100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 82 - The Diary Game - Season 2 Preview

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago (edited)


The Diary Game has become rather popular.

More popular than we had anticipated. Which is great!

We are delighted that it has caught the imagination and interest of so many people around the world.

The current Diary Game will come to an end on July 11th - the final day of the 100 Days of Steem project.

There has been way too much support to even consider not continuing it.

The Diary Game Season 2

We are now thinking and planning how The Diary Game can be improved and expanded for a second season.

Nothing is finalized but here are some of our current ideas for the next season.

Start Date and Duration

We will need a short break after the current game finishes to finalize and verify all the points scoring before awarding the prizes.

August 1st is therefore the likely start date for season two of The Diary Game.

The game would then run for 50 days to allow plenty of time to join in along the way.

Don’t worry about the three week gap. We have a number of special challenges planned to keep everyone busy and engaged.

QUESTION : What do you think of the 50 day duration - too long, too short or about right?

Points and Prizes

We are planning on dropping the separate points for social media promotion.

They have proved very ineffective and discriminate heavily against people who don’t use other social media.

Instead there will be one score out of 10 points for every diary post.

Participants will still be free to promote their diary posts on other social media, and evidence of such will be taken into account when points are awarded.

We consider that The Diary Game has great potential for recruiting new people to Steem, as well as reactivating otherwise dormant accounts.

We are therefore looking at ways to boost the importance of the rewards for recruitment.

The prize pool for the second season of The Diary Game will be at least doubled to 6000 STEEM.

The largest portion of this will go to individual diary authors.

The rest will be allocated to separate prizes for the top recruiters - and for a new section for Teams.

Thank you to @rishabh99946 for the idea of having specific prizes for top recruiters.

QUESTION : What do you think about dropping the Social Promotion Points and increasing the Recruitment Points?


This is a major new element of The Diary Game #2.

As well as competing individually people will be invited to form teams which will pool the points of all members to compete for the separate team prizes.

We are currently looking at teams of up to 5 people, and we would really like them to be based around countries but there are some issues and limitations on that still to be worked out.

The idea is that team members will work together to build retention in the game and to improve overall post quality.

QUESTION : Do you think Teams will be a good idea for the game? Would you join a team? Who would be in your ‘Dream Team’?

The Diary Team Assistants

It is planned to recruit at least two people to assist with the running of the game.

Their roles have not been fully defined yet but will likely involve checking posts, looking out for abuse and plagiarism, and promotion.

The positions would be paid, but would not be open to anyone participating in the game.

QUESTION : Will anyone be interested in becoming Assistants if they are not allowed to compete in the game?

Targets and Promotion

It is always difficult to set targets but we are wondering if 1000 participants will be much too ambitious.

There are now 210 players in the current game and it is growing by about 10 per day.

We would like to target that at least 10% of the players in game will be newcomers to Steem, and maybe another 30% will be returning and reactivating Steem account holders,

Opportunities for promoting the game will be many as it scales up.

We are looking at the best options with the resources available.

QUESTION : Do you have any easy to implement ideas for promoting The Diary Game? Would you be interested in promoting The Diary Game in your country? How would you go about it?

This is where we are so far in planning Series 2 of The Diary Game.

We welcome further ideas and input on how to make it bigger and better.

We are getting really excited about this second series of the game.

Hope you are too!

Thank you

The Steemit Team

Steem Development Notice : Instant Signups

A new instant signup system has now been introduced at https://signup.steemit.com/

There is no fee to sign up. A mobile phone number and email address are required for verification.

Account creation is then instant.

Notes from the Community...

Music For Steem

The @steemingcurators have announced the winners of the second week of the Music For Steem contest. Congratulations to @futuremind, @esouthern3 & @cmp2020, and @elisonr13.

And congratulations to @steemingcurators for organizing such a great contest with entries reaching 24 in only the second week…

ChainLegends Launching Soon

ChainLegends, a new blockchain MMORPG, is launching exclusively on Steem in a few days...

Steem Marketing Gifs Contest

@stephenkendal is running a competition to create marketing gifs to promote Steem. He is offering 25 SBD in prizes...

The rewards from this post go to support the work of @littledisciples in Venezuela and @thegreens in Cameroon.

