Making a Path
Sometimes, you have to pave the way like pushing snow to get to your car. You gotta make a path where there is no path. That's how the cookie crumbles. Here are a few photos of my mother mostly from the 1970's in this edition. Making paths may not always be easy but it is part of leaving a legacy implanted on the hearts of others.
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979
1900's | 1910's | 1920's | 1930's | 1940's | 1950's | 1960's | 1970's | 1980's | 1990's | 1800's | 2000's
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My mother, possibly in the mid to late 1970's.
Richard & Skip Morehead - early 1970's probably
Mom's work desk probably. Late 1970's possibly.
Who's this? No idea.
Clouds in the sky
1971 - Marilyn Married Ron Hunter - Her Dress
1974-06 - Summer - Grandpa Dwight Pickett
1974-12 - Ronald Hunter - cop - 23 years old
1975-02-18 - Skip, Dick, Ann, at the funeral of a grandpa
This might be at that same funeral
1980-01 apx - Baby Shower - Marilyn Arnold
1980 maybe - Marilyn and a white chick
Grandma Ann Pickell and Alan in the 1980's
1981-09 - Dick & Skip Morehead
1999-06 - Alan Graduation - Skip, Dick, Rick, etc
1999-12 - Morehead Family Christmas Card
Making a Path
Created - 2020-06-11 - Thursday - 10:18 AM
Published - 2020-06-11 - Thursday - 11:11 AM
Published in June of 2020