FAMtastic! (really)

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)

Well done fam!

You Are Though!

Through the treacherous waters of these vile Steemit seas the past few days, I did happen across some interesting characters. Those characters formed many words and some granted passage to beautiful views. Do enjoy the ones I picked to bring more attention to. Little known fact, I go through everyone's profiles every week. Not on the same day, that would be insane, or would it? Nonetheless, I dare say, these are pretty badass and surely are - FAMtastic!

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@tibra challenged herself to a short story contest run by @neoxian. She managed to write it in less than an hour, and it came out fabulous - even having a @steemmonsters twist I found heavily enjoyable. Read her story! You won't regret it.
Something is to be said about FREEDOM. In this installment, @snowpea gives us her thanks and breathes a sigh relief. You see, things have been rather hectic for her lately and she is very grateful for the family she has - and the one she found.

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Who doesn't love flowers? The aroma and the colors? I know @leyargoz does! She decided to share a walk in the sunshine with many beautiful sights. My suggestion is you make it a point to fly over here and absorb some of that sunshine with her.
It's not every day you can see someone reach a goal or complete a long challenge. @hazem91 has done just that! Stop in and congratulate him on completing his 100 day poetic challenge! Way to go my man, and a great philosophical deposition to end with.

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Not everyone is at ease out here though. @fishyculture reminds us it's not all peaches and cream and sets the record straight about her opinion on the word 'rape'. This is all inclusive of the commonly used term 'reward pool rape' and the actual factual despicable act. Excellent read people. Broaden your minds and awareness by giving this one some serious consideration.
What @jznsamuel did here still has me kind of choked up. Showing us all some love in this post, it really makes me feel good that people treasure our bonds and thrive on the relationships we have made. Thank you, this was most appreciated!

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Hey! Did you guys know we have several devs within our castle walls? One of them is @dumar022. He has been teaching himself various programming languages and just created a simple app called FetchMyPendingPayout. Stop in and check it out!
It is official! For those that are not aware yet, @derangedvisions is our newest witness! Read about his vision and let's welcome him to the fold of our 'famtastic' witness ranks! If you haven't already, please take the time to get to know him a little better so you are comfortable when you write him in! All total, that is seven different witnesses in #thealliance family. With your help, we can make a difference.

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Now, @dejan.vuckovic may not be a man of a thousand words, but his pictures surely speak that many, if not more. The Nature In His Veins is just breathtaking. Do stop and see them all for yourself, very majestic my people.
Sharing with your readers exactly what it is you are hoping to convey, is a true challenge. Especially when a story intertwines with your own personal experiences. @dreemsteem let's you peek inside a 'Firefly', by letting you glance into Talia's World.

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I just love it when people take the time to share their walks with us. @dabeckster shows us the powerful calm they experienced while at Cherry Creek and along the South Platte River. Marvelous footage, well done! Some people may agree, there is something about being near water that adds a natural ambiance and relaxation to the atmosphere.
@bmj takes a comical stroll down technology's memory lane with us in this post. Brrrr-Beeep-Brrruuuurrr-dideng-bideng-bideng-schschshcschcsh!!!!! Still hear that sometimes when you dial a wrong number and it ends up being fax machine lmao! You know what I'm talking about, we've all heard it.

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Some people are just born with it. They have a gift. They know how to stay humble and accept the bountiful rewards that come with it. Not so sure @bluefinstudios has that gift. LMAO, but he is talented and you'll love this humorous collection of original poems.
I love to see posts like this one that @annhoyblog wrote. Ones that try your own boundaries and click on the switch of self-motivation. ABSOLUTELY FAMTASTIC! To acknowledge your own short comings is a major step toward forward progress. I applaud you magnificiently Ann!

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Thanks For Reading!

Hope everyone has time to stop in and check these out. I really liked them and thought they were 'FAMtastic' LOL! This is going to be a temporary - or maybe even permanent - replacement for the 'Eyes On'. I simply don't have two days to put into a sinlge post anymore. Maybe it'll revive in the future or I'll run mini installments featuring various genres, but for now, let's just keep being FAMtastic with each other :P Have a splendid week my peoples. STeeM oN and don't forget to BE YOU!

