1000 DAYS OF STEEM : The Diary Game Season 2 - Team Winners Announcement

in #the1000daysofsteem4 years ago (edited)


We hope everyone was happy with the individual winners of Season 2 of the Diary Game that we announced earlier in the week.

Now we are back with the winners of the Team competition for Season 2.

The Team contest was about consistency more than individual stars. Having five team members that stuck at it and produced decent quality diary posts throughout the 50 days was all important.

News on the Recruitment prizes will follow shortly.

The Diary Game Season 2 Team Prizes

There are 6 prizes for the Team contest of the Diary Game Season 2.

The winners are...

  • 2 prizes of 500 STEEM
    [ 5 x 100 STEEM or 70% vote from @steemcurator02 (4M SP) ]

Steem Ceylon @steemceylon [ Sri Lanka ]
@randulakoralage @anusha96 @sandu @dinoli @randula99

Strangers @strangers [ Russia ]
@amalinavia @maksina @knopka145 @filinpaul @daybook

  • 4 prizes of 250 STEEM
    [ 5 x 50 STEEM or 35% vote from @steemcurator02 (4M SP) ]

Aceh-Indonesia [ Indonesia ]
@anroja @muzack1 @ernaerningsih @lord-geraldi @p3d1

El Quinteto Guayanes [ Venezuela ]
@babybothe @javima @milabp @nayita238 @vicent21

Steem-Bangladesh [ Bangladesh ]
@toufiq777 @sajibmolla17 @sohanurrahman @sandysparkle @rex-sumon

Team-ACDES @team-acdes [ Venezuela ]
@sampraise @edlili24 @emilysarahi @allbert @crissanch

The prizes will be awarded to each team member individually, rather than to any one team leader or representative.

Please would each winning team member indicate in a comment below whether they want to take their prize as liquid STEEM (100 / 50 STEEM) or as the upvotes indicated (70% / 35% from @steemcurator02) . We will then start distributing the prizes.

The alternative upvote prizes will be given on 100% Power Up posts. These will give an enhancement of approximately one third on the liquid STEEM prizes.

These alternative upvote prizes are totally optional.

[ NOTE : if any of the Teams want a different distribution of the prizes amongst the members they must all jointly agree in a comment below and we will consider it if practical. ]

There are still some people in teams whose posts have not yet been voted on by @steemcurator01.

Assessments were made that their teams did not have any mathematical possibility of reaching any of the six winning positions.

We will continue to visit those accounts and give catch-up votes where appropriate.

The Diary Game Season 3

Season 3 of the Diary Game is ongoing.

There are no guaranteed votes from @steemcurator01 in Season 3 but many people who have continued posting their diaries are receiving good votes.

Diary Game posts set to Power Up 100% may also receive additional votes from @steemcurator02 (providing you are not powering down at the same time).

Meaningful and engaging comments on Diary Game posts may also receive extra votes from @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02.

[Note - both the Power Up 100% extra votes and the voting on comments now applies to all types of posts.]

This was the first time we have run this sort of team event.

We are interested in feedback as to whether people think this team contest model was worthwhile or not.

Thank you,

The Steemit Team

Notes from the Community...

SPUD4STEEM - December 1st

The next Steem Power Up Day organized by @kiwiscanfly is coming again in just over a week.

Are you ready to Power Up? There is a prize pool of 15,000 SP in delegations and votes from @steemcurator02 for the winners...

Contests, Contests, Contests

Contests are growing by the day on Steem.

@rishabh99946 is doing a great job maintaining a list of all the current contests around the blockchain.

If you know of any contests not on his list, add a comment to his latest post...

An example of the great range of contests running at the moment is one about Movies Before 2000 from the Writing and Reviews Community run by @belenguerra and @fendit...

Another example is a contest for cat lovers organized by the Steem Bangladesh Community...





This is what you meant then! We won! Lucky logo!

when the @steemitblog first suggested about preparing teams for diarygame season 2, I was so upset because there were no other members I know to make a team. But then I invited some friends and made a team. Then they invited some other friends..

The team forming for the diarygame was the best decision that made for the diarygame season 2 according to my opinion. The turning point of Sri Lankan community is the diarygame season 2. You can't imagine my happiness when seen [Sri Lanka] at the top of this list🥺

A word about the team @randulakoralage @anusha96 @sandu @dinoli @randula99

Thank you so much for working hard for this. They posted continuously even though they had exams, clinical practices, assignment submissions and other works🥰

Congratulations all team winners and all competitors who joined with the diarygame.

I like to have the prize as a vote for my next post

Thank you!

reading this gave me goosebumps 😍😍

Hey guys, let's celebrate 👏🙊😍🌹🎊🎉🎈🤗🤩❤️

Dear @steemcurator01..
Kami dari tim Aceh-Indonesia [Indonesia] yaitu
@anroja @muzack1 @ernaerningsih @lord-geraldi dan @p3d1 memilih upvote untuk hadiahnya.
Terima kasih

Thank you for the confirmation on this @anroja.

