How Not To Get My Witness Vote (A Magical Musing on Bullshit)

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)

I woke up and brushed my long luxurious auburn/red hair out of my sweaty and mudmask covered face.( gotta stay fresh and not have any pores visible at all to stay relevant!).

I stare at one of my laptops and ask myself if I really want to log into Steemit and Discord....Usually it is an onslaught of bizarre ramblings and apparently displeasure of how things are conducted. Somehow some of us wound up being pegged as the "go to " people to fix all the ailments on the platform. Fine by me because I know I'll always have work and material to work with.

  • It is an honor to be a bit of a Larry David type persona on here anyhow, there is something to be said for the beautiful dance between satire, gonzo journalism and trying to point out inconvenient truths while hopefully making some smile or laugh.

    I can care less if you are who wanting to dress like Santa on a bad Acid trip but I do start to care when your run for witness literally is seemingly headed by someone dressed like a 7 year old who along with the same usual group of one of many circles....finds it necessary to tag the Nigerian Community to basically throw pennies at them for upvoting someone as witness.

    What exactly has this person done as an initiative to help the Nigerian Community? Why have another Tiptoe Brigade Grown- Ass Adult acting like they are not an adult to appeal to exactly what type of demographic?

It is on the Trending Page, nuff said. Again, I will reiterate that lots of info on Trending is helpful and good for all then you have someone running for witness that is using some rather sad and stale tactics to get Witness Votes.

For More Mental Droppings, Inconvenient "truths" and Tips to Stay Afloat in the Algae Covered "Ecoystem", feel free to Upvote, Follow and Resteem me @battleaxe

tenor (3).gif
(tumblr,memegenerator,giphy... #thealliance, #steemusa, #steemsugars, #bullseye, #TeamGood) teamgood started by me, am putting this in because of the amount of "idea borrowing , cough" ;)








@battleaxe sure kicks the Llammas Ass ))

gomera, sometimes in life, Ship happens BUT you have the Pirate Ship ever ready

I love how cryptic you are. Going to troll the trending page right meow!

you have a wannabe witness funded by the usual much pimped out by someone dressed as an 8 year old...USING AFRICAN tags because they assume all African will do whatever for a penny, it is demeaning


The blog was posted by @purepinay.

She was drumming up support for @surpassinggoogle since many of the people in Nigeria and the Philippines don't know how to vote for witnesses or what they do.

@steemgigs is @surpassinggoogles witness account. He received his delegation from the CEO of Steemit, @ned himself, more than a year ago.

If you ever want to see what he has done, and is doing to help the Nigerian and Philippine communities, its very easy to check his vote history- And the record of all his projects that he holds.

@surpassinggoogle is a Nigerian himself, and is a good dude. One only has to browse through his replies, and comments to see how he interacts with everyone here.


by @ned himself? @ ned wanna tag @surpassinggoogle......
agree to disagree, have a great weekend, wanna tag who next?
go ahead tag and namedrop , again .....thank you for contributing to this dialogue in the ecosystem

Agree to disagree on what>? I sent the link showing @ned's delegation. You cannot dispute that!

I see no link...

You mean the same @ned who delegates the scammer named sweet-bikini-ramen-recipe-1800sbd-sssj and wants to get in all these girls pants with his perfect hair?

No credibility in that association, try another one please.

Try another what? You are fake news.

Send a link, showing where @ned delegates to them.

I won't hold my breath.

Typical. You make up lies, then when I ask for proof, you counter with nonsense.

I am over my head? Interesting statement, considering my resume.

You claimed Ned was delegating to girls to 'get in their pants', and I was simply asking for proof of this.

Surely you, as a witness understands that you can easily obtain this proof as it is in plain sight on the Steem blockchain. No?

Dumb question here. What exactly do witnesses do?

Our primary role is to run distributed servers worldwide that capture, process, validate and store the blocks of information from sites like this one to the block chain - a giant database, more or less, in laymans terms, or a ledger if you will, of all things steem that happen per user or account.

Our secondary role is to decide on block chain code change proposals via consensus. We also run price feeds to average our parameter choices into consensus on token prices, interest rates, bias, and other parameters affecting the price and performance of steem. like registration min SP investment per account and such.

Our tertiary and subjective role is to ensure the future of the platform via contributions of technical or social or financial nature via projects, communities, software contributions and investments in holdings, or growth or acceleration of user adoption, etc etc etc

And stuff, we do a lot of stuff.

Enjoyed your wonderful way with words. LOL! :-)

You had me at flush:

Flush Flush, flush the crap

Sounds way above my pay grade. I have no idea what any of that meant but it sounds important. Thanks for doing what ya'll do to make this Steem machine keep chugging along so I can spend my weekend posting toilet humor blogs.

Users like you are the reason I believe in decentralized flushing :P Be well :)

ha ha, flushhhh, if it comes back up...flush again!

Lather, Rinse, Repeat...

@sircork can you answer this, @atsdavid
just first two that popped in my head

also, question ....who puts pictures of deceased loved ones up on here and in the same post talk /push for their "initiative" to become a witness?

Better question, why is it wrong to? Clearly he misses her, and I'm sure she was proud of her son.

Not Exactly a "dumb question"
Just think of them as "Augmented Miners"
These are the Proof of Work People.

I would rather vote for no more than 6 or 7 witnesses I trust, believe in have interacted with than have my vote missused ;)

You are doing it right. It was a pleasure visiting with you this morning.

Thanks @sircork it's always a pleasure listening to you
Even if I never take the mic, trust me I'm enjoying it ;)

Ps:it was evening in my timezone :D

Aw thats fantastic! Thanks, and glad you enjoyed the show!

Throw pennies at Nigerians?

yes, I find it insulting to the NIgerian community that they get tagged and used by people who have done nothing for them thinking that everyone in Nigeria apparently is their puppet
it is demeaning

Very demeaning and offensive...
It's as a result of past bad records but people should understand that times have changed and Nigerians are becoming better people...
It's only a matter of time before they get proved wrong and realise little pennies can no longer buy us

I hope you spread this message because wanna be witnesses are acting like they did all this stuff you then tag your community in a slimey way for "chap , easy, desperate upvotes"....... I for one will not only NOT vote for surpassinggoogle for witness or his "cheerleader" dressed as a 7 year old paid off by what I find to be rather corp. interests pinay, on trending, it's low, Glad you see what A LOT of us see

seems even with my non "botted to the sky" paid upvotes, ...most of us have to use at least something at this point.....that A LOT of witnesses and heavy hitters are agreeing, at least off of here in privacy which I respect

One thing is for sure... I do not want to get on YOUR badside. Ever!
Speak your mind battle.... It's what I love about you.

love ya too....oh come on, u know am a big softie

Welp... I think this is going to be in every witness coffee table... okay guys, how to get battleaxe to vote for us?

I already solved that mystery.

Good luck to everyone else!

I got that base covered, but U need to do some work! ;)

Ah, well said. And, not surprising! People will do just about any bs thing to get ahead

Love this!! 👍👍😂😂😂#dead from laughter! I loved it when you said I woke up and was deciding whether to sign on to Steemit and discord lmao!! I felt the same way a few days ago, I guess you get burned out when on too much and it’s hard to keep up with everything omg ...Zappl,,dsound, dlive, etc. etc. Keep it up, I love your posts and perseverance....Steem On!😻😎👌👌

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