The Ultimate Purpose of Human Life

in #the4 years ago


Every human being would want to live happily said or not. However, everyone's perceptions, understandings, and feelings about happiness are different. There are those who see other people as happier because they have abundant wealth, while they don't have all of it. However, it turns out that the rich man felt that his life was less than happy because of many problems in the company and household. So what is meant by happiness? Prof. Dr. Haryono Suyono in his book Happiness Revolution shares the essence of his life experience.

  1. Understanding and Definiting Happiness
    Happiness can be defined as the thought or feeling of being sufficient, happy, loving, satisfied, enjoyable, and excited that is great or very strong. The following are the classic views of Happiness.

A. Aristotle.
According to Aristotle, what makes someone happy is not necessarily someone else's happiness because happiness is relative.

B. Hendrik Ihsen.
According to Hendrik Ihsen, people who often think that the journey to find happiness has almost arrived, but it is still far away. The extreme opinion says that it is futile if one tries to find happiness because it must end in disappointment, happiness is a dead end.

C. Leo Tolstoy.
According to Leo Tolstoy, the reason a person feels hopeless because they never find happiness is because he is only looking for happiness for himself. Even though the happiness that someone achieves is a source of happiness for others.

Whatever the definition and measurement of happiness, one thing is certain that happiness comes from oneself. No one is responsible for our happiness but ourselves. If we are always grateful, always do good, have no enemies, be honest, then we will not feel sad. It is our mindset that determines whether we are happy or not, not external factors.


  1. Working is a Mean to be Happy

Work is one way to achieve happiness. But in reality, the number of employees who are unhappy with their jobs exceeds the number of employees who are happy with their jobs. This is certainly a cause for concern, even though you could say that the place where we work is our second home. What can be done to keep someone happy at work?

A. Give meaning to the work that is occupied.

Employees who have a complete understanding of their work will transmit positive influences around them, they are also more productive. The valuation of a job can be viewed from several aspects; to what extent is the organization's impact on customers and society? What is the special contribution of an employee to customers, society and the environment? And how can we help others to cultivate and encourage a spirit of achievement and convince them that their presence and activities are useful. Friendship at work is equally important, everyone has values ​​that guide their activities, including when working in an organization. If he is forced to violate these values, he will feel deprived of meaning in his work.

B. Have friends.

Friends can encourage someone to be more involved in their work. Employees who have a friend will find their work more enjoyable and satisfying (Christine Riordan). Friends are also ready to provide support and help foster loyalty to the company.

C. Smile a lot.

Even though it sounds simple, a smile can add happiness. Smiling will help release neuropeptides. Smiling rubs off on other people too, and they smile too.

D. Separating personal and work matters.

Don't bring personal matters into work. When your personal life is in trouble, you experience a lot of emotional hijacking. Stress is exhausting.

E. Thank colleagues.

Never forget to say thank you to colleagues who helped us, whoever he is and the slightest help. When others say thank you to us, there is a feeling of being valued in us. In turn, there will be a willingness to help those who say thanks to us. At the same time, we too are willing to help others. Say thanks to all employees regardless of level.

F. Take a deep breath.

Someone often feels bored while working, so take a deep breath after completing one job and before starting another. Taking deep breaths is one simple way to control stress.

G. Maintain blood sugar.

Eating foods that maintain blood sugar helps prevent dizziness and fatigue, and helps improve concentration. Health is one of the bases of happiness.

H. Tidy up the workplace.

A tidy workplace will make employees more prepared and efficient at work. A neat work table makes the environment more comfortable, it's easier to find the items we need.

I. Maintaining professionalism.

Changing other people is very difficult, so accept others for who they are, unless their personality and behavior have a negative impact on us. Avoid accusing each other. Maintain professionalism. If we are able to do this, we can live a happier life.


  1. Somewhere Along the line, the Happiness as Goal is Forgotten

If you only look at it from the outside, it is actually not easy to determine whether someone is truly happy. There are many examples that we can find around us. In the end, it is not appearance that makes us valued by people, but achievement and contribution to others. People who focus on appearances don't essentially understand what happiness means.


  1. We are Trapped in a Mean and Process

If asked what your greatest motivation is, there will probably be many answers. However, whether we realize it or not, whether we say it or not, all of those motivations boil down to one goal: "I want to be happy". Happiness is the ultimate goal for humans doing something. Unfortunately, even though they really want to be happy, many people go on the wrong path. This means that he is more concerned with the process and forgetting the goal. What's the meaning of wealth, success if we get it in ways that are not good, which may harm others. It would be nice if we get it with love, because compassion is the essence of happiness. Affection implies caring, respect for others accompanied by a willingness to help each other. When love is planted, happiness will come. Success and wealth are only "bonuses".


  1. But Again We Live to be Happy

If we agree that this is the purpose of our life, then it should become an integral part of our actions. "Happiness is not something ready to serve, it comes from your actions" (Dalai Lama, Spiritual Leader of Tibet). Action does not always bring happiness, but there is no joy without action. Let us consider the following points;

a. Don't wait to be happy to smile, but smile and you will be happy.

b. Don't wait for the new rich to give charity, but give charity so you will get richer.

c. Don't wait to be motivated to move, move then you will be motivated.

d. Don't wait to be cared for by new people, you care, care about other people, then you will be cared for.

e. Don't wait for people to understand you, then you will understand them, but understand other people so people will understand you.

f. Don't wait to be inspired to write, write, then inspiration will be present in your writing.

g. Don't wait to be loved to love, learn to love and you will be loved.

h. Don't wait for a lot of new money, live calmly, live calmly, believe that it's not just money that comes but also other sustenance.

i. Don't wait to be able to do it, but do it then you can do it !.

j. Don't wait for free time to worship, but take time to worship.

Our purpose in life is to be happy, but it doesn't come automatically, it takes action, effort, and process. It is like many who want to be as sharp as a knife but are reluctant to be sharpened, want to be as strong as steel, but are reluctant to be hammered, want to be as brilliant as gold but are reluctant to be melted. In human life, this process is synonymous with testing. The trials that shape us lead to the goodness of life.

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