I Am No Longer Affiliated With TheAlliance Or YouAreHOPE, This Is Why

in #thealliance6 years ago

@sircork chose to berate me for most of a day about my dearest actual friend on steemit, and for not running my account to his satisfaction. He was being a completely arrogant prick, it hurt my feelings VERY badly but he is never going to apologize. He is a CELEBRITY! (His own words.) He is SO BUSY it is like he is "president of a country." His own words. He also divulged several of YOUR words that I am sure you told him in confidence, to prove to me how important he was.

I let it slide, mostly. I was not sure what to do about the YAH report, so I contact @enginewitty about it. He assured me I could just deal with him and that I would not have to deal with @sircork any more. I published a couple more reports.

Now the media is all about "Believe Dr. Ford." Well, I believe EVIDENCE and I went and dug for it. I watched EVERY FUCKING MINUTE of the hearing, not clips from CNN. I dug into her history, I watched the interview with the guy who gave her the polygraph. I was DEEPLY dragged into places I do NOT like to go because I care about the TRUTH. I came to MY BLOG to share the truth and made it VERY CLEAR I did not want to hear any liberal whining about it. Post your OPINION on your blog. Better yet, DIG FOR THE TRUTH in spite of your opinion.

@shadowspub decided my blog was a great place for her to go virtue signalling so I repeated what I made VERY clear in the blog: She can go fuck herself. She wants to cry "BELIEVE" Dr. Ford somewhere, she has a blog. I POSTED A GUT WRENCHING TRUTH and if you disagree fine, but DO NOT SHIT ON MY when I am laying my guts all over the floor. I told her to fuck off, and I meant it with all of my heart.

@enginewitty advised me that was not a cool way to speak to family members. She could have kept her lie-loving mouth SHUT on MY BLOG, but liberals MUST virtue signal wherever they can. Fuck that. Is it clear yet that I have NO MORE PATIENCE for liberal tears over LYING BITCHES. Her own BEST FRIEND is calling her a liar for God's sake. So, the family scene where everyone rallies around cork when he is an ass to me and around shadow when she decides to stick her fucking nose in where it was CLEARLY not welcome and "daddy" comes to spank me? FUCK THAT.

I have pulled all affiliated delegations, maybe my vote will be worth something next week. Good news for the people who actually have been kind and supportive of ME. The rest of you? Let me say it one more time, maybe you will get it: FUCK YOU.


Inappropriate to flag so no one can see it. If there is a negative reaction to the vote I'll resteem. If there's a negative reaction to the resteem I'll send this post into trending.

This isn't a statement of agreeing or disagreeing with fishyculture. I'm just not gonna watch a sexual assualt survivor also get silenced by a community account because she has negative things to say.

I noticed this post was visible again. Came here to find out why - ahhh. Thanks for doing that.

Thank you. Your actions are much appreciated. I did not expect or demand agreement, I was in a very dark place doing what I needed to do to get out of it, speak out.

Wow. Kinda sounds like good riddance to me.

Shew. Snowflake much?

appears so .... I guess she needs to post a list of approved commenters for her posts .. anyone else is subject to attack for not showering her with agreement.

So, this is the comment that she objected to... I guess she must see that as an attack on her that some objectivity should creep into her world:

[-]shadowspub (67) · 2 days ago
survivors of sexual assaults experience, remember and respond to their experiences in different ways. They choose to share or not share in a manner that matches their own tolerances or lack of them. They cope in individual ways.

To judge her experience based on your own, is to deny her experience. That is not yours to do, any more than I would choose to invalidate your experience.

Well, the mentally unhinged can only keep up appearances for so long. Then they blame everyone around them when they finally melt down. I don't know this person, have never interacted on Steemit or Discord. But after seeing this, I have no desire to know her better.

Many, MANY people have "hurt my feelings" or disagreed with me on this platform. Never once have I condemned them all in a blockchain post with such utterly inappropriate language and blanket assumptions. There's a certain amount of composure to maintain lest we get written off as hysterical.

PERFECT example of liberal bullshit. I am an actual rape survivor with PTSD, that is VERY clear from my posts. Of course, you did not bother to read my posts, you just came to shit on someone with your clever "snowfalke?" question. No, I do not snowflake, I tell the truth even when it is HARD AS FUCK FOR ME.
Good of you to drop by and comment, for the first time ever, to be a snarky bitch to a rape victim.
Oh, one more thing...

Snowflakes go out into the big old world and act all offended over the least little things, then blame other people for their behavior. Honey, I'm far from liberal. No, that would be YOU. "Everybody owes me, and I get a special pass to be crazy because of this, that, or the other." I don't need to know--or care--that you're a trauma survivor to know you're acting like a nutball. Yet you want sympathy. Hmm. Histrionics tend to backfire. Just note that for future tantrums.

