1000 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 28 - Looking for more Country Representatives - 50K SP available

in #the1000daysofsteem4 years ago


We have been a little distracted the last week or so with the launch of Season 2 of The Diary Game.

And so we have rather let slip on our push to recruit more Country Representatives.

We are allocating another 50,000 SP of delegation to give out to more Country Representatives as soon as we can find the right people.

Country Representatives - who we are looking for

Becoming a Country Representative is quite a commitment.

It is a commitment of time and a commitment to Steem.

We are keen therefore to find the right people to fill the roles available.

We had previously been looking to recruit two Representatives in each country but now seeing the amount of work involved in some of the more 'Steem-Popular' countries we are thinking that three Reprentatives might be better.

A number of people have expressed interest in becoming a Country Representative on a number of different posts but it has been difficult to keep track of them so we would like to bring them together again all in one place.

We are not looking for any application posts now, we just want you to make a single comment with your account name and country below.

We will then check out all the people who are interested and invite those suitable to become Country Reprentatives.

If there are any areas of uncertainty we may offer the role on a one month probationary basis initially.

We do have some quite specific criteria for Country Representatives, so do check yourself against this list before applying...

  • You should not be powering down

  • You should not be actively promoting any other similar blockchain

  • You should not be engaged as a senior representative promoting any other blockchain or dApp

  • You should have at least 3 months recent active experience on Steem

  • You should have a community oriented voting record - ie not voting for yourself more than 10%, not voting for bidbots, and not voting primarily for large curation reward type accounts

  • You should not be a user of bidbots, or large scale delegation investment voting schemes

  • You should have had some recent participation in Steemit challenges and games

  • You should be an active commenter on other people's posts.

And most importantly you should have a desire and commitment to promote and develop Steem in your country through the recruitment of new people and the support of existing Steemians.

If you are still interested in becoming a Country Representative and you meet all the criteria above please put a simple comment below with your name and country.

Those selected will get a direct delegation of 5000 SP to be used for supporting Steemians in their country.

For those in areas of the world with a designated Community Curator account you may also be invited to participate in the operation of that account.

All Representatives can also take part in the recently announced Country Representative of the Month contest.

The existing Country Representatives are doing a great job helping to develop Steem in their countries through recruitment and support of existing Steemians.

They are clearly demonstrating the value of the Country Representative role.

We are therefore very keen to expand the network as fast as possible, with at least another 10 in place by the end of Season 2 of The Diary Game.

Thank you,

The Steemit Team


The rewards from this post go to support the work of @littledisciples in Venezuela.


Dear Steemit Team,

I am interested in becoming a "Country Representative" for Germany - or better - the German speaking community (Austria, Germany, Switzerland) for one month.

Even though an application post is not required, I will write one in my mother tongue to explain my reasons. You will receive the link shortly.

Best regards


Dear @steemitblog,
this is my detailed application:


You can consider yourself lucky that @chriddi wants to take over this responsibility. She is the best choice!

Danke, lieber Werner! Es ist so eine Freude, so viele Freunde hinter sich stehend zu wissen! Gegebenenfalls habe ich sogar schon eine Idee, wie ich dich als "Veteranen" ohne Aufwand mit einbeziehen kann. Das verrate ich aber erst, wenn es soweit ist... ;-)

Liebe @chriddi,

der Power Down von Stemmit läuft und läuft.
Das sieht so aus, als wolle man den Account auf Null fahren :(
So, wie ich das sehe, wandern die STEEM alle an die Börse.

Weiß man denn schon etwas zu der Sache?

Was sagen denn die Steem-Top-Zeugen dazu?

Ich möchte mich ungern anschließen mit dem Power Down.

Lieben Gruß, @double-u

Edit 4 Stunden später:
Ich hab' mal lieber einen Power Down gestartet.

