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RE: The Princess Kat-Leia Chronicles: I

in #thealliance6 years ago

"Hey I Recognize That Hat!"

I heard you. lol! Kids move at their own pace, don't they? No concern for what we adults want. Hilarious that Luna wants to keep my shirt... Of course she does. Please tell her sorry, but I really like that shirt. I'll pack a crystal for her and Khaldeesi... not sure I should give one to Freya—she'd just try to eat it. ;)

I love your hugs, too!!! Looking forward to more of them, and my boys are looking forward to seeing the girls again. So nice for us to have friends here! And your sentiment about the crystal is super sweet. 💖💖💖

To get together with someone who understands this whole Steemit thing? To meet you after reading so many of your posts and chatting on discord on a near-daily basis? To give you hugs after wanting to hug you so many times, and to laugh together IRL after you've made me giggle on countless occasions staring at my computer screen? AMAZING! You're something special, my friend. See you tomorrow! 💖


YES more hugs :P and that last part...feelings entirely mutual Princess. See you soon!

This is in the running for best gif ever. Just sayin'. ;)