Check out the Steem Charity Day post for more details.


I love the concept of teams! Perhaps I will be able to get a USA team together (@jmor, @rasmuffin, @esouthern3. . .)

I wonder if there might also be a way to have top promotion prizes?

The diary game is definitely one of Steemit's greatest ideas for marketing. I hope it will continue to grow (especially with the additional prizes, and the addition of teams)!

Glad you like the Teams idea. We believe they could add a whole new dimension to the game.

Tell us more about how you see the top promotion prizes working... We are open to suggestions.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

I was thinking perhaps you could track users' promotion to outside social media, and reserve some prizes for those who promote best?

I can imagine that a lot of people might come up with some clever promotion ideas if that were done.

Good idea, but the administration would be very difficult.

And, as we have found with the Social Promotion Points on The Diary Game so far it is extremely difficult to give fair rewards without spending considerable time looking at follower numbers, engagement rates etc.

But we are open to ideas on this...

The Steemit Team

You well thought up to remove points for a social network. For example, I have few subscriptions. It’s a good idea to add points for invitees, not for reposts.
Now Anyone can invite to the game as he is comfortable and receive a reward in fact for those who join the game

That is a good point that recruitment kind of includes promotion.

Have you considered having people include screenshots of their followers, and the number followers of people who retweet (or share)? That might make it easier. @vict0r made a good point, though.

  1. I think 50 days is too long, but I am probably just biased because late August marks the beginning of my freshman year in college, meaning I don't know if I'd have the time to participate every day. I think 30 days is appropriate as that's the number of days in a typical calendar year month.

  2. I do like the idea of teams. @cmp2020 would be the captain of my 'Dream Team' most definitely.

Hi @steemitblog, my diary

Wednesday, June 24, 2020, at 7:00 am, went to a coffee shop owned by Nek Syeh... https://steempeak.com/knitrias-project/@f21steem/my-diary-wednesday-june-24-2020-idm-data-input

Thank you, @steemcurator01 @steemitblog

I think 50 days are fine. As we have time until August 1, there is enough time to promote the new phase. May be it's better to set as 60 days to round it up as 2 months.

I think dropping social media points will be a big drawback to participants who don't have much steemians from their countries.(like me) It may be discourage participants who don't have recruitment ability. The team concept is the same.

I really love to assist participants towards good diaries but also I like to involve the in-game same time. Maybe you can think of a separate challenge to reward the best diary promoter and assistance. :)

For promoting, may be we can simply display a banner under each diary post, or @steemcurator01's comment. Or can initiate a short time event to design a banner, sticker or something by promoting the game.

Further, I would like to suggest to give an additional for novelty, creativity, and social value of the diaries. This will improve quality of content in steemit.

Thank you

Unfortunately we have found it too difficult to make fair assessments of social media promotion without spending large amounts of time checking on numbers of followers, engagement rates.

Tweets are only effective if they get engagement.

And many people have very low numbers of followers on Twitter for example.

Recruitment by word of mouth is by far the most useful thing that can be done. Anyone can be recruited - friends, family, neighbours, fellow students, work colleagues...

Teams are an optional extra.

The Steemit Team

A new instant signup system has now been introduced at https://signup.steemit.com/

Very good news!

That's a great idea to put the recruiting team with points. We in steem pod/steem greeters will help spread #thediarygame and encourage newcomers to join too.

Hi, Steemit team are the new 3 steem POD members are to curate with steemcurator03 too? I will pass the posting key to them if so. Thank you. @steemcurator01 @steemitblog

Do you have any easy to implement ideas for promoting The Diary Game? Would you be interested in promoting The Diary Game in your country? How would you go about it?

I think at a wider range, promoting Steem on social media has been the best and workable. But I see it also best for each Country Steemian promoting Steem in his Country is one way to get a huge response and people joining. I have much interest in promoting Steem in my Country by gathering my coworkers sharing what Steem can change their lives. Informing Individuals that we are found in the same association and many things that will create awareness. I think in this way, if they join gradually, they will also spread the news of Steem to their friends. I think one think that will keep new Steem users is motivation, engagement and support. Shortly if they come and aren't receive any words of encouragement, they quit on the way easily, because they see that they can't thrive. I have decided to work on those that I have recruited. The ability to keep and retain members is very paramount. Now Steem is better than before and is possible everybody here getting his share from the Steemit Team. Thank you!

