Why Bible Prophecy Matters! “God Prophetic Calendar, the Seven Feasts”. Part Five…The Day of Atonement…Yom Kippur.
Are you excited yet? Jesus is coming soon in the clouds, with a powerful and glorious show of power and the unmistakable sound of the Last Trumpet and all the world will hear and see it! Jesus will continue to fulfill His Fathers purposes as a loving and obedient Son, and so will be true on the Day of Atonement as some future Feast. Lev. 23:26-32 and Lev. 16 gives us the clear directives to Aaron and the people of Israel concerning this feast. Yom Kippur occurs in the seventh month and on the 10th day. It is a day to afflict oneself through prayer and fasting and to wait upon the Lord in hopes that all their past sins of the year would be forgiven. Once the Temple is rebuilt, the Mosaic sacrifice system will restart. This is the most solemn day on the Jewish calendar.
I believe at some future Feast of Atonement Jesus will set His feet upon the Mount of Olives and return to judge the Nations and destroy the kingdom of the Antichrist. This will truly be a solemn and dreadful day and it will also be “the Day of the Lord”. We will get into the details of Christ glorious return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords; but I think it is important to step back and see the big picture and events preceding this solemn feast. These are the sequence of events I believe that will soon unfold (excluding the first one as it has already happened). I may not be 100% accurate in terms of sequence; however I do believe based on Scripture it will very close to what I have outlined based on a careful study of Bible prophecy.
The prophets foretold Israel would return to the land of Israel in the last days and as we know this process began with the Balfour Declaration in November of 1917, and formerly the Nation of Israel was birthed May 14th 1948. The Fig Tree (Israel) has once again appeared and this was a HUGE sign post for Israel, humanity and the Church. Ezekiel: 34:11-16, 37: 1-14, 21-22.
The Birth Pang Signs will occur BEFORE the Seven Year Tribulation period. These events are mainly based on spiritual deception, social, geopolitical, cosmic and ecological crises. We will know that the timing of Christ return is near when we see the multiple signs Jesus foretold intensifying and becoming more frequent as a group. We are seeing all the signs intensifying over the last few years and we could very possibly be in the season right now that Jesus foretold. Matt. 24: 3-8, Mark 13: 3-8; Luke 21: 10-11.
The Apostle Paul also warns us in the last days people will increasingly become extremely selfish, addicted to pleasure, brutal, reckless, disobedient and spiritual (spirituality) with no relationship with God or embracing His holy standards…boy that sounds a lot like today! 2 Timothy 3: 1-9
I also believe we will see a major war soon, and possibly the war of God and Magog as detailed in Ezekiel 38-39 where Russia and her allies will attack Israel. God will intervene and overwhelmingly destroy these enemies of Israel as a testimony of His faithfulness to the His people. This will begin the spiritual awakening of the Jews. I will go into detail of the several prophesied wars that have not yet happened and hopefully in the very near future. Wars are always a major disrupter to the financial system and they will escalate the collapse; especially if you have massive bubbles in the stocks, bonds/derivatives and real-estate markets globally and this is our current reality! We have a greatest DEBT BOMB in all of humanity exceeding several QUADRILLION Dollars and NO possible way to pay it back. This includes all banks, corporations, individuals, governments, derivatives and we are in a very precarious time in history.
I believe there will be a massive global economic collapse over many years and some sort of a financial reset initially with SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights developed by the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) and they are part of the New World Order. Then it is highly likely that blockchain technology (centralized) will be utilized in the near future with precious metals backing the new financial global system to create the illusion of stability. This will be a short-term solution, and ultimately lead to an even worse financial enslavement. The New World Order will band all cash (this process has already begun) and all humans will be tracked through the cashless system. I will do a complete blog on this subject in the near future Lord willing. The stage will be set for the New World Order to establish itself, due to the complete failure of governments globally and the banking elites ponzi scheme collapsing. There will very serious social breakdown and economic chaos during this period! Rev. 13: 16-18.
The New World Order elites will use this crises to establish a 10 regional global government system (socialism/fascism on steroids). The Antichrist will overthrow 3 of the Kings in the early stages of the Tribulation and eventually show his true colors at the mid-point of the seven year tribulation period. He will evolve into a ruthless dictator with incredible Satanic power to deceive the world and demand total worship and complete allegiance validated by receiving the Mark of the Beast “666”. The implanted micro clip will also have a visible mark on ones forehead or right hand to identify you. Both Daniel the Prophet and John the Apostle foresaw the terrifying Beast who would overthrown 3 Kings and take charge of the 10 regional world government. Dan. 7: 7-8, 20, 24-25; Rev. 12: 3; 13: 1-2, 5, 17: 16-17.
