The random acts of kindness

Hi dear steemian,
Its good to be here again.

I want to say a big thank you @everlove love for been the inspiration behind the title of this post

She gave me a tip on how to turn ordinary act to extraordinary accomplishment

I am dedicating this post to @damarth for his love and support for the poor,less privileged and the unreached people all over the world. Thank you sir.

This post is not complete without saying a big thank you to @alexandravart for your kind gestures. You are indeed wonderful.

Also,I want to say a big thank you to the love garden family,you guys are all amazing.

Just few weeks a go, I happened to meet a young beautiful lady wailing in pains as she came out of the hospital, I was so moved because I dont like people crying at all,and much more about her condition,

So,i persuaded her to tell me what's wrong,and here is her story....

She just noticed her right leg was becoming bigger than the left leg,and after just three days,the right leg as doubled if not tripled the size of the left leg.
And this swollen was accompanied by a terrible pain that she hardly lift the leg,she is just dragged it about.

She visited hospital to complain about her condition, of which the doctor asked her to carry out some tests so as to be sure of what is inside the leg and the cause

She did all the tests as suggested by the doctor but the test came out without seeing anything.

She was so troubled when she find out that the machine cannot detect the cause of her problem, but the doctor asked her to get some drugs that can help her overcome the condition which she bought.
She spent all her money buying different drugs but her condition was not improving at all

She was coming from another hospital that specialized in such a condition when I met her. She told me the doctor asked her to buy some powerful antibiotics that she must use continuously for a month.

She was crying because she don't know where to get money for such an expensive drug.

When I had her story, tears began to roll down my cheeks,I was so moved by her condition.

So I decided to do cash out from my steemit account to buy the drug that can at least last her a week because i don't much left there,thinking I would be able to raise more money before a week when she will be finishing the drug.

That was when I first learnt about one meal per day initiated by @damarth. I brought her case forward,at least to get some help because I don't want any breakage in those four weeks so that the drugs would be able to accomplish the task
Thanks to @damarth generosity,he upvoted the comment and I was able to raise money enough to buy her drugs that can last her another two weeks.

This time I did another cash out to help her get drug that can cover the last week of her medication, but the money was not enough to cover for that, so I have to come back to the two SBD I kept for my personal use, but I made a mistake while trying to send the SBD.
I sent it to @alexandravart instead of another person entirely.
I was so down when I saw the mistake,I then commented about the error under her blog.

When she saw it,she did something that amazed me,instead of her to returned my 2sbd,

She end up giving me 4sbd. I was happy to receive such a blessing from her. Because I was able to buy her the remaining drug and still have little to live on. Thank you so much dear @alexandravart . I'm sure you would be happy reading this as well. You are such an amazing person.

After just too weeks of taking the drugs, the leg forcefully discharged the content in it and left behind two wounds through which they came out.
She sent for me immediately she had this victory,she said she was free from pains for the first time in 3 months. I was so happy to hear about her testimony.

So I discussed the issue with @everlove ,she asked if i am related to her,of which I told her I dont know her from Adam,just felt for her,that's all.

She was excited by such an acts. She said and I quote "this indeed is a good example of random acts of kindness" I am choosing this her word as the topic for this post.
She's just two weeks on the drugs,she have less down two weeks to complete her medication. I pray those wound get healed before then.

Here is the photo prove of her condition, I won't show her face for she has asked me not to.



That was the state of the leg before she started with the drug.
And this is the state of the leg now


Thank you for reading through,I'm coming with another testimony very soon, I love you all.


I'm happy to hear this @emmakwisequote. I'm proud of you my man

Thanks my boss,i'm proud of you too.

Keep on doing the good work bro

Thanks so much bro,i won't stop. It has form a part in me.

I must commend your effort. You did what was right by showing her what she deserve, love.

I believe your kind gestures have create a positive impact on her because she may as well return the favour in the future. Well done, your kindness will reap good bountifully.

Sure,no one know what's in the future.. We all hope to have a good one.
I'm happy for her speedy recovery...

Wow.. God just used you to do something great..
Thanks for being of help to her.
God bless you real good!!

Amen,thanks for stopping by...i'm honored with your comment and your prayer. I promise to do even more.

The world would a better place if each and everyone of us make it a point of duty to help someone in need. Well done bro, God will strengthen u to do more and the blessings attached will not elude u

Amen,thanks a lot dear... We should all find something to learn from this act.

Great testimony money @emekawisequote may God be praised forever and may such testimonies be permanent. Amen

Amen,thanks a lot.... God bless you.

So kind of you

Thanks so much... That's all we should all live for.

I'm so glad to hear of this story, and that you shared it here on the blockchain to inspire others to also do some #randomactsofkindness.

You're truly an inspiration to this community @emmakwisequote, so giving of your heart in many ways. @alexandravart is also an amazing woman who I am grateful to know as well. I love surrounding myself with people who are making a difference.

Thank you for doing your part and for the reminder of the power of love and appreciation that can come from taking the responsibility to be in service to others.

Oh,im glad you did... Like you rightly,said @alexandravart is just too amazing,i love her heart and the way she give it out to people just like you. You are both amazing. I will make it a responsibility enhenceforth to be engaging in acts of kibdneess and i will be writing about it just to inspire othere... Thank you for being...

YAY!!!!! I'm so excited to hear that. Many people can learn from your example, and it's a true inspiration to see someone really walking their walk. Thank YOU for being !

I'm glad you are happy about the move... I will give my all to all humanity no matter the colour,tribe or language.... Thank you for being @everlove
Thank you for resteeming the post,it helps in sending the message of love to the whole world.

Truly a message worth sharing! Blessed to witness the heartfelt way you engage life!!

Thanks in million

God bless you for helping her

Amen,God bless you too...

This is wonderful stuff, @emmakwisequote. Are you in touch with her? Keep us updated with her health condition and keep up the good work, bro!

Thank you, she is now very much OK, thank you very much for the support. You can read about her development and many others from my new account @emmakkayluv, I lost password into this account. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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