Why I'm Leaving the Alliance

in #thealliance6 years ago


I was super excited to be invited into this group of "high quality" of authors on Steemit. As a minnow looking to support great content and gain more views for my post, this was a group I was interested in joining. Plus, many of the up and coming dolphins that I look up to on the platform were joining this group as well. It was an honour to be accepted.

Recently I noticed @thealliance account was used to flag a post. I don't care if a person is running around making false claims about the alliance, a community account with delegated SP and a curation trail should not be used to flag posts, in my opinion. The choice to flag may have been a group decision as I haven't been very active on discord, but even if it was a group decision this is not something I agree with.

I've seen bullying from members of the alliance towards other people on Steemit and as "a Family" I don't see how that fits in with this community. I see some favouritism as well, but that's a very very minor reason that I'm leaving, but thought it was enough worth mentioning.

I wish this community, its member, and the leaders nothing but success. I have no ill will towards anyone just a personal decision to leave for the reason stated above and to hopefully be more active in other communities I'm involved in.

I also want to thank @thealliance for all the support I've received while being a part of this community. I just don't feel this community is the one I originally applied for and was excited to join.


Flags can be used in different ways. There is no trail for flags as that is an entirely separate option. Surely those that opted in for that, trust my judgement. The flag was simply to show disapproval of aggressive and unnecessary language toward several members without engaging in a comment and dragging it out. As for favorites, you said yourself, you aren't there much. I noticed your milestone, I pay attention. You also fell off the grid and were not talking to anyone once you had your baby - engagement my man, keeps people seeing you. Hope your trek to 70 is fun!

Thanks my man!

I've seen bullying from members of the alliance towards other people on Steemit and as "a Family" I don't see how that fits in with this community.

I have seen just the opposite. I have seen members wanting to bully others and @enginewitty saying NO. That this is not something The alliance stands for.

I had no idea you were even in The Alliance, I have never seen you at a Family meeting, or seen you in chat.....

You seem to have a lot to say about a group you are NOT active in. I also find it funny that you are going out of your way to make a post saying you are leaving.

There has only been one post that YOU could be talking about on the flagging issue. let's just say your post above was not written in innocence. It was written in a backhanded way to discredit a group of people.

Again, if you were disillusioned with the group, @Enginewitty is always there to talk to a person in need, why not write him a DM? Ask your questions........but you didn't, you just went public and we both know why.

Ive voiced my concerns before in family time and the alliance chat.

I went public instead of direct dm to hopefully stop some rumors.

I used to write burried treasure for the alliance so I might have taken some time off recently, but before that was definitely involved in the community.

Ive been to family time before, but found that nothing of value was ever discussed so quit going. If you dont believe me Ive actually published notes on family time for people who couldnt attend before. Feel free to go look back in my blog.

I've been clear and honest and Im sorry you feel I have hidden intentions.

I never knew you were a part of the alliance either! Your and mine experience have been different and thats ok.

I hear you and I'm sorry you feel that way.
I've been in this family for over a year and been here through changes and people coming and going.
The one thing that NEVER changed... Is the Family feeling.... For me it really is!
And it's all about showing love.. Engaging and support each other... It gives much back.
I know we can't all love each other and be close to everyone...bit still show support and respect.
I admit there are people I'm closer to than others and the ones that I share lots with.
But that's what's so amazing about alliance.. We all work together.. Same goal BUT in different ways. And with different people...you know?
When it comes to @enginewitty I trust his judgment and I think if you had thoughts of... I don't like this... Then go to him and tell him how you feel... Again communication.
And the bullying... Yes I know there's been some but as long as we communicate and listen to one another and don't let it get the best of us, I believe together we can change it.
Just my opinion... Sorry for the novell comment 🙈

Eh, I have enough drama in my life. Its clear the alliance has always been your home. :) Maybe when were all Steem millionaires and can quit our jobs and spend all day on Steem Discord Ill have to reapply.

Drama is never fun and I stay away from it as much as I can. I hear you there..
Was that the thing that you found hard? Being active on discord and interacting with people? I know I'm addicted to it so I'm no good example but...its not required to be there if you do support your family.
It's many ways you can support and interact with your family and friends.... Not needed to be on discord. There are others that aren't on discord at all... But we do se them on our posts or upvotes. Just show people that you there.... That's the key!
We all have RL too and everybody knows things can happen and we understand. Again.. Communication.

If you want dm me on discord maybe we can clear some things up.

I am sorry I don't agree with what you say about bullying, I have been a member of the group for many months now and have never encountered such things, I have seen crosses of words perhaps but never bullying and would love to know your sources when you say such things. When I have really needed help I have asked and the alliance have been great true supportive members, but to get that you have to be active in the community and get known with over 200 members its hard to keep up, some speak others don't and that is ok I truly am sorry to hear your choice of leaving but somehow on the back of this I have to defend in saying that what you say is just not correct in how I see it.

No worries everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Im glad youve found a community you feel a part of as its very important to have that here on Steemit!

Thank you. My husband was pretty angry that his delegation was used to flag me for revenge. I appreciate that others realize that was pretty low.

Those are certainly fair enough points. I think it’s admirable that you were honest with your feelings and I do agree that sometimes being public with things help dispel any rumors or misconceptions. I can certainly relay to that last point. I can very much so relate to much if not all you have said as I have encountered much of it myself. As you know I’m no longer part of this group myself, but either way wanted to wish you well in what you do and the communities you are apart of and/or want to be part of. Finally, I must say, It was a well-written respectful post. 💙

Thanks for the support and thanks for checking up on me while I was away :D. STEEMUSA!

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