You might want to deal with that anger issue. Anger can make a person blind to reality. You aren't the only survivor of sexual assault.... ummm 1 in 3 women are. Get a grip...you are embarrassing yourself..and if you aren't you should be.

Fuck you. I am an actual PTSD sufferer, doing the best I can and asshats like you just can't stop dogpiling on. FUCK YOU. THIS WHOLE CIRCUS IS A FUCKING ANXIETY FEST FOR ME so yeah, not really my "best moments." LOVELY to see how the community rallies around its own when they are hurting.
Oh, one more thing... FUCK YOU.

I am an actual rape survivor with PTSD

I am an actual rape survivor with PTSD and throw in a hold bunch of other medical issues that if you care to check out they are on my blog.

The comment that @shadowspub made was not an attack on you or anyone. If was a comment that people are all different and as such deal with LIFE in different ways.

The Steemit platform is full of Vet's and most have PTSD and many other issues......They also live with it every day. Once again proving that ALL people, no matter what YOU have been through do NOT deal with all things in the same manner.

again this is not an attack on you or anyone but I'm stating facts that just don't happen to agree with what you have said.

You don't have to be happy about it but this is a public blockchain and not Facebook......You made a post with very strong opinions. All someone tried to do was offer a different point of view.

I don't see anything wrong with what @shdowspub did.

We ALL have our own stories and even you do not know everyone's story and what they have been through and how they deal with life.

Just as you don't want to be attacked for your views no one else does either and what was written was NOT an attack but another way of looking at what might be true.

there is always. ALWAYS, ALWAYS more to a person's story then anyone will ever know. To assume we all will react the same way to something is just not true.

I AM very sorry you had to go through "I am an actual rape survivor with PTSD" it is not something anyone wishes on anyone........

Fuck you. I do not know how people can think I want to discuss this. I WANTED TO EXPRESS MYSELF, put some truth out for those who cared for truth. What I find is most people like to virtue signal over the top of any and all actual human suffering.
One more thing... FUCK YOU.

NEXT ASSHAT? PLEASE STEP ON UP, I am getting pretty good at this. I can tell these people who NEVER GAVE THE TIME OF DAY BEFORE THIS POST TO FUCK OFF and it feels good now, really feels good. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU.

PTSD is not an excuse for bad behaviour. You are not the the only PTSD victim.... not being a bitch but maybe some group work would be beneficial. You aren't alone.

Posted using Partiko Android

Shes been stewing on this for quite a while. I think the stuff she is exaggerating, and hyperbole gushing about me was like a month or more ago?

I read this and am interjecting my useless voice..... first off, I am sorry to all who suffer from abuse, trauma and PTSD , secondly, sometimes in life we outgrow things and move on. I am literally moving so it coincides with me making conscious choices to move on from things with zero feelings about it as people change and move on. I consider many friends and who knows how mutual the feelz are nor does it matter because sometimes being able to just amputate from things no longer serving us can be better than whatever apparently went down.
this whole thing made me feel sad to read and I'll continue supporting who I support regardless of how people feel about it. Ending things does not have to be a blood sport , it can be a clean amputation with no drama as well and that is my unsolicited two cents.

God bless you. From my current state I know I am less than graceful, but I am a fucking injured animal just trying to stop the fucking bleeding, while everyone comes by and takes another swipe at me. Your gentle, wise words mean a lot to me today.

I can feel your pain. It seems like you parting ways from those that you were attached to was the right idea. It's clear you are hurting and it shows strength and vulnerability to open up about it, even angrily so. Keep being strong. It's very easy nowadays to find out who are those who truly care about us, especially when we show our hurt.

Thank you for you gentle understanding. I am finally pulling back up from the emotional nose dive. I have been avoiding even reading more than one or two replies a day because I just have to let some scabs form, some deep wounds were just ripped open. There was one person who said I ought to be embarrassed... Nope, I am never embarrassed to be me, or to tell the truth. I wonder if his wife, daughter or mother were sexually assaulted if he would expect them to be too embarrassed to discuss it publicly too. That does seem to be how people are. If the person is on TV, we will emote on cue, but when people in our REAL world have experiences we do not want to deal with, we demand they shut up.

Yeah, Fuck That. Right you are!

Thank you. Good to know there are a few humans left on steemit.

Feel better now?

Thank you for your service to @YouAreHOPE. We can handle this from here.

I think she's from Appalachia.


"Hate Speech or Internet Trolling"

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