My "Official" The Alliance Application #thealliance

Hi Everyone!!
This is my official application for The Alliance. ( #thealliance)

Now you all do realize that #snookmademedoit
So anything I say that is not in line with what would or should be expected from a serious person is her fault!
Just making sure this is made clear prior to answering the three questions.

Where did u hear about us?
Well, I would say "Blame @snook" but that wouldn't be totally true.
I heard about the alliance back many moons ago, while I was in the Team Australia chat room, when someone mentioned how they had been accepted into the alliance.
I read a bit about it and figured, "Well, I'm no novelist, so I guess it's not for me".
However as time has gone past, I see that people are beginning to catch on to the fact of how 99.999999% of people on this earth are no Shakespeare or Stephen King or Harper Lee.
Lucky for them, because if everyone who thought they were a "good writer" were to be anywhere near the great writers that we all know and admire, then these writers would just be average and not worth mentioning!
So, now that I actually see and believe that the majority of us are getting a little more realistic and mature about our "expectations" of average Jo Blo's like myself and I see that The Alliance has become a lot more than what some people presented it as "Just for fantastic mind blowing post writers" I can actually see myself as a member.
Which gets me to question2.

Why do you wanna be here?
Well, once again, because #snookmademedoit.
But apart from that obvious reason which I shall keep yelling for ever, mainly because it is kinda true, I believe that what The Alliance has become is something that I agree with.
"People helping people"
Isn't and shouldn't be an "obligation" it should be natural, a normal part of life for every person.
We can understand that people have lives full of obligations that can detour us from the things we want to do and we are not robots. Something that I see is understood by the members of The Alliance.
So yeah, not only does all this fit into what I believe in, but it also in many ways fits in with how I try to do things.
Easy to talk the talk, but walking the walk can be a tough one on all of us and it is a lot easier when you know that there are others out there who understand and are willing to be there for you when you stumble along the way.
Hell, we all know how popular people are when everything is going right, but we all also know how tough and lonely it becomes when you don't make it or when you do fall over and SHTF. Man, do we all know it!
So yeah, this is exactly WHY I would like to hang out with like minded people.
Ohhhh yeah, and did I mention the fact that "snookmademedoit ?

What do you feel you can contribute to the platform/alliance?
Me, myself and I.
With all my qualities and all my quirks.
Not much more that I have to offer.
I know it's not much, but heck, it is what it is, either take it or leave it.
Surely, that is the most honest and sincere answer I can give to this question without talking about all the stuff I have done and plan on doing and how I believe it could all fall in line with most of/a lot of what The Alliance is.
People are what matter and yes, this old bugger Jack Miller is no robot or superhuman.
I can only offer to be who and what I am, to do what I honestly feel I can do without making empty promises.
One step at a time, "step by step" as I have often said.
and if you do accept me into The Alliance, know that whenever I do anything wrong I shall always mention the fact that #snookmademedoit !
Just so you all know in advance!