Lieber @double-u,
ich kann dir dazu nichts sagen, habe dazu außer Spekulationen nichts gelesen.
Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass für Projekte wie folgendes Coins gebraucht werden:
Keine Ahnung. Ich bin extrem ruhig, werde mich öffentlich nicht an Spekulationen beteiligen und leite keinen PD ein.
Lieber Gruß,

Wenn ich von meiner Beinprothesenreparaturspezialistenmeisterin zurück sein werde, können wir da ja drüber reden ;-)

Sie sind auch eine ideale Wahl.
Ich vertraue auf Ihre Fähigkeiten.
@double-u : D


Although I do not understand your German Language, I agree with you. Thank you German friends:💐

@chriddi is highly qualified for this position in human and professional terms. For me she is the best choice as representative of the German speaking community on the STEEMIT plattform.

@vieanna, du bist phantastisch! Dankeschön 😊

I'm with you on this

Also from me, my full support and respect for your great commitment to the German community.

Auch von mir, meine volle Unterstützung und Respekt, dass du dich für die deutsche Community so großartig einsetzt.

Danke! Es ist ein tolles Gefühl zu erfahren, wie viele Leute hinter einem, einer Idee stehen!

I declare my fullest confidence in @chriddi and give her my vote for her application as STEEMIT country representative for germany.

Ich spreche @chriddi mein vollstes Vertrauen aus und gebe ihr meine Stimme für ihre Bewerbung als STEEMIT-Ländervertreterin für Deutschland.

Ui, das geht runter wie Öl. Danke!

As many people before me, we @stef1 and @myskye would like to join the rest of the German speaking group and support the candidate of @chriddi for "Country Representative" for Germany.

She is an active Steem blockchain user, very supportive to everyone, she always very thoroughly reading the posts and I believe everyone agree reading her comments it is easy to feel that this is ONLY for you written.

With @chriddi you will gain a big amount of German speaking users on board.

Ich danke dir von Herzen für diese wunderbaren Worte! Bin total gerührt, wieviel Zuspruch und Einsatz von so vielen tollen Menschen ich auf diese Bewerbung hin gerade erhalte. Allein diese Erfahrung war es wert und wird mir helfen, den Posten ggf. umso besser auszufüllen. Danke!

I can only confirm that. @chriddi would be the best choice. She's been with us for almost 3 years and has experienced ups and downs with the steem. She is very well known under the #german and is committed to the German speaking community.

Auch dir vielen Dank, lieber Michael.
Ihr seid großartig!!!

@chriddi should have the job!

She's an "old" Steemian, very well liked and highly respected in the German-speaking community. I can't recall even one incident where she stepped on anybody's virtual toes; she simply has a universally pleasant personality, getting along with everybody. At the same time, she's not a people-pleaser but very capable of taking a stand and sticking to her guns. In times of discord in the community she has always shown herself as a voice of reason and conciliation.

In terms of content @chriddi delivers well-rounded, entertaining posts phrased in proper German, as opposed to the mangled language one tends to see in too many social media writings. I believe her to contribute real value to this platform with her writings. She comments frequently on posts of others, taking the time to engage with their content - something that has become a pretty rare occurrence indeed. Of course this also applies to comments made under her posts.

I would feel very comfortable with @chriddi as the Country Representative for our community and support her 100%.

Boah, ich bekomme eine Gänsehaut! Danke, lieber Folker!


Joo, ich habe diese wahnsinnige Wirkung auf Frauen. Meistens kurz bevor sie weglaufen ;-)

I think @chriddi is an excellent choice as the representative of the German speaking community on this platform. She has my full support and I second every word of praise others have written under this post already.

Vielen Dank, Caro! Euer Rückhalt überwältigt mich gerade etwas.

I support @chriddi's application for this position and, as part of the German community, feel well represented by this user.

Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung!

Thank you for your application @chriddi.

Approximately how many active Steemians are there in Germany currently?

Well, even this question is difficult to answer, which is due to the definition of "active".
"Germany" cannot stand alone in our particular case. Germany, Austria, Switzerland have united under the hashtag #deutsch. And the only thing that unites us is our common mother tongue: German.
I am very interested in making this "group" a strong group again, which agrees on one more point: To advance the Steem in the German-speaking area by good content. This will only progress slowly. But it needs a user who gives impulses and sorts ideas to bring them down to a common denominator at some point. This could be me, since I am a relatively popular and experienced member of our small community.
As you can see on my stake, I don't necessarily need your SP. But it would be nice to get support from Steemit and give users a contact person as a link to the "authorities".

