The Diary Game-June 6, 2020. Not as planned

in #thediarygame4 years ago


Dear diary,

It's another beautiful day, woke up quite early to get house chores done before I head out to see my aunty who is close to her delivery date. I'm gonna be an aunt to a little cutie in few days, really excited, the sex of the baby isn't confirmed as my aunty and her husband want it as a surprise. I love surprises, can't wait to meet my niece or nephew though I do wish it's a girl.
Gulped down breakfast and felt a sharp pain in my tummy

Can't be…..

I haven't skipped food in recent times so why the pain??? From the looks of it, seem I'm going to be treating ulcer again, not a pretty sight. I don't want to miss out on some my favourite dishes, oh gosh I have been craving for pancakes for a while now. Is that how I won't be able to have a bite for a long time? Not good.

Put a call through to my aunty to cancel my coming over to her place, have to ascertain how bad the ulcer is and how best to treat it early. I guess the earliest the better. A trip to the clinic confirmed my fears, I was administered medications and given strict instructions to adhere to it.


Leaving the clinic I felt bad, I detest it when I have unsettling feelings and the confirmation just set it into place. Got home and went to my editing app, working on PixelLab kinda soothes me so I worked around a few designs.



Finding a template is quite easy for me now unlike when I first started with PixelLab, added inscription, toned the colors where I deemed fit and loved the final look.

The day didn't go as planned but I was able to improve on my creativity. Another day into the 100 days of STEEM.

The diary game has been a lot fun, if you haven't started, it's not too late to get onboard. Good luck everyone


Hello there @dimsyto congratulations in advance for becoming aunt to a niece/nephew.
We are alike when you said you love surprises i also love surprises and one thing is that things don't go as we planned it's always uncertain :)
Good luck with the diary game i wish you luck congratulations again!!

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