👉 "The Fou!l Play!" WOX - Series | Premier League Edition | Bet 5 | Claim your rewards now!

West Ham United vs FC Chelsea


"How many yellow cards are flying around?"

The results of the last round:

FC Liverpool vs. Nottingham Forest


There were 8 yellow cards in this game. There were (unfortunately) only 2 players, but they share the winning pot 2. @the-gorilla guessed 4 cards and @sabbirakib guessed 5 cards. This means that both receive 25% of the prize pot.

That was the funniest round ever. Schiri Hahnsen laughed his ass off.


R. Yates did it in the first half! 😂


Congrats! 🥳

The Gorilla has thus doubled the benefit share for the Sportscurator01 account. :)


Schiri Hahnsen counts every yellow card. If a player receives a second yellow card that leads to a yellow-red card, then two cards are counted. The exception is a straight red card. This is not counted in this game "How many yellow cards are flying around?".

Bet 5

Schiri Hahnsen will regularly pick out Premier League matches and give his prediction.
For the fifth round, Hahnsen has opted for the match:

West Ham United vs FC Chelsea


Hahnsen's prediction:

5 yellow cards are flying around

Leave your tip in the comments!

If you think referee Hahnsen has experience, I agree with his opinion, then he will split the winnings evenly with you if the prediction was correct.

But you can also bet against him. If you think this chicken-head has no idea. It will be a flurry of cards with 10 yellow cards or it will be peaceful to sleep and at most 2 yellow cards will be shown, then you have the opportunity to win the 50% share of the rewards.

The prize pot for the participants is 50% of the article rewards

Of these, 50% will go to the winner(s) with the correct tip.
The other 50% will be distributed fairly and equally to all other participants.

Prize pot: 50% of the article rewards


The distribution will be done automatically by the friendly payout bot DUBby (@du-finanzbot). 5% (+ 5% Yates special bonus) will go to @sportscurator01, the WOX Sports curator account.

Can people choose a total that’s already been selected?

Yes, that is possible. If the correct tip wins, the prize pot will be divided among the correct tips.

For example: Link

The best news at the end:

You can only win because every participant wins!

The only thing you have to do...

Throw your number into the ring!

Tip submission up to 1 hour before kick-off.

Good luck @all :)

Graphics and idea: @peppermint24
Broadcast live by KURURU-TV


Ach, was soll's, ich tippe mal, dass es ordentlich zur Sache geht: 7 gelbe Karten. :-)

Naja, bisher sind ja in jedem ausgewählten Spiel ordentlich Karten verteilt worden :)
Da kann was gehen :)

Your bet against Schiri Hahnsen:

Your bet: 7 yellow cards - Schiri Hahnsen: 5 yellow cards

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