Does that sound complicated? Is that at all in your sense of country representatives? Admittedly a bit different, but it is an attempt to unite a fragmented group and keep it on the Steem. Please read my article, perhaps my approach will become clearer. There you can also see the many positive reactions - and a little hope of some frustrated users since a lot of our curators are gone.

Back to your question:
I estimate that about 70 German speaking users are blogging more or less regularly. Another 30 or so only read and comment, an unspecified number only curates. Maybe 150, but I might be completely wrong with this estimate, it's probably less people.

I think you have a clear vision and strategy and it is well explained in your post. You are very experienced and knows your community the best. What works in some parts of the world likely has no effect in another.

That approach is really something unique and I endorse this to the fullest.
And you are absolutely qualified to become the ambassador for your country. You became popular for a reason.

You got our vote and hope you get the role. X

What works in some parts of the world likely has no effect in another.

Thanks, @ciska, you are great and you opened my eyes!

The "country representative" as Steemit wants it, does not suit me, I am not adaptable enough for that. And what I believe in, what I also wish for, is uniqueness. This will also help the German-speaking community to become large again.

Do you know what the greatest thing about my application was? To experience the support of so many users! That shows me that I don't officially need the role, I already own it! As a kind of "class representative" I can and will use it!

Thanks again - you are my inspiration!

@fendit Argentina
I'm still didn't turn 3 months old here, but I'm really engaged into Steemit. I really enjoy sharing things here and I'd love to help out argentinians to engage as well!

Name : @sohanurrahman
I am from Bangladesh.

I've been on steemit for almost 2 months. However, I was regularly active and commented on other people's posts. Can I be accepted as a representative?

I am interested in the role and I want to be a representative from #Bangladesh.

I think Bangladesh have 2 curators?

We have huge number of people from Bangladesh. So, we have need more representatives to guide them.

Thank you for you apply .. we need more representative like you

Thank you, for your support brother.

Best of luck brother

I support you. Because you are working hard for steemit. Best of luck.

Thank you, for your support.

I agree with you brother.

You are one of the few people who have contributed to the advancement of Steemit in Bangladesh.

Hopefully you will be rewarded for your hard work and honesty.

Carry on bro. Best of luck ❤

Thank you, for supporting me.

@sohanurrahman i support you brother..carry on...you are great blog writer and also regularly active.i always agree with you..you are one of the best for representatives from bangladesh..thank you

Thank you, for your support.

Greetings, if there is much to do yet! but everything is great. I'm still interested @sampraise for Venezuela.

Proposing that they try the charge for a month is great, we hope that many will be encouraged, thank you for all the work and support that you provide collectively and individually. I'm doing the translation.
Translation to Spanish /// Traduccion al español.

Hola @mariita52 es un placer saludarte, le notifico que los integrantes de mi equipo @arrozconcoco no han sido votados en algunos de sus post y ya están próximos a vencerse por favor para que revise, como yo tengo más experiencia en el diario decidí escribirle ellos son nuevos participando así que por favor revise nuestros diarios los integrantes de mi equipo son: @giocondina @jadams2k18 @hllenmor @maparari y mi persona @mariela53.


@mariita52 te mande solicitud de amistad por discord para preguntarte como hacen 3 amigas que reclute para iniciar el diario game ellas son usuarios de Steemit pero quieren participar. Que deben hacer ellos para ingresar al diario. En espera de tu respuesta. Gracias. Saludos.

