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RE: "9/11 Papers" MegaLeak - Layer 1 + Checkpoint 03, 04, 05, 06, & 07: Cyber-Cash For Cyber-Cache

in #thedarkoverlord6 years ago (edited)

Well, I guess it won't change anything. They lied to us in every aspect. Every war they told us to save women and children was a lie. There are no conspiracy theories, there are hard facts and documents. There were no "weapons of mass destruction" in Irac. Hussein's mistake was to announce he want to get out of the dollar.
What about Syria? Yes, maybe there was something like a "civil war" but guess who initiated it (Operation Sycamore for example)? Gas-attacs by Assad? If you read the clinton-mails you know WHO brought rests of sarin gas from Irak to Syria.
They lied about Jugoslavia, About Japan, about Vietnam, About Korea. They changed about 50 legitim governments around the world in last 100 Years. They practice torture (which was declared reason for war against other nations before we knew)
Everybody knows!
They continue lying about Iran, and they lie about Russia. They lie about situation in Ukraine after "investing" 5 billions in regime-change and installed those Nazis. They lie about everything and we know ist.
You really think it would change something when there are some documents showing they lied about 9/11?
I guess the mainstream-media will try to sell it to us as a "Russian fake".. Or simply like they did with the clinton-mails: "The Russian stole it" and they will tell us nothing else but the daily status of brave FBI hunting those "Russian Spy". And they will tell us it must be a reason for more censorship and more spying our communication.
So if this really change something it will make everything worse.

Go and get some cats and enjoy your life! There is nothing left to do :-(


I like cats too!

I had a friend with worked with National Intelligence Agencies in some vague fashion that was never fully explained. He explained some things to me one day. He said, What do you do if the bad people are fighting bad people? And both of these bad people are your enemy? Well the answer was, you let them fight. Strategically, it makes no sense to get involved. If one kills the other, now you only have 1 enemy not 2. OK, but there is a better way to play this. Another option is to sell them both guns. Now you can get rich, they both get killed or hurt and you still only have one enemy at the end of the day, plus the money for the guns. Now I know this is overly simple, but it explains a lot. Now I want you to also imagine you are in the government, and two sides are fighting... Bad people and Bad People. Which Side are you going to help? Well, if you pick one side, people are going to blame you for supporting bad people. It is very hard to Win. And if you don't get involved they are going to blame you for NOT doing something (Rwanda). Not Every Problem is the American or (any other nations) problem to solve. When America goes and solves the problems (Iraq) people blame America for going in; when we don't get involved (Syria) people blame us not doing more... They just want to blame us. Yep it is all our fault!

By the way, I like cats.

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