The Apostle Paul addressed a very important concern that the young Thessalonian Church had; as they had been told by someone that Christ had already come…which of course was false. Paul tells the believers that two things must happen first before Christ second coming. First, there would be an apostasy (a significant falling away from Biblical faith) and this is already occurring as people are increasingly following false teachers/prophets/apostles and even false messiahs all over the world. Second, the man of lawlessness would be revealed (meaning the Antichrist) to the Church. 2 Thes. 2: 1-12 and true believers will witness both signs before our Lord returns.
At first this Antichrist will appear as a very charismatic, a solution oriented individual and even demonstrating compassion. He will bring global order, (social, financial, spiritual and provide real leadership the world desperately needs) and he will be able to cut deals to bring peace which will include the illusive peace treaty with Israel and their Arab neighbors. This will be part of his grand deception with Israel and many Jews will believe he is their Messiah. As part of this treaty, the Antichrist will allow the Temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem. All looks wonderful for Israel UNTIL the 3.5 year mark, when prophesy of Daniel will realized called “the Abomination of Desolation”. Daniel 9:27; Matt. 24: 16-17; 2 Thes. 2: 3-4.
As the Antichrist sets up his throne up in the Temple with his idolatrous image and demands complete worship; the spiritual blinders will be removed from many Jews and they know they must flee for their lives from Jerusalem and Israel into the wilderness and mountains Mark 13: 14-18; Rev. 12: 6. God will guide the Jews and protect them as they repent of their sins and embrace Jesus as their true Messiah. They will weep over the one whom they pierced and fulfill Zechariah’s prophetic word. Zech. 12:10; Rev. 13: 3-4, 12-18. Also a Extreme Warning NOT to receive the Mark of the Beast Rev. 14: 9-11.
One also has to remember that the seven Seal Judgments and then the seven Trumpet Judgments are unfolding in succession during this period over multiple years. Jesus described it this way in Mathew 24: 21-22 “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, NO human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect (meaning Gentile and Jewish Christians alive during the Tribulation period) those days were cut short.
I also want to make several important distinctions regarding the Book of Revelation. Revelation was recorded in chronological order and to be taken literally as with all Scripture. The Apostle John was told to write what he say and send it to the seven churches Rev. 1: 11 and in Rev. 1: 19. John is told again to write the things you have seen, those that are (meaning things present in Johns day) and those that are to take place after this (meaning in the future). Revelations chapters 1 to 3 where written to the seven Churches in Asia Minor that John knew personally, but more importantly Jesus had an individual messages to each Church Body and exhorted them all to overcome. Revelations chapters 4 to 22 records the things that were to take place in the future.
Revelations has several interludes (pauses) as the many visions unfolds before John; meaning the Angel or Angels are directed by Jesus to give John and the Churches more details and context concerning that part of the vision.
Here are a few examples: Six of the seven Seal Judgments manifest (Rev. 6:1-17), but then there is an interlude (Chapter 7) explaining that God has sealed a 144,000 Jewish witnesses and a great multitude of believers from all nations standing before the throne of God in heaven (most likely killed during the 6 seal judgments since it tells us one quarter of humanity is destroyed due to the severity of the fourth judgment and these saints come out of the Tribulation period). Then the seventh seal continues in Chapter 8: 1-5. We see the same pattern with the trumpet judgments Rev. 8: 6 to 9:20…then a phase to clarify an important Angel with a little scroll in Chapter 10. Again more details are given in Chapter 11 with the testimony of the two witnesses and finally the last Trumpet is sounded and the announcement of Christ return for her Bride is given and the unfolding of His Kingdom.
Then another interlude describing the women (Israel as a Nation) and God’s sovereign protection of Israel (those who turn to Christ) in the wilderness for the last 3.5 years. Then a great battle ensues between Michael and the dragon in chapter 12, the Beast and the False Prophet arise in Chapter 13. Chapter 14 describes the Lamb and the 144,000 Jewish believers who have most likely been killed by the brutal persecution of the Antichrist. Three Angels declare messages to the earth and then the Rapture/Resurrection is described as the great harvest of believers from the earth. Finally a second harvest is described as a cluster of grapes thrown into the wine press of the wrath of God unfolding through King Jesus second coming on the Day of Yom Kippur with the host of heaven with Him (the Saints who will rule and reign with Him during the Millennium Kingdom) which is described later in Chapter 19. Again, we see the consistent pattern of interlude to explain unfolding events on the earth (Bowl Judgments on the Antichrist's Kingdom chapters 16-18) before Christ returns as King to rule and reign for a 1000 years, chapter 19.
I hope this has given you a clearer understanding of the many events that will come to pass exactly as the Prophets foretold them; and Jesus who will fulfill them in perfect order and timing to establish His Kingdom on the earth.
We will continue clarifying Jesus prophetic role in the Feast of Atonement next week. I will Lord willing tie together the long awaited multifaceted events of the second coming of Jesus on the Yom Kippur which is synonymous with the “Day of the Lord” and the Great Battle of Armageddon will take place.
From a friend, Bill W…if you have found these studies insightful and encouraging pass them on to a friend!