Even i am interested in taking the above role of you consider me if i fullfill the requirements @steemitblog and @steemcurator01 . Do check the little contribution from myside to this platform and i promise many more to come. https://steemit.com/the1000daysofsteem/@monz122/my-recruitment-for-the-diary-game-season-2-by-steemitblog

Seeing the criteria required for this delegation I think my team @steemalive #nigeria stand to match those requirements and @focusnow has been working selflessly to recruit, and establish steemit in a more lucrative way in this part of the world(Nigeria) and has also began a search for an office to teach people about steemit click to read more I think this delegation can motive and fasten this project as a means to keep our recruits and convince new ones

Keep up with the good work. My team members @steemalive and I are very active in posting.

I propose our founder @focusnow. You can check his profile for more satisfactory details.

Good luck in searching for more country representative. Nigeria needs more and we'll be glad to have another one helping the selected country representative.


I am already involved in the promotion of the platform. Maximum members of our Bangladesh community are know about my work. I can't be representative because I haven't been active on the platform for a long time. But I want to continue working for the platform without being representative. I have fallen in love with this platform. If you look at my previous posts you will understand how much I love the platform. And tonight I will make a post where I will mention how to successfully implement a large initiative. We paid a poor boy to buy a phone to work on this platform. I am constantly campaigning. Many people from different places are constantly contacting me to know about the work. I distributed some posters.

My intention is that once all the people in my area will leave Facebook and Twitter and start spending time on this platform and share all the moments of their lives here.

Hey, I can also help you out on Pinterest. Don't you think there are many more people spending and wasting their time on Pinterest, ANd I am a professional pinterest marketer with 4 years of working experience. I believe with my qualificatin i can bring more people out there to your steem
Uploading image #1...

Also, check my blog post on my Steem Handle with this link.. https://steemit.com/steemit/@segsuper/i-will-manage-and-market-your-pinterest-business-account you will learn more once you click and go through it.

How can i contact with you

You can chat me up on WhatsApp through this number

Or click this link to contact me on my platform https://www.fiverr.com/segsuper01?up_rollout=true

Once you reach destination just click contact me and enter with your email then we can negotiate

And just identify yourself as a friend from steemit.

Hello dear brother. Are you use Discord..? If yeas. Please join here https://discord.gg/X3392wX


Thank you for you apply .. we need more representative like you

Thanks my brother. I'm also want to do something better for steem

Best of luck brother

Thanks brother

Inshallah your initiative will be successful. You helped a poor boy by buying a mobile phone. You have invited all the children in your area to leave Facebook-Twitter. You have indomitable willpower. You must succeed if you have such a will.

Brother, I am very happy to read your comment. I want all the people in my area to leave Twitter and Facebook and start using this platform. Then we can all have a great time here. That is my purpose.And I work to achieve this goal

I pray for you brother.

Thanks a lot brother

id : @ridoykhan22
I am from #Bangladesh.

i want to get this opportunity and want to be a representative from #Bangladesh.

Thank you for you apply .. we need more representative like you

There are two representatives from Bangladesh, you seriously want it?

yeah, they are working hard, but you can see from Bangladesh there are huge number of new user increasing day by day. @toufiq777 and @tarpan always support them and I am also support them much and try to increase new member in this platform , but if we have more representative from Bangladesh then we can work easily.

Yeah there are huge number of increasing but I think they both representatives are much for them all, and you said you are also supporting them. If anyone be 3rd representative from Bangladesh there is @asad44. He is much hard worker in all Bangladesh users.
No hate!
Thank You

Everyone is working hard. @asad44 brother has added many members, I saw. But most of its members are not active. In my opinion, it is not necessary to just join people here. You have to try to keep everyone active.

I am supporting @sohanurrahman and @sajibmolla17. They are working hard.

How much time have you spent to understand which user in Bangladesh is suitable for this responsibility?

Only one second, Because Legend.... @rex-sumon
I can't understand that you are sad for not mentioning you or sad for that mentioning @asad44.

Your choice is not bad. @abdt
In my opinion, everyone deserves to be a representative. Everyone is working hard. Good luck to all.

@ridoykhan22 You are working hard for new users i want to see you as a representative from bangladesh

i am trying my best to help people

I really like your hard work

I also support @ridoykhan22 to be an representative from bangladesh!

Best of luck brother

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