What do you think of the 50 day duration - too long, too short or about right?

I think with the 50 days Duration of Diary Game is Ok, because if the Duration is too long as active players would anticipating their points as well as their chances of winning becomes boring. But 50 days will help to assess or evaluate quickly and arrange for new season and continue in that way.

In my opinion, it is very important to change the rules of the game. It is equally important to change leaders and winners. I propose to exclude the winners of the stage from the game for the next season. This will provide ample opportunities and a powerful incentive to other participants. Otherwise, everything can turn into a game for a limited circle of people. What is already visible now. One person receives a reward for 60$. Other participants of the game await attention like a sip of water on a hot day in the desert. Think about it! Everyone should have a chance and opportunity!

Otherwise, it will be like in the picture, one is overweight, the other one is dead


пока жир.jpg

We will DEFINITELY NOT be excluding the winners of the first Diary Game from the second season.

Everyone currently participating will have the chance to start from the beginning of season 2.

Consistency and quality are key elements for earning most points. Everyone can achieve both if they put in the effort.

Vote rewards are based purely on quality of each post. Your assessment is completely incorrect.

The Steemit Team


Thanks for promoting #gifs4steem.

Glad to hear that the #thediarygame challenge is going to be a permanent fixture on #Steem.

Personally I think you have come up with a genius way to promote #Steem at the same time making if fun for people to participate.

This is a great campaign and I am excited to see it continue to grow.

A Massive Shout-out to everyone who has taken part in the #thediarygame challenge and making it a success that it is.


Hola amigos, aca mi opinion acerca de los temas propuestos:
Los 50 dias pudieran convertirse en dos meses, y asi como dices ir integrando progresivamente nuevos jugadores. Con respecto a los puntos por redes sociales, no soy muy objetiva pues te respondo en base a que yo no uso ni facebook ni twitter, pero estas personas que si lo tienen estan haciendo un mayor trabajo de promocion y deben ser valoradas.
Para los equipos hay que establecer reglas, normas y objetivos de los mismos para poder tomar una decision de participar en un equipo o no, cuales son las ventajas y los beneficios.
Con respecto a ser asistente, pero sin participar en el juego, lo tendria que considerar como una oferta laboral, donde usted me indicaria cuales serian los alcances de mis funciones y cuales mis beneficios; para asi poder decidir. De todos es muy bien conocido nuestra situacion pais (Venezuela) y que muchos hemos encontrado en steemit y particularmente en el juego del diario una ayuda que nos hace la situacion mas llevadera, y que a pesar de que me gusta interactuar, leer, opinar, apoyar, tambien debo generar un ingreso, por esa razon tendria que valorar su oferta.
Comparto la idea de otro usuario, de que a medida que el numero de participantes sea mayor no se debe descuidar la valoracion de las publicaciones, ya que la mayoria estamos aquí en steemit trabajando, la diferencia es que actualmente a mi me gusta el trabajo y lo mejor es que puedo desarrollarlo en el tiempo que yo decida.
Creo que la mejor promocion del diario es la atencion y valoracion de cada participante, que a pesar del numero mayor o menor, ninguno sea descuidado, hay que motivar, hacer recomendaciones personalizadas, que cada participante sienta que esta siendo apoyado, es como cuando en el negocio dices “un cliente satisfecho es tu mejor publicidad”. Pues de que sirve abarcar mas de lo que se puede atender.
La pregunta a que si 1000 es demasiado, deberia ser respondida por su equipo y ver el cambio del juego en atencion y valoracion a medida que hemos ido aumentando hasta llegar hoy a 220 participantes.
Creo que sumando las ideas, se puede seguir logrando todo un plan de actividades, ademas del juego del diario, que nos mantengan activos, atentos, y sumamente contentos y satisfechos de estar nuevamente aquí en steemit.
Disculpen lo largo, pero no pidieron un post para estas respuestas jajaja.
Les deseo mucho éxito en todos sus proyectos.

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