@lord-geraldi has not got a current post to vote on. Will he be posting again?

Saya telah mencoba menghubunginya melalui Discord tetapi dia tidak aktif. Saya tidak memiliki kontak lain dengannya.
Dan domisili dia sangat jauh dengan kami. Butuh waktu 8 jam perjalanan dengan mobil ke tempatnya.

How good to be among the winners as a team I am happy for everyone, congratulations to all the winners, I choose the award in upvotes I consider that the distribution you established is very successful, Greetings and once again thanks to you @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 for the initiative and support!

Wow wow wow 😍😍😍😍
what a great surprise 🙌🙌🙌🙌

@randulakoralage @anusha96 @dinoli @randula99 guys 👏👏👏 we @steemceylon did it as promised to ourselves in the very beginning 😍😍😍.

Congratulations all the other winners. 😍😍😍

I would like to have my prize as a vote

Hey, Fantastic five 😅❤️👏🙊😍🤩🌹🎊🎉🎈

Fantastic five 😍😍😍😍

This calls celebrating!! ❤️🤩🤗🎈🎉🎊🌹😍🙊👏
Congratulations @steemceylon and all the winning teams!

I would like to have my prize as a upvote.


Wow this is unbelievable. This is really a wonderful surprise. I had a great support through out this #DiaryGame season 2 from my team mates @randulakoralage, @dinoli, @anusha, and @sandu. We did guys.

Congratulations to all!! 🎊🎉

I would like to have my prize as liquid STEEM (100 STEEM). Thank you.

I had a great support through out this #DiaryGame season 2 from my team mates @randulakoralage, @dinoli, @anusha, and @sandu.

we did it together 😊😊
congratulations 😍😍

Yeah, finally won 🙊 Team spirit of Steem Ceylon ❤️

Wow it is a surprise. Congratulations to my team @steemceylon and guys @randulakoralage @anusha96 @sandu @randula99 and all the other winners.

I would like to have my prize as liquid STEEM (100 STEEM)
Thank you.

congratulations @dinoli you too. 😍😍

Hey @dinoli, congratulations you tooo 😍

Hola saludos desde Venezuela y dentro de ella desde Ciudad Bolívar, Estado Bolívar, donde esta el poderoso Macizo Guayanés, de ahi nuestro nombre de equipo el @quintetoguayanes es para mi una gran alegría saber que nuestro equipo, lo que nos fortaleció es que todos nos conocemos, vivimos cerca y somos casi familia o formado por familias @javima @babybothe y @milabp son madre e hijas y @vicent21 y mi persona somos hermanos.

Hubo una gran confusión ya se soluciono, gracias a los curator @steemitcurator01 @steemitcurator05 @steemitcurator02 a demas usuarios que visitaban mis post que a pesar de los inconvenientes por el internet salimos adelante y este es el resultado GANADORES habían muchos equipos excelentes que no pensé que el de nosotros cuyos integrantes 3 de ellas son nuevas y aprendieron de una maestra que es @zhanavic69 los primeros pasos de mi mama, pero ya caminan, corren solas je je je.

Gracias a esa señora especial @zhanavic69 que nos alentaba a seguir y que mejor ejemplo que ella, y de @sacra97 muy activa hasta mas que yo.

Mi premio igual que mi hermano, en liquido, también quiero hacerle un regalito a mi mama, mas en estos días que hace falta mucho, aunque se que ella mi mama prefiere que los gastemos en nosotros pero mi hermano y yo sentimos que debemos hacerle su regalo, ya que ella para nosotros nos da todo.

After having made the clarification about @vicent21 which is the fifth member of the team and thanking from the bottom of my heart as @javima all the support of @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 who has been so kind and gentle with my daughters and my person, @steemcurator02, @steemcurator05 and all the representatives of Venezuela: @anasuleidys, @mariita52, @edlili24, @tocho02 for their support, guidance and kindness I wish to receive my award IN VOTES.

Congratulating and wishing the best to the other teams:
Steem Ceylon @steemceylon [ Sri Lanka ]
@randulakoralage @anusha96 @sandu @dinoli @randula99

Strangers [ Russia ]
@amalinavia @maksina @knopka145 @filinpaul @daybook

Aceh-Indonesia [ Indonesia ]
@anroja @muzack1 @ernaerningsih @lord-geraldi @p3d1

Steem-Bangladesh [ Bangladesh ]
@toufiq777 @sajibmolla17 @sohanurrahman @sandysparkle @rex-sumon

Team-ACDES @team-acdes [ Venezuela ]
@sampraise @edlili24 @emilysarahi @allbert @crissanch

I wish to receive my award IN VOTES. THANK YOU ALL

Hola @steemitblog, gracias por el apoyo a nuestro equipo @team_acdes, quiero recibir el premio en forma de votación, al igual que mis compañeros...me encanto trabajar en equipo en el #thediarygame. vamos por más!


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