
in #thechosen3 months ago

My Alex Jones Sandy Hook Post on Twitter X; Bicentennial Man starring Scott Adams instead of Robin Williams, AI will be able to make that movie in a few years. Grok, draw alien UFOs over the White House in 1953.

My Alex Jones Sandy Hook Post on Twitter X; videos: Don't look directly into eyes song video; watched: Mighty Morphin Conspiracy Theories - The Beef needs to End for Power Ranger Fans | Jason David Frank and Austin St. John, La Brea 203-204, Dark Journalist on Alex Jones on UFOs over New Jersey, Thor Skywalker - The Force Awakens: Remembering what almost was (Nine Years Later, Nerdrotic - MCU reset? It's Kraven TIME! War of the RoHERrim is BORING! | Friday Night Tights #332 RMB


Screenshot at 2024-12-14 02-42-48.png
The Chosen

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-13 - Friday | Published in December of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png

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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

My main Facebook was JoeyArnold around 2010, JoeyArnold7 around 2012, and Original Oatmeal around the 29th of March of 2013, and then JoeyArnoldVN starting around April of 2014

Discord Drama

2024-12-13 - Friday - 12:58 AM - Discord Log

945/ I had the AutoMod set to message when prisoners post 3 messages in 5 seconds which I think Caddy did; okay, I moved it up to 5 messages in 5 seconds; this is only for people with prison or mute-like roles and also the first seven roles to doctors. 11:47 PM: 946/ Women tend to be less jerks most of the time, men tend to be back-stabbing weirdos who tend to lie and do terrible things more often than women; amazing men can be promoted fast too if there are any; I did make Spike a god; Darby was already a god months ago. 947/ I don't know if Spike is a troll but he's right Lil Andru aint no woman; sometimes, I promote people very high in order to get my people above your people; like you promote your people above my people, then I'll have to promote my people to gods or to very high roles. 948/ If Spike was god, then how did Spike promote Lil Andru to god too if you can't promote to your highest role or did Spike have a role above god? Should we demote Spike?

Twitter Tweets

01:12 AM

When I asked Grok to draw Dilbert playing chess with Scott Adams, here is what Grok drew me.

02:02 PM
Bicentennial Man starring Scott Adams instead of Robin Williams, AI will be able to make that movie in a few years

02:50 PM
Do you put your coffee grounds into your compost for your garden?

05:15 PM
Not only didn't Alex Jones @RealAlexJones kill children at that school in Sandy Hook in Connecticut just hours north of New York back in 2012, there are five things globalists don't want you to know

First, on the day of that shooting in Sandy Hook, Alex mentioned the shooting on his show on video, just find the video and watch it yourself, Alex mentioned how Obama was trying to find any excuse for national gun grabs, confiscation, like Canada, Australia and other countries

Second, on Piers Morgan @piersmorgan in 2013, Alex mentioned Big Pharma; over the years, Alex has mentioned how serial killers are generally hooked on drugs or prescriptions or medicine or whatever; and don't get me started on government projects like MK Ultra where they attempt to turn people into sleepers who can be triggered to turn on to kill or whatever like the dolls in the Joss Whedon series named Dollhouse

Third, Alex didn't start the debate on Sandy Hook (starting around like maybe 2014 like a few times because other people brought it up and Alex reacted to them, that's the context), even tho it can be free speech to do so meaning we should be free to have opinions and not all opinions are correct, but it's illogical to go after Alex and not like the people who actually started the debates; especially Americans should be free to debate as Sandy Hook is a complex situation

Fourth, Sandy Hook was weaponized regardless of how real and fake it was meaning life is messy and things can be both fake and real at the same time in that real children probably died but that doesn't mean there were no actors and I'm not saying there were any actors but it may have been staged either partly or completely; like Covid and Jan6 and 9/11 and many other examples, many different things can be both terrible events that were real but also a trap in that governments and others use events to push their agenda

Fifth, Alex may have made mistakes or whatever a few times over the years but we all do, Alex may have been talking on air, on radio, in videos, on his show, and everything else, like an average of like one hour of non-stop talking let's say each day these past 30 years, so if you do the math, 30 years times lets say 400 days a year because he often talks for four hours on some days and sometimes maybe no hours on some of the Saturdays, that equals to roughly 12,000 hours or more of Alex talking non-stop; Alex might have played Devil's Advocate at times or whatever, he might have misspoke or any variation of things; but Fake News told people to get the Killer Covid Vaccines which resulted in blood clots, brain seizures, heart attacks, death; maybe we all need to investigate Sandy Hook and other events more; that doesn't mean nobody died; but that doesn't mean Sandy Hook wasn't weaponized because it certainly was weaponized

05:38 PM
2009-12-24 - Thursday - Christmas Eve:
Before @TeamYouTube deleted my channel, Ojawall was the 39th most watched YouTube station or channel on Christmas Eve, Thursday, the 24th of December of 2009 as seen in this screenshot; YouTube never let me appeal my channel or my @gmail

I think Craigslist saved my life in Vietnam in 2012

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

La Brea 203-204

2024-12-13 - Friday - 02:32 AM - La Brea 203-204

They escape a place. They meet the grandma. Wolves were terrible CGI. Fire. Hiding in the bus. Stealing food. ID card. Secret building. Weed field.

02:12 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [3 of 4] Friday 12/13/24 • DARK JOURNALIST - BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION - News & Analysis

02:28 PM
Grok, draw alien UFOs over the White House in 1953

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed around 04:20 AM. Awoke around 11:05 AM. Mom is watching the female Matlock reboot. I watched the dishes for about an hour or longer. Don't look directly into eyes song video. Made myself coffee which I haven't done in like months or years. Breakfast: 12:30 PM. Discord. Lunch: 01:18 PM. More dishes. Mail. Compost. Was trying to find pudding for mom who thought she had it a few days ago on the day we got groceries and she must have lost it which she often loses everything almost every day for like years or longer like her phone and so on and I usually try to help her find things maybe a few times a week or month past few years or longer on average. Raining today. Dinner: 04:20 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, 12:30 PM. Lunch: 3 boiled eggs, 01:18 PM. Dinner: potato, pepper, Salt, butter, it was delicious, some of the potatoes previous days this week and sometimes are not delicious but this one was, 04:20 PM. Soup around 07:00 PM. ChinhPham0402: Son Class 0228: 2024-12-13 - Friday - 09:26 PM. 1. Green English 31-35. Science 24-27. He said advantages wrong. Electricity talk. Currents. Girl Thao Nguyen of Chinh Pham Class 0001: 2024-12-13 - Friday - 10:30 PM. 1. Pages 012-013: Puma at Large. Student name: Thảo Nguyên. Female. She is the daughter of a man who is friends with Chinh Pham. Spotted. Learning about how to write letters.

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