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Ooohhh I love it, double columns with pictures from the posts - I love how everyone doing curation posts is doing it their own unique way - and this is certainly a great bunch to feast my eyes on - after 5 and a half hours solid driving on the motorway -_- 500 miles over two days does strange things to your brain.

a solid bunch of posts though, I'm pleased with myself to have already been to a few, will try and catch up on the rest. Know I was offline a fair bit today I did turn on the AutoVote to soak up a few more people, to be fair I still prefer the intimacy of manual curation and being able to adjust the vote to the work - but you can't read every post and when I just know I won't have the time to read the auto vote fills in. I was pleased to see a number of people including @ancapbarbie state a comment means more then an upvote, that really is why manual curation is so important even if you just try to fit it in a few times - over the weekend I found a number of posts days old without a single comment. Feedback through comments is so important, and we all like receiving it - so it kind of leads on we should try and give it back as much as we can too.

I did sit counting on my fingers for quite a while, and I still only know Six Witnesses in @thealliance - so you are going to have to list them all because I'm missing out number 7 some how.

#thealliance #witness

@thekitchenfairy, @jatinhota, @enginewitty, @guiltyparties, @c0ff33a, @noblewitness (@sircork & @rhondak) & now @derangedvisions. Even though @anarcho-andrei and @gmuxx aren't family, we discussed it on the pow-wow and everyone agreed we should endorse them collectively as an alliance witness. Those guys are cool beanz tho if you haven't associated with them.

That's it - @noblewitness the change from @sircork totally got me befuddled and my brain blanked it. Duly noted of course I adjusted my vote as soon as it was announced - I think the collaboration of a 4 person Witness team only makes them stronger and sure to get to a higher ranking which they truly do deserve.

Once all their voters finally migrate, we'll hope so. Still down 2 spots atm. I get to see all 4 of them this weekend! Gonna be epic. If you can swing it, there is going to be an alliance meetup in August (16th-19th) in Atlanta. Once this is over, there will be heavy promotion for that ;) If need be, we'll do some fundraisers for you to come out. Would love to meet you! Maybe we can convince @saffisara to fly in too :P

Thank you so much! Not family...yet. ;-)

Love the optimism :P they may very well be in days to come :)

But but

I dont want to betray my vegemite root and @gmuxx is all about marmite

Decision decision




Thank you Sir!!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

I appreciate your presence in my life.you know this
And yes... @bluefinstudios.... Ummmmm did he ever find his way back to humility??? Hahahahaha that was a hilarious post!!!

Only because you tell me. You rock with that Booty, Cap'n🤗😎

nice work @thealiance .. no easy job doing these

You say that like you've done it before or something LOL!

I like this better. It was hard to get to all the posts in the longer posts before and it made me feel bad that I didn't (it is all about me 😂 🤪) But seriously, this way, it is more than likely that people will visit all the posts...
As always, you amaze!! You go through everyone's blog? Wow!!

Glad I wasn't the only one that was feeling overwhelmed! LOL! And yes, I go through everyone's blogs. :)

Chapeau bas ;)

#famtastic content! thanks for the mention :)

And thanks for the love amigo!

Muchos post geniales para disfrutar leyendo, una gran variedad de talentos y gustos. Me gusta este nuevo formato...

Jaja Gracias hombre :)

FAMtastic indeed

Thanks welshie! Good to see you here :)

It's been a while. I need to pull my finger out and do a bit more for the "fam". That's for everything 👍

I will sure to visit these FAMtastic blog pages, a couple I follow regularly! Thanks for this article.

Yes ma'am! Glad you stopped in and are supporting the fam hun :)

This is wonderful and you always pick the best posts!!!

I'm sure that's a matter of opinion...and yours makes me all fuzzy :P

Great collection of great posts written by great people 💚

Most assuredly so! Thanks for stopping in sweets :)

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