Village, Matang Raya Blang Sialet, Lhok Euncien and Pucok Alue Buket, for 1 hour I finally finished the report, I was very relieved tonight, everything I did from morning to night was no obstacle, everything was smooth. I will finally rest tomorrow a lot of my work is done.

In conclusion, everything I did from morning to night, monitoring in the field about the work done by the general public in rural areas, they work together in the field, they don't know the hot sun, they still maintain their work to achieve income.

Besok saya cerita lebih banyak lagi. Sekian dulu hari ini.
Perwakilan dari NEGARA INDONESIA yang direkrut ke STEEM POD Sebagai berikut :

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kurator asia tenggara

Tim Indonesia yang terdiri dari :

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Terima kasih telah mengunjungi blog @f21steem.



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Semakin hari rangkaian kata-kata anda semakin bagus, sebaiknya setiap gambar yang anda tampilkan diberikan sedikit uraian ataupun detail dari gambar tersebut, agar mendapatkan kurasi yang sesuai saat kurator mengunjungi post anda,


Terima kasih banyak bang @muzack1 atas kritikan posting saya sangat saya hargai, salam kompak selalu

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Salam: @anroja

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