be remarkable in social media marketing.

making a virally successful social media campaign is much same in making for a successful brand. in argues the successful brand 0you most have eight key attributes, this attributes are equally for a winning social media campaign.

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  • Memorable
  • Meaningful
  • Likeable
  • Transferable (from one social platform to another)
  • Protectable (by copyright and trademark)
  • Authentic
  • Simple
  • Adaptable (to rapid change)

social media with is distracting plethora of stimuli its nearly a billion users and its bias toward diversions, focus the first three attributes for your campaign Memorable, eaningful and likeable.

thiking about the words from a marketing guru and best selling business "seth godin" his persistent call to be remarkable following that call cant be esay but only one thing to do, they know they will never be on that stage again they say, this my my shot.

heartening that something remarkable and authentic really is happening between some brands and their customer, lot of hype is swirling araound social media at the moment, nut social media marketing allows brand to reveal their human side and unforgettably with the values, interests and concerns for customers.
but simply understand that to cash in on the nework effect in social media you have to folloe these key rules;

  • Your brand must stand for something special.
  • Your social media campaigns must capture the imagination and passions of your fans.
  • You must make sharing frictionless and fun. Issue a strong call to action, offer rewards or incentives, and provide an encouraging feedback loop (or “gamification” of some sort) to make participation satisfying—even a little addictive.

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