Freedom isn't Free (Zoinks!)

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)

Anonymity in Crypto continues to erode as some of us with our heads not up our asses have been talking about for a long time. The Tax Man WILL cometh, the question is when and how? Rarely, do I talk or write of any of my actual financial knowledge as I have none. :) Take the person in the Lambo with a million bucks in a bag versus one in the 2001 Subaru with two million bucks.....who will get pulled over first? ;)

^The Ecosystem's Favorite Prey of the Crypto-Wolf is the D-bag Do-Gooder, will sell your kidney for a bitcoin and be "nice" until they get their asses called out. The fact people "Coined a term" of what amounts to a feeding frenzy of greed an "Ecosystem", is something I'm glad that I don't understand :) <3

(OP/ED, better have 20% of your earnings set aside for Capital Gains Taxes, unless you have given up ALL your rights as an American Citizen and renounced your Citizenship can live in Antarctica and you still owe. Federal Tax Evasion is the shit that winds you up in the hot stink so if you are in Tahiti living Lambo dreams, stay there?)

^The Ecosystem's Fall Guy is usually the Shitcoin Gangster, found talking about which women they would bang and loudly proclaiming how they beat the system....They usually have long rap sheets but are often kept on a leash by a D-bag Do-Gooder until a Venereal disease from the "Hookers and Blow" lifestyle catches up to them. "The Wolf of Wall Street" is a Cautionary Tale not a Road Map to Life.

Follow Me into a Magical world of Musings, Contests and Inconvenient Truths! @battleaxe
(giphy,anigif, image courtesy of @enginewitty)


At this point, my personal and carefully considered position is that if they jail all the people involved in crypto, it's going to be a lovely hang out and I will get to run as many RPGs as I want, all day long, while being fed on the government dime and kept up in a relatively decent style. After all, it's merely white-collar crime.

We'll call it "Crypto-Con 2025", order in a ball pit, have the place catered, and really make Guantánamo the beachfront resort it was always meant to be.

you had me at a ball pit, can we have glitter drops and glow sticks, I'm effn' down for that

Glow-sticks, sure, but glitter drops will just infect us all with Crafter's Herpes. That shit never stops appearing places.

hey @battleaxe ,,,, the second gif scares me.

he probably shit himself on that one, shakes head

yes maybe so ..

This is good advice, but better advice would be;

Grow a pair and stop handing your lunch money over to the schoolyard bully.

The new taxes on crypto are intentionally difficult to calculate. They want to be able to say in a few years that no one has been paying the right amount, so let us just add the taxes on chain, so no one can ever evade paying them again.

Don't pay your taxes, folks. Yes, that's financial advice. Yes, that's illegal. No. I don't give a fuck, and neither should you.

There are just as many bullies and shitheads in Crypto as Fiat and I am pleading the 5th how I feel about regulation and taxes but you best believe there are those that care and are not a weirdo libertarian (insert other edgelord title), like me. Yeah your wallets, OUR wallets are transparent, point is, some on here who are nefarious may get a dose of Uncle Sam's schlong , they can go back 10 years, they can seize property and if you are found lying about stuff like taking out student loans and using it for crypto, whatever the fuck, is stuff can end you up in FED level prison, "can".....again, am stating the rather Draconian things I am seeing, if people are scared of these things now is a nice time of year in parts of Africa, Asia, ...etc....
Also, if someone is totally unphased and NOT remotely concerned or scared they are fucking kool-aid drinking morons,

My dream place is "The Shire" from LOTR, that is a nice lifestyle there

Dont you wish to build a shire ? 🙃

heck yeah, I love the shire

Bwa ha! I'll meet ya there :)

HELL YEAH! Take me with you!!!!

Shire World, A decentralized place to live
to keep the peace, no steeming is allowed

I am one of the few(one it would seem) that believes that the governments of this world, or their masters, have always been behind crypto. It is simply far too good a weapon of control to have emerged as an accidental byproduct of an alleged attempt to be less controllable. That would be too big a fuck up for a mind as brilliant as the invented Satoshi Nakamoto.

So when I say bully, I just mean the cunts who have stolen the world and put a cost on our survival.

Also, if someone is totally unphased and NOT remotely concerned or scared they are fucking kool-aid drinking morons,

You're right, only an idiot would be completely without fear, or an ignorant fool who hasn't considered the potential consequences for them and for the ones they love. But, "grow a pair" doesn't mean stop being afraid. It means; do what you ought to do- in spite of that fear.

yep.....everyone is so busy becoming exactly that which the rebelled against in the first place, Pavlovian

Look for them to breathe on the exchanges more and taxing them since they actually run a business. Which however, will cause fees to go up, but at the same time, force the prices of cryptos to rise as people will be more inclined to buy more at once due to the higher fees. Just a thought ;)

Well I admit I only understood about 25% of it (maybe because I'm a finance guru 😏)
Even though we want to believe that "we were born free"
But we really weren't because that's when we were 100% dependant !
So freedom is never supposed to be free, actually it's the most valuable thing ever (that's why some people pay their lives for freedom 😉)

da man going to get us ... we can't run nor hide for long.

I'm just gonna take your hiding place and give you a magic crystal in return for kicking you out of your hiding place, hope you don't mind

damn it woman ... you stole MY hiding place... now I have to find another.

so what does my new crystal do for me?

it helps the ecosystem.....

You weren't kidding best post ever!!! Your memes kill me lol

Lol! We long ago cast upon ourselves a "bubble car" invisibility spell... Never drive anything new or flashy that makes a cop think "civil asset seizure?" Just be another nondescript bubble rolling down the highway...

lol, you crack me up @fishyculture

I admit it. I do fear the taxman. There is just no way around it at this present time. We are so transparent here , yet so anyonoumus at the same time. My advice is to use the centralized exchanges to change your fiat to crypto. Use your de-centralized exchanges to trade your crypto for crypto. Pay your taxes exactly the way you have been and no one is gonna bother you

who would get pulled over first?

The sub. Lol
Always amazing
Miss you buddy

heya rich, how's it going

im doing great

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