Now, seriously, without the formalities.
I am working towards achieving a number of goals, among which many shall be of good to many Steemians.
& what better way to make sure the most is made of them, then to share them with supportive people who understand what reality is!
So there it is in the short version.
Everything is a lot easier in life and better for everyone if we have good, hard working people in our company!
Thanks for reading and don't forget, #snookmademedoit.
Too true my man.
GREAT ANSWER. I often try to remind people while they are out here having fun and being serious trying to find their 'niche', to remember to 'Be YOU.'
Thanks for applying man, this is awesome.
Character is plenty to judge a man by and he has plenty of that. Few I'd trust with my house keys, Jack is one of them. Worst I'd have to worry about was my fridge missing meatballs and I feel I would have to search for a hilarious note somewhere. That's a good person and they're a rare breed. Easy to find a friend when all is going well, but hard to find good people willing to give theirselves to help out when times 'aint so great'. Time is a precious commodity and I admire anyone who spends it serving people, especially voluntarily, out of the goodness of their heart.
@enginewitty, you've got yourself a great candidate here. If it were me, my 'Have Done' sheet would be a Twitter comment in comparison to what Jack has done in virtually the same period of time (he is just a few weeks ahead of me, beyond 1 year). Hat tip to you for what you've accomplished in building a community and I hope you know that it's a fire under my ass to see you all and what you do. It's inspiring. Let me get to work for a while and maybe get to a level where I might be of value to #thealliance and also the Steemit community alike. 🍻😎✌️
Value is determined on a personal level. I would say you provide plenty already as you took the time to leave me a thoughtful comment on my comment on someone else's post. That means you care, which is a strong value we have in the Alliance family. I think you would be a great fit. 😎
Calling @snook , on the 'snookphone' , time for you to hop in and work your #snookmademedoit magic!
We have a candidate here that needs your magic powers of persuasion (intimidation)
Click this darn link NOW!
say 'Hello' to the nice people there.
Read, unlike your friend, the directions about answering the three questions in a post and post it. NOW!
I will be gone for 4 days and am already late getting to bed so will be yelled at in the morning when I'm told to "get in the truck"so I can go on a badly needed vacation.
On top of that, you really don't want @jackmiller in the 'playground' alone........... he will need your me on that one.
So when I get back home You best be IN the playground playing 'kill the guy with the ball' in a deadly manner.
Night! :D #snookphone answered and best be listened to LOLLLLLLLLL
How did I do @enginewitty and @jackmiller?
I submit and it was because #snookmademedoit!!!
My mother-in-law is on her way into town, on a flight. I'm going to put off cleaning the disaster of a house since my kids can reverse it all faster than I can pick it up - so that way I can study up for this application. I know Jack will need his goofball sidekick or else he might get into mischief. You all are so much fun and I just cannot miss the party. I play nicely in the sandbox, I promise!
Thanks @enginewitty, @snook, @jackmiller for being so entertaining and encouraging at the same time. It's never a dull moment in this crowd. Lots of laughs. Enjoy your vacation, @snook!
Hmmmmmmm............ so I looked and looked and looked and looked and it seems that your fingers were in casts while I was gone? The dog ate your homework? and the cat ran away with the spoon??????????
Was this a good idea? leaving @jackmiller all alone with his balls? :D
hahahahaha sorry have been dealing with chaos and a new swimming pool in my basement. I swear I have the draft! #snookmademedoit
sits in a corner shaking, holding his knees and rocking back and forth saying #snookmademedoit, #snookmademedoit, #snookmademespoonit
Batman, move aside, @snook is in town!
Thank you!
YAY!!!!! @snook, so glad you made him do it. ;)
@jackmiller, this made my night! You already feel like family, and now you'll be coming into the Alliance fam for real. Whoop whoop!
I told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help YOU God!
it's going to bite me in the butt. I just know it!
From previous experience @snook has impeccable taste and always manages to get things done, she might not always #makeyoudoit but you will have this nagging feeling you ought to or you will be in trouble!
That's the important part right there, they say it's rare to find people more interested in helping others then themselves, but from my experience they group together.
#thealliance #witness
You have NO idea how much this made me crack up!!!! Thank YOU for that!!
Yeah, Jack!! You sell yourself well short mate! You'll be a fantastic ally.
I can vouch for @jackmiller. He is very community focused, and is doing some really good work here on Steem. He will be an asset to #thealliance. A bokken great one!!!😉
Bokken ai mate!
Yaaaaaass my other brother from another mother 👍👍👍👍
Let’s get the serious stuff written:
I support you on all your endeavours, Alliance member, Steemit Ambassador, Witness extraordinaire, Miss Croatia!
But I’m so terribly confused by this:
I always thought you were a robotic kangaroo, a bot that just replied to my rants with:
“Bugger ‘em”
“Be yourself”
“As we all are.”
Not that I am complaining or discriminate against bots as friends. I’ll talk to anyone who responds. Lol
But then you wrote “Shakespeare” in this post. I’m scared, has your account been hacked?! Because this is a great application. Good luck and you are fantastic, you’ll win this pageant for sure! ❤️
(I am joking to anyone who might not get it, Jack is a good human. ❤️)
"To be or not to be? that is the question" as that dead dude once supposedly wrote!
Need good, positive minded people around you to stay positive and if there was ever a time that this was needed, this is definitely one of those times!
Another saying I learned in this part of the world and it translates pretty good, but I did add my own little bit to it:
"You can't pick and choose your family members, but you can pick with whom you hang out with"
I added to that: "don't misunderstand this, just because they are family, doesn't mean you have to hang out with them, if they are AH's that is"
PS. Not a bad idea, make a bot for discord that answers in my words based on key words!
hmmmm..... that could save me like 23 hours in a day!
Honestly, people are what matter for any project to really thrive... Together everybody tends to achieve more.
Thanks for sharing.
Well, a smile is worth a million bucks at times and although I don't have a million (yet) I'm glad I was able to do the next best thing and help put a sincere smile on your face.
Thanks for the uplifting and supportive comment.
Made me smile too, appreciate it.
The pleasure is mine.